Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 541 - Don't plead with me, so cowardly.

Chapter 541 Don’t plead with me, so cowardly.

He took Xia Yu by her hand into the room. A short while later, it began raining outside indeed. Not like the southern drizzle, it was a tempest with gales and surging sea waves.

Xia Yu used to live in S city where was near the sea. Although it could be stormy in summer, it was never as terrifying as the tempest was right now as if the whole house would be blown apart.

Cheng Xi stopped playing with blocks and hid in Xia Yu’s arms out of fear, covering his ears by his tiny hands.

“Auntie, is there a monster outside?” Cheng Xi asked Xia Yu in a timid voice.

Caressing his head, Xia Yu said, “Not monster. It’s just the wind. Don’t worry.”

“As a boy, how can you be so timid?” Chen Wenxuan possibly felt discontent with Cheng Xi bothering Xia Yu, so he said harshly aside and caught Cheng Xi by his arm, heading for the door.

Xia Yu’s heart sank and a bad feeling crept on in her heart, so she hurried to stop him and said anxiously, “Chen Wenxuan, he is just a child. Which place are you taking him to?”

Cheng Wenxuan coldly glanced at Xia Yu. There was obvious displeasure in his eyes, the coldness in which made Xia Yu shiver. But she didn’t move.

“Why are you so anxious? I just want to teach this kid to be brave. He is scared by only a gale. If he runs into real danger, he will be scared to death.” After he said so, he pushed Xia Yu aside and continued to walk toward the door.

“Chen Wenxuan, he is just a child. It’s natural for him to be scared. Don’t act like that, please. Besides, he is my friend’s child. It’s his parents’ duty to teach, not yours.” Xia Yu balanced her body, caught up with him and said imploringly.

When she mentioned this, Chen Wenxuan thought of Zhang Hanyu, which enraged him because these days Zhang Hanyu tortured him a lot. Chen Wenxuan said, gnashing his teeth, “Is it possible for the bastard Zhang Hanyu to bring up a fine person?”

Xia Yu realized Chen Wenxuan’s emotional entanglement at once and felt astonished so she said hastily, “You know well that Wanru has divorced Zhang Hanyu and this child has no relation to him. Now Wanru is with Zhou Yan.”

“Divorced? Right, divorced indeed,” Chen Wenxuan sneered, “that Mr. Zhou is also a coward. When Shen Mo took his woman away, he didn’t even dare to prevent. How could such a man teach a child well!”

At this moment, he had opened the door, through which the heavy rain and the gale invaded. Chen Xi got soaked at once and his little face was wet by the rain. He looked at the outside bewilderedly and frighteningly and then turned to Chen Wenxuan and Xia Yu. He timidly called, “Uncle!”

This sound made Chen Wenxuan look gloomier, “Don’t call me. Don’t beg me, either. You coward!”

There was a tempest in his deep eyes. When he was about to push the child outside, Xia Yu held Cheng Xi at once and ran upstairs.

Obviously, Chen Wenxuan was finding faults to bully Cheng Xi, so that Xia Yu would feel worried and disturbed. Thinking of this, Xia Yu felt both angry and frightened in her heart.

“Cheng Xi, get a towel to dry your hair and put on clean clothes. Stay here until Auntie comes to find you, OK?” Xia Yu said to the child quickly while glancing at the door. She seemingly had heard the sound of footsteps.

Cheng Xi nodded meekly. Although he didn’t know the reason behind, he would trust what Xia Yu said. He promised to stay inside so he would not break his word. Xia Yu bent to kiss his cheek, then turned around to leave the room and closed the door.

When she walked out and saw the man at a distance, Xia Yu unconsciously shivered with cold. Why did this man become so unfamiliar in such a short period? Seeing his sharp eyes which were like a knife, Xia Yu managed to go up to him.

Putting on a flattering smile, Xia Yu said meekly, “Wenxuan, don’t get angry, OK? This child is not brave by birth. I know you wanted to do him good and were trying to teach him to be tough. But it takes time and we have plenty of time to be together. There is no need to be so reckless.”

At present, she knew that she could by no means to resist his will. Xia Yu stood in front of him and looked into his eyes.

The man suddenly reached to clutch Xia Yu’s chin with his two fingers as if the two were two steel sticks. He used so much strength that Xia Yu felt her chin was to be broken into pieces, “Your mouth is better at flattering than before. Did Shen Yan, that toy boy teach you that?”

The man said sneeringly. Then he exerted strength on his hand and the whole body of Xia Yu was drawn to him. His pale and cold lips covered hers aggressively.

When his scent invaded Xia Yu’s mouth, Xia Yu’s stomach started to stir and she nearly wanted to push him away. She instinctively gnashed her teeth to resist the invasion but a great deal of pain started on her chin, which made her relax her teeth. At that exact moment, he seized the opportunity to occupy Xia Yu’s mouth completely.

When this kiss ended, Chen Wenxuan revengefully bit her lip with strength, which made Xia Yu groan with pain. She immediately tasted the smell of rust in her mouth.

Damn man. What a lunatic! Finally, it was over. Chen Wenxuan’s kiss was as good as suffering to her.

“If you blunder again, there will be more punishment.” He warned Xia Yu in a bit hoarse voice.

Xia Yu meekly nodded at once. After he went downstairs, Xia Yu went to the bathroom first instead of returning to Chen Xi’s room. She brushed her teeth. Upon recalling the scene that Chen Wenxuan kissed her, her stomach began stirring and she retched a couple of times.

She looked at herself in the mirror and there were disgust and hatred in her eyes. She wiped her lips with strength, which made the wound break and begin bleeding again. The drops of blood gurgled out, dripping from the corner of her mouth to her fair chin.

She stayed in the bathroom for a long time before she came out. She didn’t want Cheng Xi to recognize her emotional fluctuations. Though that child was young, he was sensitive all the time.

“Aunt, I’ve dried my hair with the towel as you told. And I’ve changed my wet clothes.” As soon as Xia Yu appeared in front of Cheng Xi, he ran to tell Xia Yu.

Xia Yu caressed his head and said with a smile, “There’s a dear.”

But the kid curled up his lip and put on an injured expression. He said while his eyes became red, “Uncle said if I behave well, he would adorn me and be nice to me. But he seems to dislike me. He never smiles at me. I, I’m afraid of him.”

“Don’t be afraid. Aunt will protect you.”

“But Aunt, I still feel that he is not as good as uncle Shen Yan. Why do you like him, not uncle Shen Yan?” Cheng Xi disliked Chen Wenxuan deeply in his heart, as well as his set of friends.

“He tells you that I like him?” Xia Yu pointed at the direction of the door and asked Cheng Xi. This lunatic? Did he mistake that?

Cheng Xi nodded with strength, “Uncle said that he would marry aunt. And he only came here to propose marriage to you. He also said you liked me very much so he wanted me to stay with you for a period. Aunt, I like you and I want to live with you. But sometimes I miss my mother. Can I call my mother?”

Marriage? He was pulling his luck! Xia Yu gnashed her teeth with hatred but she didn’t want to show it in front of the child. She caressed Cheng Xi’s head and was speechless for a long while.

Seeing Xia Yu was absent-minded, Cheng Xi swayed Xia Yu’s arm and begged her by his eyes.

Xia Yu then reacted, “Cheng Xi, dear, aunt will try to help Cheng Xi apply to uncle.” Xia Yu felt her heart was seized but she couldn’t tell the child the fact that they were kidnapped.

Chen Wenxuan brought Cheng Xi here just because he wanted to threaten her to obey him with that kid.

She guessed that if Cheng Xi knew the fact, he would be frightened. Xia Yu caressed his head and forced a smile.

“Aunt, I don’t like this uncle indeed. Why don’t you be together with uncle Shen Yan? He is much better than this one and much more handsome.” When he thought that Xia Yu might marry this man, Cheng Xi felt sad.

He wanted to see Xia Yu frequently but didn’t want to see this Uncle. How disturbed!

A few more minutes later after they stayed in the room, there was knocking on the door. Xia Yu opened the door, only to find that foreign maid standing outside, uttering some words which Xia Yu couldn’t understand. Luckily, she could guess her body language, which probably meant the lunch was ready and they were supposed to go downstairs.

On the table, there were four dishes and some soup. Two adults and a child were eating but didn’t chat. There was only a soft chewing sound. Sometimes, Cheng Xi felt like talking but when he met Chen Wenxuan’s eyes, he held his tongue.

The atmosphere during the meal was rather depressing. Besides, the dishes were not appetizing. Not knowing what spice was added, those dishes had a strange flavor. At last, Xia Yu only ate a small half bowl of the rice and left it.

In the afternoon, the rain stopped. As a child, Cheng Xi got bored of staying in the room for so long and tried to draw Xia Yu outside to pick up shells.

Xia Yu looked at Chen Wenxuan because she had to get his permission first. She had thought he wouldn’t allow them but he gave a quick nod unexpectedly.

Cheng Xi immediately got excited and ran outward. When Xia Yu caught up with him, he had run very far.

Although this was a deserted island and Xia Yu could never run away with a child, Brother Hu sent his underling to follow them in case anything happened.

There was a sneer on the corner of Xia Yu’s mouth. That man said this island was his gift given to her but in Xia Yu’s eyes, it was as good as a jail.

The sea was blue and the landscape was very beautiful. However, Xia Yu was not in the mood to enjoy it. Beautiful as it was, this island was a jail to her after all.

But Cheng Xi, with his little legs, frolicked excitedly on the beach. He squatted down from time to time and when he picked up some pretty shells and conches, he would run to Xia Yu and present them to her for showing off.

“If mother, uncle Zhou and uncle Shen Yan were with us, we could pick up pretty shells together. Aunt, when can we go back? I miss them.” The tiny boy raised his head to ask Xia Yu.

Xia Yu was desperate to leave here at once even in her dreams. But she was well aware that it was not realistic. She heaved a sigh in her heart softly and stared at that little face which showed his expectation. How should I answer him? Thinking over for a while, she still didn’t know how to reply. Finally, she could only change the topic.

“Cheng Xi, look at that little tree in front. What do you think it is like?” Xia Yu pointed at a tree in front and asked.

“Like a soldier on guard.” Luckily, the child was innocent and his attention was shifted by Xia Yu’s question. He quitted asking her about their leaving.

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