Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?

Chapter 196: Who Is Tian Su? Part 2

Hearing his words, Tian Su closed his eyes for a moment. But the next moment, he puts a crazy smile on his face and speaks "It seems I made a lot of mistakes. I thought nobody would notice it but I guess you are an exception."

"And, yes you are indeed correct at least for the fact that I wanted to kill you first. I bore the Celestial Bloodline. Nothing in this world is capable of killing me as long as I keep getting stronger. But, the people with Celestial Bloodline has one major weakness."

"As you know it, our soul is very sacred and it's something that every celestial is compelled to protect. And, anything that threatens our soul is the enemy that we must eliminate first. I don't how you have such precise control over your soul."

"Even reincarnated person can't have such control but considering the fact that you were an alchemist as well as an array master, it wouldn't be that much of a surprise. So, my first priority was to kill you but I didn't get any chance."

"You weren't weak so if I try to forcefully kill you, I would definitely get caught. But during this moment, I met a person, a friend from my past life. With his help, I finally developed a plan to kill you and others as well."

"As for dagger not reaching his heart, you are wrong. It's not that I couldn't kill him rather I didn't kill him."

"Tch! Don't lie with such a straight face. Do you think I would buy that? You wanted to kill him but the person that you are now is not the same person who met Brother Lan. That's why you couldn't kill him." Hearing his words, Guo Min instantly interrupted.

Tian Su's expression changed as his eyes narrowed. He lifted his hand while holding his daggers and said "Then, let me prove it by killing him."

"You have to go through me first." Guo Min released his white flames as he stood in front of Tian Su and spoke. For a moment, both of them didn't move. But suddenly, Tian Su disappeared while Guo Min turned around and thrusts his palm.

The white flames condensed at his palm. The dagger covered with darkness also thrusts towards him. The white flames and dagger collided, while the dagger pierced Guo Min's palm, Tian Su coughed out blood as the white flames touched his body.


Suddenly, a figure rushed towards Tian Su from behind and slammed a kick on his head. At the same time, a figure appeared in the mid-air and slashed a dagger all over his body. The blood splattered in the air while Tian Su collided with the tree and fell to the ground.


"You guys!" As soon as he fell, Tian Su raised his head and saw Zhao Tan standing behind Guo Min. As for the person who slashed his body with daggered coated with darkness, he couldn't find him. But, he did see the hands and the person's image instantly came to his mind.

"Liu Bing….."

As soon as he remembered her, his gaze finally fell on her. She was standing right beside Zhao Tan but previously, he couldn't see her.

"You think you are the only one who knows how to play dirty. Since you betrayed us, then don't expect us to show any mercy." Zhao Tan patted Guo Min's shoulder and turned his head at Tian Su, sneering at him.

At this moment, Tian Su slowly raised his head and his eyes fell on the battle between Qin and Jin Hao. Unfortunately, there was another person fighting alongside Qin. Yue Bin was using her dragon form and helping Qin to take down Jin Hao.

'Damn! They got the numbers. We don't have anyone and if those two join the battle as well, we will lose for sure.'

Tian Su gritted his teeth and still remembered Lan Ming and Guo Yang. Currently, they haven't joined the battle and if they join the battle, he and Jin Hao would stand no chance against them. But, suddenly his vision blurred and the darkness appeared in front of his eyes.

'You told me that you will get revenge for me. That's why I gave you my body. You can't die yet.' A voice rang in his mind as his soul got shaken.

'Damn! It's you… you haven't disappeared yet.' Instantly, Tian Su realized the source of the voice and shouted in his mind.

'I won't disappear. I will never disappear unless you took that revenge.' The voice rings in his head once again.

'It's you…. If not for you, I would've pierced that guy's heart.' Tian Su gritted his teeth as he shouted inside his mind.

'You are not allowed to hurt young master. He is the sole reason why you got this body. I was supposed to die but he brought me back to life.' The voice rings once again. But this time, there were some emotions stored in that tone.

Hearing his words, Tian Su stayed silent for a moment. After a while, he spoke 'Choose one; Revenge or His Life. I can't give you both. This time I am not going to leave any weakness. This time I am not going to die. Jin Hao and I will go back, we will take our revenge and I will also take your revenge.'

'But, your opponent is too strong. A sword that can erase celestials, I need to get to the bottom of that. This will be a long journey and if I ever leave a weakness behind, I will get slaughtered in the middle of my journey. So choose one; Revenge or him.'

Slowly, the darkness in front of his eyes fades away. As the darkness disappears, Tian Su's vision returns with a smile on his lips.

"So, you've chosen huh!"


Suddenly, Jin Hao's body lands next to him. His body was covered with bruises and cuts. The marks of sword and claws were visible on his scales.

"We can't defeat them." Jin Hao slowly stands and speaks.

"Not now at least! We will come back and we will kill them." Tian Su stares at Qin and others standing in front of them. Except for Guo Yang and Lan Ming, everyone else was standing in the line.

At this moment, Tian Su's gaze moves around and falls on Su Ling's body, and killing intent flashes on his eyes.

"Partner, you remembered your promise, right?"

"Huh! Which promise?" Jin Hao was startled when he heard those words. He quickly followed Tian Su's gaze and saw Su Ling.

"You got to be kidding me."

"I am serious." Tian Su made a strange but serious face as he spoke.

"I can't.... They won't let me." Jin Hao changed his gaze to others and spoke.

"I got you covered, partner." Tian Su spoke as he walked towards them. Seeing him moving so slowly, they got confused but they were still on their guards. Tian Su instantly bursts his darkness and shouted.

"Five Seconds Partner!"

In an instant, a dome of darkness covered everyone, not just the sky but also the ground.

"What is this?" Qin shouted as he tried to move his leg but he got stuck.

"Don't you already know? Domain of Shadow, the move that makes everyone impossible to move for five seconds." Tian Su spoke with a proud expression but he was instantly covered with sweat and also panting hard.

To use this domain, he had to sacrifice a lot of stamina.

"4" "3" "2" "1"



The next moment, the domain of darkness disappeared and a head landed on his hand. At the same time, Su Ling's body fell to the ground.

Everyone saw the head, but they didn't even get a chance to see her body. Their expression froze.

"H-o-w d-a-r-e y-o-u?" At this moment, a monstrous killing intent appeared in the surrounding. Qin's devil form became even deadlier.

Whoosh! Splash! Bang!

In an instant, he dashed in front of Tian Su and stabbed his chest. But the next moment, a fist smashed Qin's body. His body flew out and collided with the tree.

"You okay, partner?" Jin Hao caught Tian Su and flew towards the sky.

"Hehe…. Gah! I won't die….." Tian Su giggled while coughing out blood. He raised his hand which held Su Ling's head and looked at Jin Hao.

"This is just a beginning."

Jin Hao also smiled and nodded his head.

"Yeah! This is just a beginning."


Suddenly, their attention shifted towards Qin who was moving flying towards them with intense speed. His eyes were red, filled with killing intent. The devil energy and sword energy merged together in his sword. His eyes were fixated on Jin Hao.

"You still got that?" Tian Su asked.

"Yeah, but it will take ten seconds to activate." Jin Hao gritted his teeth.

"I block his attack. Even if he cuts me, I won't die." Tian Su puts a serious face as his wound starts healing up but it was still a big wound.

"No, his target is me. Activate this and I will block. With your blood, I will be able to heal no matter the injuries." Jin Hao handed a talisman to Tian Su and started plucking his dragon scales. Each time he plucks, his expression turns worse.

"You idiot!" Tian Su curses him but instantly focuses on activating the talisman. With his dragon scales, he forms a shield and holds it tightly.

"Blade of Asura!"

Qin raises his hand and slashes down. The devil energy and sword energy combines together with killing intent, turning it into a monstrous slash.

Bang! Crack!

His slash breaks the shield and when the dark red slashes come into his vision. Jin Hao's eyes turned white for a second.

'Am I going to die here?'

There was no doubt. If that sword falls, he will die. Unlike Tian Su, he doesn't have a Celestial Bloodline and can't heal instantly. Thus, he knew he got no chance of surviving it. But, suddenly, his eyes widen even more.


The drops of blood fall on his cheek as he sees a man's face in front of him. That man was other than his father. Jin Chen lifts his hand and touches Jin Hao's cheeks, with tears in his eyes.

"Foolish son! Even if you lock me, they will never spare my life.

"Live well..... son!"



As Jin Hao screams, he and Tian Su disappear.

///// This is the end of the second volume. And from the third volume, the story will take a different turn than a classic cultivation story. It will be still about sword, devil, dual cultivation but there will be a much more fun storyline waiting ahead.

And, about Tian Su and Jin Hao, as the story progress, everything will be revealed.

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