Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 533 - Reasonable Suspicion

Chapter 533 Reasonable Suspicion

“I’d better go and check.” Xia Yu worried about Chen Wenxuan after all. Considering Ma Liu called urgently, she gathered that Shen Mo treated him harshly and forcibly.

Chen Wenxuan was a weak bookman, who could not withstand the punching from Shen Mo’s bodyguards. Moreover, Shen Mo was present in person so people of the mountain villa would turn a blind eye to him. Chen Wenxuan was in danger. Xia Yu was like ants on a hot pan.

“It’s good if you want to go and have a look.” Mrs. Xia once saw how those people treat Chen Wenxuan. Since he did something praiseworthy, they couldn’t let him be bullied, which might hurt his heart.

What a prank was Shen Mo, this child playing? Better tell Old Madame. However, in front of Mrs. Xia, Second Madame felt it was inconvenient to say other things, “Though Little Mo this child is reserved, he has a good sense of propriety. I believe he won’t go to extremes. There must be some misunderstanding. It’s good if Xiao Yu wants to have a look. Little Yan, you go with Xiao Yu.”

“Well, OK.” Shen Yan nodded. He happened to feel like exchanging opinions with Xia Yu about the matter of Chen Wenxuan.

“If so, you’d better have a good talk with Shen Mo. Don’t start a conflict again, will you?” Mrs. Xia advised them aside.

“I know, Mother. The show has already begun. You’d better go. We’re leaving.” After accompanying the two mothers to the ticket checkpoint, Xia Yu and Shen Yan went out.

In the car, Shen Yan said to Xia Yu after deep deliberation, “Xia Yu, I know my eldest brother is agitated these days because he hasn’t found those people after half of the ten-day deadline is gone.”

Speaking of those people, Shen Yan started to feel admiration for them. He and Shen Mo had kept looking for them, almost searching the whole S city, but they hadn’t found any trace of them yet.

“Even though he is in great anxiety, he shouldn’t suspect others without reasons. Though Cai Yanyan said it was Shen Mo who did it, did I ask him to answer for it? Haven’t I given him time to prove himself?” Xia Yu felt speechless about Shen Mo.

Usually, if only someone gives testimony face-to-face, the testimony is close to the truth even without irrefutable evidence. Now she gave him a chance to save his face but he accused others in return.

“Xia Yu, have you ever thought that Chen Wenxuan might have a problem?” Shen Yan said out his opinion with some hesitation.

“What problem? You say it clearly to me.” Hearing his words, Xia Yu was provoked at once.

Well done, Shen Yan. In order to let off your brother, you dared to make up. Xia Yu stared at Shen Yan and her breath became heavier.

Shen Yan had expected that if he said so, Xia Yu would get angry with him. He explained in haste, “Xia Yu, don’t rush. I only thought what Bao Na said was reasonable. You know, he is a selfish, timid man. How could he be so desperate to run to rescue you?”

This didn’t make any sense, right?

Hearing Shen Yan’s words, Xia Yu got angrier. Did he mean Chen Wenxuan pretended to get hurt? One word of Bao Na sentenced him to the hell?

Xia Yu sneered and said, “Shen Yan, you mean, you wished those people had molested me, right?”

Hearing Xia Yu’s words, Shen Yan was astonished that how insane a woman could be. How could she say that?

Don’t provoke her when Xia Yu is in a rage. Shen Yan didn’t want to court disaster but he was also afraid that Xia Yu might fall into Chen Wenxuan’s delicate trap out of her gratitude to him. He implied aside, “Xia Yu, do you remember that when Chen Wenxuan left the hospital, I gave him five million yuan? Later, Liu Sijie made an investigation and found he spent almost one million yuan in a few days….”

Before Shen Yan could finish his words, Xia Yu flew into a rage, “Shen Yan, what do you mean? You give him money of your own accord but you make an investigation after giving him money. Why should you do that?”

“Xia Yu, can you be sensible? I investigate him because those people haven’t been found yet. Considering Chen Wenxuan is familiar with them, can’t I doubt him?” Shen Yan was provoked by Xia Yu, too. Though he subdued his anger, his tone was not as calm as just now.

Xia Yu sneered, “You finally show your true colors. You still doubt him. The money is given by you not asked by him. Now he gets the money and it’s up to him how to use it. Why should you care?”

“Then you tell me. Is it normal for him to spend one million yuan in a few days?”

“It’s not abnormal at all. You know well that he was sent into prison by Bao Family and later he was forced to get divorced by Kang Family. He had no money but he had to bail himself out and support his sick mother. Perhaps, he had been in debt. Now he has money. Doesn’t he need to pay off?” Reasons, Xia Yu could find a pile of them at any time. What Shen Yan thought might not be the fact.

Shen Yan knew Xia Yu was good at arguing and he might make it worse if they had a quarrel. Since she was emotional and lost judgment now, he’d better explain to her next time.

Thinking of this, Shen Yan smiled and said, “Won’t I feel anxious because those people haven’t been found yet? I just raise grounded suspicion and didn’t mean to be harsh to him. Forget it. Let’s stop quarreling. Hurry up to have a look at Chen Wenxuan.”

Yes, now it was urgent to see Chen Wenxuan. Shen Mo was mad. Better not corner him. Xia Yu rolled up her eyes at Shen Yan with discontent, “Won’t you start the car now?”

“I’m waiting for your order.” Shen Yan smiled at Xia Yu and started the car.

“It sounds like you take my words seriously.” Xia Yu curled up her lips and her tone became softer.

“It’s necessary to listen to my wife’s words.” Shen Yan was good at trimming his sail to the wind. Seeing her expression became calmer, he uttered many sweet words aside until he cajoled her into laughing.

One and a half hours later, their car parked in the courtyard of the mountain villa. Before they alighted, they heard a shrill cry from Bao Na, “Chen Wenxuan, you scumbag. You’ve ruined my life and you’re not content yet. Still wanting to ruin others’ life?”

“Bao Na, I’ve told you many times that I was forced to leave hastily. At that time, I was wanted by Li Tianci’s men. If I didn’t run away, I would be dead.”

“Chen Wenxuan, stop pretending to be pitiable. Li Tianci is a rogue indeed but he only chases to kill the person who provokes him. If you don’t provoke him, why are you chased by him? Even if he chases you, does he force you to marry Kang Lan?” Under such a circumstance, he still tried to quibble, which made Bao Na speechless out of anger.

“Bao Na, I know I owe you an explanation when I leave you. But my father died from you. When my mother knew it, she fainted away on the spot. I sent her to the hospital but she wouldn’t accept the operation. Instead, she forced me to swear to cut off from you in front of my relatives and friends. Otherwise, she would rather die than accept the operation. I had no other choices but to listen to her. As for my relationship with Kang Lan, it happened after that.” Chen Wenxuan said gravely.

“Stop using your mother to coax me. Even if she forced you, you should have at least inform our Nana,” Madame Bao aside refused to listen to Chen Wenxuan’s quibbling, “however, you not only didn’t do that but also defamed our Nana in front of Kang Lan when you came back to S city… you beast.”

When talking about this sad story, Madame Bao couldn’t help going up to box his ear.

Regardless of Madame Bao’s age and her gender, she slapped with great strength because she vented her long subdued rage on his palm. Chen Wenxuan felt his ear droning on the spot.

“Madame Bao, why did you beat me?” Chen Wenxuan covered his injured face and looked at Madame Bao.

“I beat you scumbag.” While saying this, Madame Bao rushed to come at him again. Having ruined her daughter to such a pass, Madame Bao felt she even had the right to kill him.

After all, Chen Wenxuan made the mistake first and Shen Mo’s men stood by aside. So he dared not to resist Madame Bao and he could only escape from Madame Bao’s attacking wildly. As a result, he was tripped over by a chair and fell down to the ground.

As for Madame Bao who indulged in beating, she didn’t mind her step and was tripped over by Chen Wenxuan who was on the ground as a result.

Chen Wenxuan was a man and was young so he wouldn’t feel hurt when tripped over. However, Madame Bao was different from him because she was old. Although she fell down on Chen Wenxuan’s body, she was in great pain.

Getting up with the help of Bao Na and the bodyguards brought with Shen Mo, she recovered after a long while, sitting on the chair.

Finding that she didn’t look well, Shen Mo said aside, “Madame Bao, shall we go to have a physical examination in the hospital?”

At this time, Xia Yu and Shen Yan came in. Xia Yu went to Madame Bao, only to find her face look pale. When she held her hand, she was scared by its coldness, “Bao Na, your mother doesn’t look well. Send her to the hospital at once!”

When she heard Xia Yu’s words, Bao Na, who had grasped Chen Wenxuan and was about to punch him, revenging her mother, hurried to push Chen Wenxuan aside and ran to see her mother, “Mom, please don’t frighten me.”

Mother’s condition was not good indeed, which scared Bao Na aside into crying.

When hearing Madame Bao was not well, Chen Wenxuan was so scared that his color changed. He pointed to Madame Bao and said aside, “I didn’t provoke her. It was she who chased to beat me. I didn’t fight back.”

Chen Wenxuan’s head droned. If Madame Bao ran into misfortune, he feared that he might be brought to the court, let alone enjoying a luxurious life.

Damn, was I destined to be Bao Family’s enemy? Why did I run into misfortune every time I met them? Chen Wenxuan hurried to catch a bodyguard, “Bro, you saw just now that I didn’t touch her. I have nothing to do with her falling.”

Look at this lad’s timidity. The bodyguard pushed away Chen Wenxuan’s hand, “I’m not the judge. Why the hell do you ask me?”

Hearing of the accident here, the manager came in hurriedly. When Shen Yan saw him come, he asked, “How can we get to the nearest hospital?” Considering Madame Bao’s condition, she must be sent to the hospital at once.

“Not too far. It’s at the foot of the mountain. I’ll get someone to lead the way for you.” The manager was also afraid that Madame Bao might run into misfortune so he immediately asked a head-waiter to send some people to carry Madame Bao into the car.

Shen Yan and Xia Yu accompanied Bao Na got into the car. Seeing Madame Bao felt not well, Shen Mo stopped heckling Chen Wenxuan and left with his set.

This bastard was really a trouble-maker. The problem of Shen Family and Xia Family had not been solved yet. Now Bao Family made the situation worse. If things went on like this, the mountain villa’s business would be affected seriously. Glancing at Chen Wenxuan who was dumbfounded aside, the manager said, “You come with me.”

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