Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 539 - Be Good

Chapter 539 Be Good

Chen Wenxuan showed the screen of his phone to Brother Hu and then received, “Hey, Xia Yu!”

“Chen Wenxuan, is Cheng Xi with you? Please don’t hurt him.” Hearing it’s Chen Wenxuan, Xia Yu said with apprehension.

“Take it easy! He’s safe with me.” Chen Wenxuan said calmly, glancing the child beside him.

“Auntie, they are not good to me! I don’t wanna stay with them; I wanna go home!” Finding it’s Xia Yu, Cheng Xi shouted.

“Don’t be afraid, Cheng Xi! I will go pick you.” Xia Yu shouted to the phone after hearing Cheng Xi’s voice, “What do you want, Chen Wenxuan?”

“No one knows better about what I want than you.” Chen Wenxuan smirked, still holding the phone, “Xia Yu, I know you still love me, don’t you? We will talk about that later. But by this midnight, I wanna hear from you breaking with him.”

Xia Yu quivered and heard Chen Wenxuan continue in no time, “Keep in mind, if you break with him, I will let the kid see you again or otherwise…”

Every word he said was like a curse! After that, the call ended.

What should she do? Xia Yu felt terribly dreadful.

Second Brother strode to her in his agitation, holding her shoulders tightly, “Xia Yu, you…”

“Let’s go talk in the room!” Xia Yu said to him.

The two entered the room. Xia Yu asked him to sit down, and they were seated face to face.

She opened her mouth slightly but didn’t say anything. Her fists clenched tightly with her nails penetrated deeply into her palm.

“Second Brother, could you help me issue an announcement that I’m breaking up with Shen Yan.” When it came to breaking up, her tears fell down.

“Shall we discuss that with Young Master Yan first.” Second Brother said with great apprehension.

“It’s more important to save people, hurry up!”

Second Brother glanced at Xia Yu and walked out. In less than an hour, the news that Xia Yu had broken up with Shen Yan spread.

Once again, Xia Yu received a call from Chen Wenxuan, “I have broken up with him. When will you honor your promise and let me see Cheng Xi.”

“At ten o’clock this evening, wait at the gate of the community, and I will send someone to pick you up.”

Xia Yu wanted to say more, but he had hung up the phone. Xia Yu didn’t know to what extent Chen Wenxuan was serious, but she had no choice. Since winter is coming, she could only face it.

At 9:50, Xia Yu went out of her house. The community was very quiet. The dim light pulled her shadow very long, and she felt like a wandering soul now. When she walked out of the community, she saw a black car parked by the road.

The door opened, and a tall man came out and said to her expressionlessly: “Mr. Chen asked me to pick you up, please get in the car.”

Xia Yu strode strenuously and entered the car. The man followed and slammed the door. The noise appalled Xia Yu who felt as if the still air suffocated her in the car

She wanted to open the window, but it was locked, “Open the window! I feel sick.” Xia Yu put her hand on her chest and said to the driver in front.

The driver turned his head to look at the man beside Xia Yu, obviously, he was the boss. Xia Yu felt bad seeing they being so cautious.

“You can open a little.” The man said coldly.

When the window opened, and the wind blew on her face, the feeling of suffocation finally disappeared.

“Please give me your mobile phone and take off your coat. I’ll make a body search.”

The man’s tone was very tough. If Xia Yu didn’t agree, he would definitely take her mobile phone and search.

Xia Yu took the phone out to him, took off his jacket, and then opened her arms to let him check.

He took out an equipment to scan Xia Yu. He checked so carefully that even the soles were examined. Were they afraid that Xia Yu put a GPS with body? In fact, this idea once appeared in her mind, but was denied by herself. Since Cheng Xi was in their control, If it was found, that madman might vent his anger on the kid.

A few minutes later, after he checked Xia Yu’s whole body, and put away the instrument, he returned the coat to Xia Yu but not the phone.

“There is a buggy following us all the time.”

The driver in front suddenly said, and the man next to him, with a sullen face, turned his head to look back. Xia Yu also turned her head back, seeing there was indeed a car following. But because of the lights and the night, Xia Yu couldn’t tell who was in the car.

Was it Shen Yan? Xia Yu’s heart kept racing with excitement.

“Get rid of him.”

The driver replied yes, and then the car accelerated so suddenly that Xia Yu’s body leaned back. Xia Yu turned back again seeing car behind obviously accelerating.

Half an hour later, the car behind was left far behind. After driving for more than twenty minutes, the car finally stopped.

Xia Yu followed the man to get off, and a small plane was parked not far away.

“Get on!”

The man opened the door of the cabin and let Xia Yu go up.

The plane ascended into the sky. Looking at the night sky outside, her heart felt being laid on ice and a sense of coldness crept into her body, quivering.

Chen Wenxuan was waiting for her somewhere, wasn’t she? Ironically, the money Shen Yan gave to Chen Wenxuan ended up being used to rent an airplane to kidnap Xia Yu.

The plane flew for a long time and refueled halfway. The longer it was, the farther away Xia Yu was from home. She felt so panicked that she asked more than once where the cold-faced man would take her, but he didn’t respond in silence.

When the plane finally landed , and the man let Xia Yu go down, her inner fear reached its peak instantly. She took a deep breath, and jumped off the plane. After walking for a while, she entered a villa which was still lit and Chen Wenxuan must be waiting for her inside.

The door was not closed. Xia Yu went into the hall where that man was seated, and subconsciously wanted to flee when her eyes were met with his sullen ones. But at the thought of Cheng Xi, Xia Yu clenched her teeth to supress the tenseness, and forced herself to move forward.

Every stride was like bring her closer to the edge.

“Xia Yu, how’s my arrangement?” A sneer crept onto the man’s face, terribly intimidating Xia Yu. Then he even opened his arms wide.

Then she paused one meter away, gazing at him indifferently, “Chen Wenxuan, where is Cheng Xi?”

That smiley subsidied into a sullen one, “Xia Yu, you aren’t touched by me at all? I did all this for you. Why your only concern is that boy? You really put a damper on everything!”

Hearing that, Xia Yu felt terribly embarrassed. There’s not any possibility that she felt good about that, so she just closed her mouth tightly.

“That little bastard is sleeping upstairs.” Chen Wenxuan’s eyes were laden with loathing when he called the kid that way.

“You are not allowed to talk about him like this.” Xia Yu said sharply since that child was already pitiful enough, and fortunately Wanru adopted him so he could feel what home’s like. Xia Yu could not allow others to insult him so.

“Oh, isn’t he a bastard? You seem to care about him so much that for him you even break up with Shen Yan. So he must be important for you. If you obey what I say and stay with me, I will not be averse to his existence.”

He said, coming towards Xia Yu, grabbing her hand, and then pulled her into his arms savagely, burying his head at her neck, inhaling deeply, with his cold lips scratching her skin.

Xia Yu stiffened her back, with her fists clenched tight and fitfully loose to suppress her tenseness and loathing. She had no choice but to put up with that.

“As long as you don’t hurt Cheng Xi, I will stay by your side.” Xia Yu said after a long time.

“That’s good.” The man raised the corner of his mouth and gently stroked her hair.

“Xia Yu, since we broke up, I have been thinking about you every day. Have you ever thought about me?” He asked Xia Yu with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Xia Yu shut her lips tightly and didn’t say anything. The man in front of her instantly shifted his face, his eyes darkened, and his hand that was laid on Xia Yu’s head violently grabbed her hair when the other hand slapped violently on her face.


“Tell me! Did you miss me?” He roared beside her ears.

There was a fierce pain on her face, a pain in her scalp, and tears went down her face. He was brutal as usual.

“Yes, I miss you, Chen Wenxuan.” Xia Yu lied, suppressing aversion.

The hand holding her hair was loosened. And the hand that slapped her just now was now touching her face. He said gently, “I said, you have to be good. Did it hurt?”

“No.” Xia Yu shook her head and looked at him with tenseness. She was appalled by how quickly Chen Wenxuan changed his attitude. The man was even more unpredictable than before.

“I know you hurt. It was my fault.” Then he bowed to kiss Xia Yu’s forehead. She felt like ants creeping by where he kissed. Xia Yu put the petal to metal and prevented herself from pushing him away.

After the kiss, Chen Wenxuan let go of Xia Yu, then left the living room and went to the kitchen. He got some ice wrapped in a towel and put it on the plot of Xia Yu’s face where he just slapped on.

After being applied for a few minutes, the previous tingling relieved a lot.

“Cheng Xi is on the second floor, in the leftmost room.”

Hearing that, Xia Yu raised to her feet instantly and rushed upstairs. At the door, she carefully opened it, tip-toeing in. A ray of gloomy orange light on the wall, the kid was asleep on the bed. The scenario almost made Xia Yu weep but she covered her mouth to not make any noise. She went by, sat at the bedside and gently pinched that rosy cheek of the boy.

She finally relieved, seeing the boy safe and sound.

“Xia Yu, come out.” She didn’t know when Chen Wenxuan also came up.

Xia Yu didn’t want to leave the child, but she had to obey Chen Wenxuan, or otherwise she would be punished with violence like she was treated just now downstairs. Xia Yu stood up, left the room and then closed the door gently.

“It’s late, go to bed.” Chen Wenxuan’s gentle tone at this time was like a considerate husband.

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