Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 527 - Wait for Him Here

Chapter 527 Wait for Him Here

“Cai Yanyan, you, what’s wrong with you?” Seeing an acquaintance, Wanru went over subconsciously. She had intended to say some comforting words to her. However, upon seeing Wanru, Cai Yanyan ran away immediately as if she had seen a ghost.

Cai Yanyan thought Wanru intended to vent Xia Yu’s anger on her. She had just received a scolding from the group of Fang Feifei so she didn’t want to be scolded by Wanru again and decided to run away as quickly as possible.

Because she didn’t pay attention to the road while running hastily, she fell down the ground as a result. On the concrete ground, she fell down heavily. But she didn’t care. She got up with her fastest speed and kept running forward.

Watching Cai Yanyan stumbling, Wanru felt very confused, “She, what’s wrong with her?”

Zhou Yan folded his brows because Cai Yanyan’s expression was very strange indeed. But Cai Yanyan obviously repelled Wanru and didn’t want her to know. So it was meaningless to keep inquiring her.

Therefore, Zhou Yan said, “Since she doesn’t want to talk, we’d better leave her alone.”

Wanru nodded. Although Cai Yanyan was close to Xia Yu, Cai Yanyan was just an acquaintance of Wanru. Additionally, Cai Yanyan was at least a star now so it was inconvenient for Wanru to inquire about her secret.

Looking back at her for a few more times, Wanru went with Zhou Yan to visit his patient’s home.

After Xia Yu packed up the luggage her parents brought here, she called Shen Yan to pick them up and send them to Ruyi Tower.

When she was on the phone, Shen Yan was anxious. He didn’t fear the scolding. But he was afraid that Xia Yu’s parents would take Xia Yu away directly without giving him a chance.

So, Shen Yan spent the whole morning in anxiety. The staff of the company worked in high spirits because they noticed Young Master Yan who used to be easy-going looked stern today.

They were well aware that if someone who used to be easy-going was provoked, it would be a disaster.

Later, Shen Yan received a call and went out with a refreshed expression. They didn’t feel relieved until they saw off him into the elevator and confirmed by calling the front-desk that Young Master Yan had driven away indeed.

When Mrs. Xia met Shen Yan, she didn’t blame him. She just had a short chat with him out of courtesy, which made Shen Yan feel completely relieved. So, on the way to Ruyi Tower, he was light-hearted.

After they got to Ruyi Tower, they found Old Madame, First Madame, Second Madame, Yang Weiye and President Ning were there, too. Upon Mrs. Xia’s arrival, Second Madame went up to make an apology and invite her to sit next to her.

Under such a circumstance, Shen Yan and Xia Yu appeared to be superfluous so they retreated to another private room. Shen Yan asked, “Did you put in a good word for my family after I left?”

According to what Shen Yan had expected beforehand, even though Xia Yu’s parents didn’t come at him, they would definitely put on a long face. But now they should have sat together and had a good chat.

“My parents are not an unreasonable type. They won’t blame your family before we figure out the matter. What’s more, even though it is Shen Mo who did it, it is his own fault and how could it be blamed on Old Madame and First Madame?” Xia Yu said in a light-hearted tone.

“Uncle and Aunt are indeed reasonable persons. To marry you is my unprecedented blessing.” Shen Yan held Xia Yu gently and he was very moved.

“Who said to marry you? You are so brazen-faced.” Xia Yu said grumpily. They hadn’t gotten engaged yet. This man was talking too willfully.

“Although we haven’t held a wedding yet, you are sure to become my wife anyway. Don’t want to escape from me in your life.” Shen Yan kissed her forehead and said with a smile.

“Who escaped? You’re the one who escaped.” Mentioning the word “escape”, Xia Yu recalled the morning that Shen Yan climbed the pipe and couldn’t help laughing.

Luckily, her home was not on the high floor. If her home was on the 28th floor, would he dare to climb down, too?

Talking about this, Shen Yan smiled as well, “You thought I wanted to climb? That was because someone felt too bashful to let others see?” Shen Yan had expected that if he hadn’t slipped away, this girl would have made him hide in the wardrobe.

A man as tall as 1.8 meters or so, would definitely feel uncomfortable. Compared with hiding in a wardrobe, he’d rather climb the pipe.

“You think after you climb down, they will never know that you have been there?” Xia Yu shook her head and gave a smile.

“Have been discovered? How?” Shen Yan assumed he was quick enough so that they wouldn’t notice him. Because he then had climbed down the 3rd floor when he heard the sound of talking in Xia Yu’s room.

“Couldn’t they see your car downstairs?” Xia Yu said grumpily.

“Oh, I see!” Shen Yan couldn’t help laughing.Access v ip novel. com

After Old Madame and her set talked with Xia Yu’s parents for a while, they were divided into two groups. Old Madame, First Madame and Second Madame, led by Mrs. Xia, went to the garden behind Ruyi Tower.

But those men remained in the private room. President Ning said, “Lao Xia, although the lad Shen Mo is the most suspicious person in this matter, there are still many uncertainties if given a second thought. If you trust me, would you please give them some time?”

He had made some polite remarks and now he feared he had to put it in a more straightforward way. President Ning was entrusted by Old Madame so he conveyed her attitude to Xia Yu’s parents.

She, as the person in charge, lived an unrestful life these days. At home, even the maids were arguing secretly that she was partial, let alone Shen Yan who refused to answer her phone.

Talking too much about it started her tears. On the surface, she was the most venerable and everyone seemed to listen to her but how many of them were sincere? It seemed that she was so old that she should retire and begin to enjoy her life.

Her concern could only be shared with President Ning, who also understood Old Madame’s situation. The children in the family had grown up and they were all smart and capable than ever. So it was natural for Old Madame to feel frustrated.

This was the woe for a big family, which Old Madame knew clearly that she had to get through.

Yang Weiye said aside, “Lao Xia, now that we three brothers are together, let me say something heartfelt. As regards intelligence, Shen Mo is not Shen Yan’s rival indeed. That lad, to be frank, can beat Shen Mo even with half of his least wits. From the present evidence, this matter seems to be that Shen Mo wants to revenge on Shen Yan out of anger and shame. But I agree with Lao Ning’s opinion. If Shen Mo had been so stupid that he released those men when everyone knew the situation, it would have been unnecessary to elect President. I, as incumbent President, directly recommend Shen Yan as the candidate.”

This possibly also indicated Old Madame’s attitude that she conveyed it to Xia Mingde from Yang Weiye’s mouth. If Shen Mo was the person that made the mistake, he would absolutely be cut off from Shen Family.

Even though Shen Mo did it, he, after all, didn’t make it. She hoped Xia Mingde could give him a chance and not make a fuss.

Xia Mingde smiled a bit and said, “You two have said, it seems that Shen Mo did it but there is no convincing evidence. Don’t give opinions too early.”

Although he had only been here for a few hours, he had obtained detailed information about the situation. Now he was inclined to believe her daughter’s analysis that this time Shen Mo was probably framed.

Considering this, he didn’t have to be aggressive. As for the competition between the two brothers, Xia Mingde wouldn’t want to get involved a bit. After all, her daughter hadn’t married in that family. Even though she had, he would never want to get involved anyway.

“Lao Xia, I know you’ll say so. Well, let’s not talk about the matter, but our cooperation.” Yang Weiye changed the topic quickly because he had already conveyed the key information.

It was rare for him to come over. Last time Shen Yan and Xia Mingde had reached some consensus and now it was high time carrying it out, which was he, as President, ought to care about.

“If that proposal is to get approved in Shen Group’s board meeting, let’s spare some time to sit and discuss the details.” Several directors of Ruyi Tower had held a seminar and concluded that the proposal was basically feasible. At present, Yang Weiye mentioned it again. Considering President Ning was here too, Shen Group was inclined to agree on this matter probably.

However, Xia Mingde was told earlier that since Shen Mo controlled Zeng Group, he dissented from Shen Yan’s proposal in the board meeting.

And Old Madame seemed to support Shen Mo. Considering there were some uncertainties, Xia Mingde didn’t intend to convey his strong will to directly sign the agreement.

“Well, after lunch? I’ll call my secretary to make preparations.” Yang Weiye was practical. He took his phone at once.

As Yang Weiye did so, Xia Mingde, of course, couldn’t leave behind. So he asked Second Brother to inform the assistant and secretary to prepare.

This deal seemed to be settled. These several persons looked relaxed and continued to discuss other cooperation in the future. But they didn’t expect that when Yang Weiye’s secretary was preparing the documents for the meeting in the afternoon, a manager saw it.

And he got to know it was about the cooperation with Ruyi Tower. This manager was Shen Mo’s supporter so he immediately went back to his office and called Shen Mo.

Shen Mo was busy looking for those people. When he received the call, he was so angry that he almost threw the phone away. What did they mean? He was condemned to be guilty and Shen Yan with Xia Family was benefited before the result came out?

He would by no means agree to it. He had said earlier that he objected that Shen Group gave such a big business to Xia Family alone. The cooperation must let Zeng Group take part in at least.

The principle of fairness was agreed on by Old Madame. And she once said a board meeting would be held to vote for it. Shen Mo had lobbied several board members and they said they would support him.

Now they circumvented him and settled the deal. Did they respect him, as First Young Master? Shen Mo jerked his tie with anger.

“They are waiting here for you, Young Master Mo.” Zhang Hanyu frowned aside. Though he didn’t say out the following sentence, he believed Shen Mo got the point.

Bodyguards said earlier that it might be Shen Yan’s scheme, which Zhang Hanyu didn’t believe. How could someone take advantage of his girlfriend for fun? But now, he was more suspicious that it was done by Shen Yan.

“Hanyu, you say what we should do?” Shen Mo got straight to the point. Now he put aside whether or not Shen Yan framed him by maneuvering Xia Yu. They should find out the solution first.

“The agreement is to be signed in the afternoon. Even though they sign it, Young Master Mo you can only swallow it.” After all, Yang Weiye was President now. He had the right to sign the agreement without negotiating with other board members.

If there was anyone trying to challenge, he must point out the big flaws of the agreement which caused great loss to the company. To put it in another word, if Shen Mo had any objection, he must try to persuade Yang Weiye.

“Let’s go to Ruyi Tower.” Shen Mo let the chauffeur turn the car back without hesitation, heading for Ruyi Tower.

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