Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 537 - Be Bailed Out

Chapter 537 Be Bailed Out

“Bitch! Scum! Go to the hell!” Bao Na grabbed a glass and slammed it on Chen Wenxuan’s head.

The glass was broken with a loud pop, and Chen Wenxuan’s head started bleeding. He loosened his grip and the flowers and fruit basket in his hand fell to the ground. The fruit rolled over the ground then.

Raising his arm, Chen Wenxuan covered the wound with his hand, and looked at Bao Na in amazement, “You! You!” He kept speechless for a long time.

Bao Na did not stop because of this. She turned around to find something available to continue to hit Chen Wenxuan with that as a weapon.

Seeing that Bao Na was totally out of control, Ma Liu knew that it boded ill rather than well if Chen Wenxuan still stayed here. He grabbed Chen Wenxuan, pulled him out, and started shouting loudly after they retreated to the corridor, “Come on! Help!”

Hearing Ma Liu’s cry, the people visiting patients in the next ward came out, followed by the nurses. Seeing that Bao Na grabbed the fruit basket as a weapon and was about to hit Chen Wenxuan, they hurriedly stopped her.

Bao Na couldn’t move then, so she stood there and yelled.

Ma Liu took the opportunity to stir up Bao Na’s hatred and make her out of control. As soon as the doctor found that they couldn’t stop her, he asked a nurse to call the police to handle it.

The police arrived soon. At this time, Ma Liu put on an act to ask the doctor for a piece of gauze and some medical disinfectant and then bound Chen Wenxuan’s wound up.

He could not dress his wound so well, because things would develop as they liked after Xia Yu came here only if Chen Wenxuan was wretched enough. Seeing that Chen Wenxuan’s wound was bound up, the police took them to the police station then.

Despite at the police station, Bao Na still couldn’t control her emotions and wanted to kill Chen Wenxuan so much. The police knew that they were the parties of the old case a few months ago after a brief inquiry, so they sympathized with Bao Na. As long as Bao Na haven’t gone too far, they would turn a blind eye to her acts.

But after a short time, Mr. Bao arrived at police station. Seeing Chen Wenxuan, a foe of him, he was so furious that he rushed forward and slapped him hard several times.

“Mr. Bao, please control your emotions. This is the police station. Mr. Chen has the right to sue you for personal injury.” The policemen stopped Mr. Bao then.

“Scums like him should go to hell!” Mr. Bao also knew that he couldn’t go too far in the police station. He bailed her daughter out with suppressed anger.

“I don’t mean that, but Chen Wenxuan, why you still came to her after you hurt her so much?” After Bao Family left, a policeman took a teacup and sat down opposite Chen Wenxuan.

Bao Family had already told the public that as long as they found him, they would make the rest of his life suffering. But he should have come to them, so didn’t he deserve it?

“Sir, it’s really not my homie’s fault today. The Bao Family really went too far. I didn’t know how they found out where my homie worked, but they went there to make a scene and then my homie just got fired. My homie wanted to be reconciled with them so he came to apologize to them, but once he arrived there, they began to beat him.” Ma Liu took out a pack of cigarettes, and handed a cigar to the policeman.

The policeman looked at the trademark of the cigar and refused it. He sized up Ma Liu again and said jokingly, “Be reconciled? Ask your homie what he has done before. How could they be reconciled? They have left, so how about you?”

“I will discuss with my homie!” Ma Liu returned to Chen Wenxuan with a cigar in his mouth. “Homie, it’s time.”

Chen Wenxuan nodded. It was time to call Xia Yu.

Ma Liu walked aside and took out his mobile phone to call Xia Yu. At this time, they had just finished their meal, and Old Madame invited Mrs. Xia to their home.

Xia Yu didn’t go with them because she had to go to work. After sending them back, Shen Yan went to work as well. Therefore, when Ma Liu called Xia Yu, Xia Yu was alone.

“Miss Xia, I’m sorry to disturb you again…” Ma Liu apologized to Xia Yu first, and then briefly told Xia Yu how they were fired, what happened in the hospital when they came to visit Bao Na, and how they were taken to the police station.

“Wait. I will come over immediately.” Xia Yu went to the police station after hanging up the phone without hesitation, and went through the formalities for them after she arrived.

“Are you sure you come here to bail Chen Wenxuan out?” The policeman looked at Xia Yu and asked.

“Yes. Is there anything wrong?” Xia Yu nodded, feeling somewhat anxious. Was there anything else wrong?

“Nothing.” The policeman smiled and pushed a form in front of her. He had a dry cough and said, “Do you know Bao Na?”

“Yes. What’s wrong?” Xia Yu looked up at the policeman and thought he was a little strange.

She knew Bao Na? The policeman paused for a while and then said quickly, “Nothing. Nothing. They just left, and I just asked casually.” The policeman whispered in his heart that the girl was courageous enough to contact with Chen Wenxuan after she knew about his past.

And, Chen Wenxuan was really awesome to pick up another beautiful girl after such a short time. The policeman who handled the procedures for them looked at Xia Yu for several times, feeling that this girl looked so familiar.

“Xia Yu, thank you. And sorry to bother you. I didn’t want Ma Liu to call you, but he acted on his own.” Speaking of it, Chen Wenxuan stared at Ma Liu.

Ma Liu was not convinced, arguing, “Mr. Chen, it’s not time to keep up appearance to cover up your predicament. You saw what Bao Family looked like when they left. If we don’t find a way to get out, they will ask some policeman to find fault with us then after some time probably. I’ve lost my job as well because of you. Do you want me to go to jail with you together?”

“I’ve told you not to be with me long ago, but you just didn’t listen.” Chen Wenxuan sighed, looking somewhat lonely. “Anyway, I’m sorry to Bao Na. I’m willing to bear anything she does to me now as long as she forgives me.”

“Come on, homie. Your remarks are really irresponsible. Do you think I really want to be with you? In the mountain villa, wasn’t the foreman ordering us to work at the same time? Why didn’t you reason with him to keep me there when you were fired? And, you offended Bao Family and apologized to them. It was reasonable for them to get angry with you, while it had nothing to do with me. But wasn’t I taken to the police station with you together?” Ma Liu talked endlessly aside.

“I admitted that I dragged you down. You know that I’m in a big trouble now, so it’s better for us to separate here. Then I won’t bring trouble to you anymore.” Chen Wenxuan wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Ma Liu.

“Homie, am I such a heartless person? Besides, we both lost our jobs. Since we both have to apply for jobs, why not we do it together?” Ma Liu glanced at Xia Yu and sneered in his heart.

Didn’t he know what Chen Wenxuan was thinking about? Xia Yu was standing beside him this time, and he would certainly coax Xia Yu into bringing him back with his silken tongue.

I successfully helped him get access to Xia Yu, while he just wanted to kick down the ladder. He was really a scum.

Chen Wenxuan had lost his job and had no place to live in this time. If he was caught by Bao Family, wouldn’t he just be hit to death? After all, he was exposed because of her, so she had to bear the responsibility.

Thinking about this, Xia Yu said, “Wenxuan, now that you have left the mountain villa, forget it then. Anyway, I think that job does not deserve you. You can live in the dormitory of Ruyi Tower before you find a suitable job.”

Xia Yu meant to let Chen Wenxuan live there first and then discuss with his parents to give him a sum of money to leave S city to start a new life at another place, so that he would not offend Bao Na anymore.

“Will it be okay? If Young Master Yan misunderstood, I would get you in trouble again.” Chen Wenxuan’s heart thumped with excitement out of Xia Yu’s words. He tried to control his emotions, pretending to refuse.

“He is not a petty person. Don’t worry.” Xia Yu would go to persuade Shen Yan naturally. Besides, Chen Wenxuan would just live there temporarily, so Xia Yu thought there should be no problem.

“Well…” Chen Wenxuan pretended to hesitate.

“It’s a deal. I’ll worry about you if you live outside.” Xia Yu made the decision for Chen Wenxuan, “My car is in front. Let’s go.”

“Miss Xia, I have involved because of Chen Wenxuan anyway. Can you arrange a job for me as well?” Seeing that Xia Yu was leaving, Ma Liu felt that he had been abandoned, so he chased over.

Shen Yan said that Ma Liu worked for Li Tianci before, so how could Xia Yu allow such a person to be with Chen Wenxuan? But as he said, he was fired because of Chen Wenxuan. It didn’t make sense if she left him alone.

Xia Yu thought for a while and said, “I will talk to the person in charge of the mountain villa and then you can return there. How about that?”

Ma Liu was inevitably disappointed when hearing that. How would he monitor Chen Wenxuan if he returned to the mountain villa? Ma Liu’s lips twitched, and then he said, “A good horse will never turn round to graze on an old pasture. I have been fired. It’s not a good idea to return there. Miss Xia, since your family operates a restaurant, why not arrange a job for me there? I am a hard worker.”

Ma Liu could only beg Xia Yu brazenly this time.

“There are no vacancies in Ruyi Tower now. Or, you wait for some time, and when there is a vacancy, I will call you. What do you think?” Shen Yan was investigating him this time, so Xia Yu didn’t refuse him without room for discussion. She tried to steady him, lest he be suspicious.

It was not proper for Ma Liu to say anything else then since Xia Yu said so. He kept tipping Chen Wenxuan the wink, while Chen Wenxuan directly ignored that. He scolded Chen Wenxuan badly in his heart, getting on the car with them reluctantly.

He was sure that Chen Wenxuan wanted to get rid of him this time. But Chen Wenxuan had successfully picked up Xia Yu, so it was extremely bad for him to be abandoned at this time.

No. He had to inform Brother Hu as soon as possible, so that he could quickly find a way. Thinking about this, Ma Liu said to Xia Yu at the traffic lights, “Miss Xia, I will get off here. Please remember to tell me when there is a vacancy in Ruyi Tower.”

“Don’t worry. You are Wenxuan’s friend, so naturally you’re my friend. I will call you as soon as there is a vacancy.” Xia Yu smiled and thanked him again for taking care of Chen Wenxuan. Then she drove away when the light turned green.

Stupid girl. Even if you were willing to call me, Chen Wenxuan, that gigolo, would not let you do that. No, I had to inform Brother Hu as soon as possible.

Finding a secluded place, Ma Liu called Brother Hu, “Brother Hu, I have successfully taken Chen Wenxuan to Xia Yu. But that gigolo dumped me. What should I do then? ”

“How dare he? You find a place to live temporarily and call him later, telling him I will meet him.” Brother Hu didn’t believe that Chen Wenxuan would dump them at this time. But he couldn’t take it lightly as well. He had to remind him.

“Okay. I know. You can rest assure, Brother Hu. That’s it. I’ll contact you again when something happens.” Ma Liu hung up the phone after flattering him for a while.

Brother Hu asked him to call Chen Wenxuan later. So what should he do at this moment? Looking up at the sky, his eyes rolled a few times. He hadn’t gambled for a long time, and he was so eager for that.

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