Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 552 - Something Happened

Chapter 552 Something Happened

Although she felt Wanru seemed to be a little strange, Xia Yu was anxious to meet her mother, so she ignored Wanru’s eyes. Then she got on Shen Yan’s car to go home.

At this time, Mrs. Xia was looking at the door. Seeing them, she held Xia Yu in her arms and cried loudly. She had thought she would never see her daughter again.

“Okay. Come in first.” Xia Mingde’s eyes also turned red, but he was calmer than his wife. He let everyone come into the room, while staring at his daughter.

She had lost a lot of weight and her eyes turned hollow, which made Xia Mingde’s heart ache so much.

“Shen Yan, you go back first.” Xia Mingde said to Shen Yan standing beside.

Shen Yan hesitated for a while, and finally nodded. “Well, I will go back first, and I will come to you tomorrow.”

After Shen Yan left, Mrs. Xia cried for another while, holding Xia Yu in her arms. She scolded Chen Wenxuan, saying she would go to the police station the next day and this time she would never let him go.

“Shen Yan seemed to mean that it has been found that Chen Wenxuan has a serious mental illness, and maybe he will be sent to a psychiatric hospital in a few days. As for his accomplices, they will be prosecuted.” After hearing that Chen Wenxuan had a mental illness, Xia Yu couldn’t hate him.

She felt deep regret for him. He was such a talented person before, but he lost himself and ended up with such an result.

“He has a mental illness? He deserves it!” Mrs. Xia felt no sympathy for him. Fortunately, her daughter and Cheng Xi were fine. Otherwise, she would not let him off the hook even if he had the illness.

At this time, Mrs. Xia could finally understand how Madame Bao felt. She held her daughter in arms, shedding tears.

Xia Yu talked to his parents about these days. Although she was imprisoned by Chen Wenxuan, he didn’t hit her. Xia Yu even uncovered her clothes to confirm what she said.

Mrs. Xia gradually calmed down since Xia Yu comforted her.

Staying at home for two days, Xia Yu went to Zhou Yan’s clinic with her mother. Fortunately, the incident didn’t cause Xia Yu much harm, and Zhou Yan reassured Mrs. Xia.

Shen Yan came to visit her every day, but he came and went in haste every time. Second Madame had come to visit her only twice, but Xia Yu could see that she was so haggard.

“Mom, did anything happen when I was away?” Shen Yan was strange. So was Wanru. Xia Yu thought his mother might know something.

Mrs. Xia’s face changed. She took her daughter’s hand and said, “I planned to tell you several days later. Since you ask about it, I’ll tell you now.”

“Something happened in Shen Family when you were away. Old Madame was very angry and drove First Madame and Shen Mo out of the house. Shen Mo might have been abetted by someone. He thought Old Madame wanted Shen Yang to take over Shen Group, so he incited Shen Yan to cooperate with him to elbow Shen Yang out, but Shen Yan did not agree.”

“In a rage, Shen Mo colluded with several shareholders and said that Shen Yan had no time to manage the development area as he was busy looking for you and he had to take control of Tengfei. He hoped to replace Shen Yan. He kept making waves, so Old Madame let Shen Yang take charge of this project.”

“Shen Yang was really unlucky. A few days after she took over the project, something happened on the construction site and several workers got injured. Old Madame was so anxious, and Shen Yan couldn’t help her as he was looking for you. Old Madame let Shen Mo deal with that, but he refused. Old Madame passed out on the spot out of anger. Now Shen Family is in a mess. Second Madame and Shen Yan have to manage the company and come to visit you every day. They have to take care of the accident while comforting us.”

No wonder even Wanru was somewhat strange. How could Xia Yu just stand by since such a big thing happened in Shen Family? “Mom, I’m free, so I think I can go to Tengfei to work tomorrow.”

Mrs. Xia understood that Xia Yu just wanted to lighten the heavy burden of Shen Yan. “But Zhou Yan said you still have to check.”

“I will. Mom, don’t worry.” Xia Yu remembered she had to come to Zhou Yan’s clinic every day.

“Okay. Don’t make yourself too tired.” At this time, Xia Yu should do something to help, so Mrs. Xia did not stop her.

After getting her mother’s approval, Xia Yu went to Tengfei in the afternoon. Seeing Xia Yu, Liu Sijie breathed a sigh of relief. Someone could help him at long last.

Without saying a word, he went back to his office and took a bunch of documents to Xia Yu. These were accumulated over the past few days and needed to be dealt with urgently.

Xia Yu didn’t come back until the middle of the night. She went to Zhou Yan’s clinic early the next morning. It was nine o’clock after coming out of the clinic. It was baking, and she bought a bottle of water at the convenience store at the door.

She thought of the accident in the construction site, feeling that it was not just a simple accident intuitively. She might as well go to the hospital to find out about the injured. But Xia Yu got a call from Xiao Tang as soon as she got in the taxi.

“Hey. Xia Yu, why haven’t you come to work yet?”

Xia Yu felt a little impatience in Xiao Tang’s tone. She answered, “I had something just now, and now I’m ready to go to the hospital to visit the injured.”

“Are you talking about the injured of the development zone of the Headquarters? That’s great. I just heard from my university roommate that one of the injured died.” How could Xiao Tang not be anxious? Shen Yan and Liu Sijie were really busy. The company would collapse if Xia Yu didn’t come over.

“What?” Xia Yu was taken aback.

Xiao Tang took a breath, “I don’t know whether it’s true or not. You can confirm it when you go to the hospital!”

Xia Yu hung up the phone and asked the driver to drive faster. When the car arrived at the door of the hospital, Xia Yu trotted in. When she arrived at the inpatient department, she saw two police vehicles there. A criminal policeman in uniform was standing next to the car. Xia Yu was ready to walk over to ask about the situation, but suddenly a person rushed out of the hall.

“Officer, my son shouldn’t have been dead! You must shoot the murderer Zhao Panhai!” A white-haired old woman ran ahead, crying hysterically, holding the thigh of one of the criminal policemen.

Then another woman came out from the hall with disheveled hair, who looked about 40 years old. She rushed over to hold the old woman’s arm, and cried, “Mom. Mom, get up first… Don’t do this….”

Zhao Panhai was one of the people who were in charge of the project and happened to be the boss of the deceased. The family of the deceased blamed him for all the responsibilities.

They were surrounded by more and more people gradually. The criminal policeman whose calf was held by the old woman felt awkward out of the scene.

Finally he wiped the sweat on his forehead and comforted the old woman, but Xia Yu didn’t hear what he said. On the one hand, she was far away from them. On the other hand, the old woman cried so loudly and there were so many people around.

Finally, the criminal policeman tore himself from the old woman’s grasp and wanted to get on the car. Xia Yu immediately ran over when she saw it, “Please wait!”

The criminal policeman who walked in front looked obviously older. Hearing Xia Yu’s voice, he stopped and turned around to look at her, “Are you a reporter?”

The policeman glanced at Xia Yu, thinking she wanted to interview him, so he directly said, “I am only responsible for the acceptance and tracking of the case. Being interviewed and meeting the press are not my responsibilities. I’m sorry.” He looked at Xia Yu again and smiled, “Don’t come to interview me. I don’t know anything!” After saying that, he turned around and got on the car, not giving Xia Yu a chance to speak.

Xia Yu stood there in a daze. The policeman should listen to her first at least!

The crowd around kept talking and discussing, and the old woman sitting on the ground was still crying, beating her knees, “Fu Xiong, my son! My son!”

Her voice was hoarse, and her thin body slumped on the ground as if she would pass out at any time. The younger middle-aged woman next to her tried to comfort her at first, but she could not continue anymore after a while. She squatted beside the old woman and hugged her, crying with her together.

It was really a sad and poignant scene, and it was probably another tragedy of losing young loved ones. An accident had destroyed a family.

Xia Yu had wanted to go forward and ask the family for some information, but it was really inappropriate to do that at this time.

The injured person, whose abdomen was punctured by a sharp object, was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment as soon as the incident happened. When he was sent to the hospital, he had suffered severe shock due to excessive blood loss. He survived the operation, but a large-scale abdominal infection occurred then. Finally he died in the morning.

Xia Yu went downstairs with a complicated mood. When she walked to the hall, the crying women at the doorway were gone. The crowd had dispersed, and the only thing left there was the golden sunshine.

It was really a stuffy day. Xia Yu took a breath and went out, but she received Xiao Tang’s call again when she walked down the steps.

“Hey, Xia Yu. How’s it going at the hospital?”

Xia Yu clasped the phone. Xiao Tang seemed to care about the incident so much, and it was probably because it had something to do with her boss.

“Your roommate’s news is right. Ma Fuxiong died this morning due to invalid rescue. The cause of his death was multiple organ failure caused by a sharp object which punctured his abdomen. A large-scale abdominal infection occurred after the operation.”

Xiao Tang paused when hearing Xia Yu’s formulaic tone, and asked after a few seconds, “Where are you now?”

“I am still in the hospital and I’m ready to return to the company.”

Xiao Tang responded to her in a light voice, and Xia Yu thought her tone was a little strange.

“How about you? You called me just to ask about the situation in the hospital?”

“No, I want to tell you something. There is a problem with the deal Xiao Song signed a few days ago. I have to deal with it.”

“Okay. I’ll be back soon. Call me if anything happened.” Xia Yu had a headache since everything happened at the same time.

Xiao Tang replied directly, “Well, okay. I have arrived near their company. I will be there in a few minutes. I just come here to find out the situation first. Okay, so I’ll hang up the phone.”

Xiao Tang was not in the company as well. It would be bad without someone in charge of the company, so Xia Yu quickly walked to the road, reaching out to stop the taxi. While her phone rang again. It was a strange number. Xia Yu picked up the phone.

“Hey, Secretary Xia. Do you have time?” It was a male voice, which sounded strange.

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