Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 535 - No Need to Worry

Chapter 535 No Need to Worry

“Chen Wenxuan has left the villa, and Ma Liu had left with him. They must have some connections.” Liu Sijie simply reported Chen Wenxuan’s expulsion to Shen Yan.

“Let Chen Wenxuan off the hook, but keep an eye on Ma Liu.” Shen Yan was sure that Ma Liu worked for Brother Hu. As long as he was supervised, Shen Yan could find Brother Hu.

“Yes! By the way, how’s Mrs. Bao.” Since he had worked a few days with Bao Na, it’s reasonable that he cared about her since he had knowledge of Mrs. Bao’s situation.

“She’s fine. After all, she is advanced in age now, so the doctor suggested that she be observed in the hospital for one more day before being discharged.” Shen Yan finished talking and hung up the phone.

Xia Yu aside vaguely heard they mentioned Chen Wenxuan and Mrs. Bao. After Shen Yan came over, she asked, “Was that from Liu Sijie? Isn’t he still monitoring Chen Wenxuan.”

Xia Yu looked worried. Shen Yan knew that she was dissatisfied that he doubted Chen Wenxuan like his eldest brother. Shen Yan originally wanted to persuade Xia Yu again at the excuse of Bao Na’s incident. However, looking at her face, she was afraid that the more he talked, the angrier she would be.

She had been wronged recently, and the injuries on her body were not yet recovered. Shen Yan felt reluctant to quarrel with her about this, fearing she be annoyed.

So Shen Yan smiled and took Xia Yu ’s hand and said, “Liu Sijie is monitoring someone, but it is my eldest brother. But he recognized that Ma Liu had followed Li Tianci and wanted to see if he could find Brother Hu.”

Xia Yu knew that Shen Yan did not fully tell the truth. It’s true that Shen Mo was being monitored, but Chen Wenxuan must have been supervised too. However, as he did not admit it, she didn’t want to force him to admit it.

“Since Li Tianci went in prison, his fellows separated to many places. Since Ma Liu had known Brother Hu before, it’s possible that he had an idea.” Xia Yu, like Shen Yan, did not want to quarrel with him over Chen Wenxuan.

Since she went in trouble, Shen Yan was worried about her so much that he did not sleep for several nights. But he hadn’t captured Brother Hu so far, so he must be a bit hasty.

At this time, his suspicion of anyone was reasonable, which didn’t ring the same bell to that of Shen Mo. For the sake of his dedication to herself these days, Xia Yu couldn’t bear to blame him.

So she changed the topic into discussing about Ma Liu.

“So I let Liu Sijie leave all other affairs alone, and focus on Ma Liu. Even if there is no connection between him and Brother Hu, maybe it is those he knows that have hidden Brother Hu.” Xia Yu was calm as long as they didn’t talk about Chen Wenxuan, and Shen Yan was willing to analyze the situation with her.

“It’s possible. But Shen Yan, as you said that Chen Wenxuan made trouble for Brother Hu, and he happened to be with Ma Liu, will those followers let Ma Liu scam him out and beat him?” Xia Yu couldn’t help but worry about Chen Wenxuan.

“There’s not much chance of that. Now there are people looking for Brother Hu everywhere. How dare he get into trouble again? You also know that my eldest brother has already sent someone to monitor Chen Wenxuan. As long as Brother Hu’s man dare show up, he, he will be captured soon, won’t he?” Shen Yan’s lips cramped when he heard what Xia Yu said. Not to mention whether Chen Wenxuan was working with Brother Hu, just seeing Xia Yu’s concern for him, Shen Yan was discouraged.

But he just couldn’t show it, and was still straightening it out with Xia Yu with a happy face. Shen Yan naturally held Chen Wenxuan accountable. These days he could be carefree in several days when Brother Hu was found, he could see how Shen Yan revenged.

“Your eldest brother is too paranoid.” Mentioning Shen Mo, Xia Yu immediately resented. First he let Zhang Hanyu interrogate Chen Wenxuan, and then he did it in person.

What did he want to do next? Beat him to commit?

“Isn’t it better for him to monitor Chen Wenxuan? At least Chen Wenxuan is safe. Rest assured, even if he gets Chen Wenxuan’s confession, Brother Hu hasn’t confessed yet. So my elder brother still can’t prove innocence.” Shen Yan affirmed.

Hearing what he said, Xia Yu didn’t have any worry. “Let ’s go back. My mother and you mother must be worried now.”

“Then let’s go quickly.” The two got in the car and quickly returned to Ruyi Tower.

After watching the opera, the two mesdames really became friends who shared a lot in common. When Xia Yu and Shen Yan went in, they were discussing going shopping.

It’s best that they got on well. Shen Yan was happy to see that, and he held Xia Yu’s hand sitting down beside them. “There is a good French restaurant. Let’s take you to try.”

Mrs. Xia laughed aside, “I am used to Chinese food, those foreign dishes are really not my thing, so I will not go.”

Second Madame also said on the side, “That’s right! It is too expensive. Although we do not lack money, why bother spending money for displeasure. Ruyi Tower suits our tastes, and we also invited the Old Madame to come over. You the young like Western food and you can go by yourself.”

It’s true that Old Madame liked Ruyi’s dishes. Xia Yu glanced Shen Yan. Even Old Madame was coming over, so how could they leave. Just wait by the side.

Xia Yu smiled and said, “We just want you to taste something different. Since you have arranged, then let’s go to Ruyi Tower. Shen Yan, you go to pick up grandma, and I will cook two dishes by myself today.”

“But your condition is not good still.” Shen Yan felt bad for her.

“I’m okay. There’s only a little bruise and it has healed after resting for several days.” Xia Yu didn’t take it seriously. She didn’t listen to Shen Yan’s advice and got up and went to the kitchen.

Shen Yan also followed, because he had to pick up Old Madame.

Second Madame looked at their back figures feeling they were a good match even more. She turned back and smiled to Mrs. Xia, “My son has been careless since little, especially in front of girls. Then I was worried that he wouldn’t find the one due to his temper so I preached a lot. But our Old Madame asked me to spare worry. It was because he hadn’t met his beloved girl. When he meets her, he will naturally take care of her. It seems Old Madame ’s words really make sense.”

Since Young Master Yan was noted as a great lover, Mrs. Xia was really worried at first. But this time when she came over seeing Shen Yan’s care of Xia Yu, as her mother she was really touched.

As for this son-in-law, Mrs. Xia was genuinely satisfied. As for his mother, Second Madame, Mrs. Xia was also not content. “My little Yu’s being an independent girl since she was little, like a boy. To be honest, I was also worried that she didn’t know how to maintain a relationship.”

Second Madame patted Mrs. Xia’s hand and laughed, “It turns out that we shouldn’t have worried so much.”

“Right, we shouldn’t.” The two laughed together.

After Shen Yan got home, naturally he wouldn’t just pick up Old Madame, and of course he also invited First Madame. As soon as they approached the door of the private room, they heard a pleasant laugh.

Old Madame was very pleased to hear it. After all, Shen Mo was still suspicious. Even though she looked calm, she’s been worried that Xia Family would be disgruntled and thus Shen Yan’s dear relationship with Xia Yu might be damaged.

Fortunately, Second Madame got a knack for pleasing Mrs. Xia.

But First Madame felt disaffected. Her son was searching the suspect for them day and night, while they sat here chatting amiably.

Though she was angry, she didn’t dare to manifest that in the face of Old Madame but had to slap on a happy face lest Old Madame condemns her looking depressing.

But her smile was so fake that Old Madame who had always been tolerant to her couldn’t bear it. If you feel bad then don’t force yourself to smile to put damper on everything. Old Madame directly ignored First Madame’s expression and went directly into the private room.

“What are you talking about so happily? Come on, don’t be selfish.” Old Madame entered the private room with Shen Yan’s help.

Second Madame and Mrs. Xia hurriedly stood up to wait for Old Madame to take her seat first. Then Mrs. Xia poured tea for Old Madame and then for First Madame who thanked her politely.

Seeing Old Madame sip the tea, Second Madame laughed, “What else can we talk about? Just something happened when they were little. It was only after chatting with Mrs. Xia that I found they were really a natural match, no wonder they can get together.”

“Oh? Really? Tell me!” Old Madame was really interested.

“Don’t say.” Shen Yan waved his hands consistently. Although he wanted to hear what Xia Yu looked like when she was a kid, he felt unease when they mentioned what happened in his childhood.

“You are embarrassed? But we are gonna talk about what really happened and these are all families here, and your grandma and aunt had already known much.” Second Madame made fun of her son seeing him being ashamed.

“That’s right. We are families. Little Yan’s mom, you haven’t talked to Mrs. Xia about his sending flowers to his class teacher in primary school, have you? Tell Mrs. Xia.” Old Madame hadn’t been so happy for long. Now that the atmosphere was so intimate, she naturally thought of the story that happened in his primary school.

That’s when Shen Yan’s in his third grade in primary school where there was a trainee teacher joining the school who was very beautiful. When she taught the first class, Shen Yan applauded consistently.

The teacher asked him why, he even said that because she was beautiful, and the school should recruit more beautiful teachers so students would engage themselves in classes, which made everyone in the class burst into laughter.

The teacher suddenly blushed but that’ not over. On Valentine’s Day, the kid even bought a large bunch of flowers with his pocket money and sent it to the beautiful teacher. The principal asked him why, and his answer amused everyone. He said that such a beautiful teacher should be in his good graces.

Later after this incident spread to the family, he had been amused by all in the family for so many years

Nobody knew how many laughs the boy had provided. Now since he was an adult, how could he bear making fun of by his elders which really embarrassed him, so he stood up to get out, “Wait, if you really want to talk about that, do after I get out.”

“He’s shy.” What Shen Yan said again made everyone laugh.

No one stopped him. It was not good for him, a young guy, to stay here listening to elders chatting.

Speaking of this, this kid had been horny since childhood, was this also worth showing off? Old Madame pouted, look disdainful.

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