Survival Records of 3650 days in the Otherworld

Chapter 73

hapter 73: End of winter (Kerox hunt)

The Gartz hunt officially ended in early January. The warriors killed a total of ten Gartz. It was one less than the previous year, but it was enough. The one that Joonbum captured was able to create a top-grade potion and the rest were used to create middle-grade potions. There were 300 top-grade healing potions and 2000 middle-grade healing potions when they were finished.

-I didn’t expect this much!-

-It’s not a lot. You know how many countries there are in this world? They’re sold all over those countries. And we have to use at least 800 of them for ourselves. We will be only selling 1200 middle-grade potions. Oh, and some of our people were saved because of you. Thank you.-

Broodle, the Healer of Ainos, who also took part in making potions, thanked Joonbum. There were some old Ainos people who were dying in their beds with diseases. They managed to stand on their feet in perfect health after consuming the top-quality healing potion.

-I couldn’t even recognize my children! I can hug them with my own arms now! Thank you!-

Some of them visited Joonbum to show their gratitude. Joonbum was embarrassed, but he was happy. All of the healers of the tribe started becoming busy with creating the potions. The black blood of the Gartz now reverted back to white as it overcame the poison that once tainted it.

On the other hand, the warriors were now on vacation. They were awarded with an abundance of food. What changed was that they were now able to eat fresh meat because of the Basetts that were caught alive. Joonbum’s name was becoming a regular among the Ainos as they realized all the changes he had brought over.

“This is really nice. We can keep using this arrow even after shooting it against a rock!”

“This arrow is so straight and clean! It’s perfectly balanced, all with the same weight. It’s perfect!”

The warriors were astonished by the arrows in front of them. It was created by a factory on Earth, but it was enough. The uniformity of machine-created arrows was shocking to the Ainos who created arrows by hand. They also could not create arrowheads, so they traded with the humans. However, the humans rarely brought them better quality arrows. They did not seem to welcome the idea of providing good-quality weapons to the other race. The arrowheads they brought were weak and could easily be damaged.

Joonbum’s arrowhead was different. It did not damage easily even with heavy usage, and the slight dullness was quickly taken care of with some care. It was same for the arrow itself. The wood didn’t seem to be bothered much by the humidity. It did not deform easily like the arrows they had been using.

It generated many more reactions than when they first saw the rifle. This was something they could directly relate to.

“We won’t have to beg those merchants this year.”

“Right. They always take hostage with their iron and food. We won’t have to buy into that this time.”

“Let’s show them what we are capable of.”

“The adults will take care of it.”

“What do you mean, Borr! We have to pull our sleeves up!”

“We aren’t kids anymore! We’re adults now! It’s up to us!”

“Right! You’re too scared!”

Borr, who was in his early twenties, blushed. They discussed with each other as they kept assembling the arrows in front of them.

“The adults probably think the same way too.”

“Right. I heard them ranting last year.”

They seemed eager.

‘This isn’t good.’

The young boys were overly excited. They were reacting to how they were treated until now, but it still was not a good idea.

“The kids are worked up.”

Doral glanced at them and mumbled. They had a good sense of hearing so it was obvious that everyone knew what they were talking about.

“Are you going to leave them be?” Joonbum asked.

“It’s their problem. We’ll intervene before it becomes a real problem, but we’ll let them sort it on their own for now. We all grew up like that.”


“Yeah. We can’t be correct all the time. We learn from our mistakes and then begin going down the right path. We as adults guide them in the right direction. They’ll realize it sooner or later.”


“We’re grateful for your gifts that have helped us improve our lives. But they’re gifts. We understand it won’t last forever and we will continue with our ways. They should understand that soon.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Joonbum nodded as he felt relieved at his words.

“Oh, but don’t strip naked and drink! Drunk! Again. I hope I don’t see that again.”

Joonbum frowned. Even the kids gathered around asking what that was.


Gazlow shouted as he entered the hall. The warriors who were getting bored with crafting arrows eyed him with excitement. It had not been too long since they were finished with the Gartz hunt, but they were much happier while out hunting.

“What kind?” Howen asked as Gazlow approached him to continue his report.

“It’s a Kerox.”



The young warriors let out gasps of excitement. However, older, skilled warriors frowned at the word.

“How many are there?”

“About 300.”

The excitement suddenly disappeared. The warriors’ faces grew tense as they heard the number. Skilled warriors gathered near Howen.

“300… That’s a lot. Where are they?”

“About half a day away, southeast from here. I think they are moving in packs hunting for food.”

Howen nodded in silence. 300 was not an easy number to take care of.

‘Kerox… that monster?’

He remembered the last time he joined the hunt for the Kerox. It was a monster covered in short fur with markings that resembled a hyena, but its shape resembled that of a Doberman Pinscher dog. It was a strong animal that moved in packs. Its existence was annoying in the winter as they banded together to form large packs to find more food. They grew especially aggressive when hungry, and a Kerox would even hunt within its own pack if there were weaker ones in the pack.

Even the Kawiqunins avoided the Keroxes during this season.

“We have to get rid of them.”

“300 is too much. It will drive the Boduas to extinction.”

Warriors began voicing their opinions.

“I guess we have to do it with our own hands this year.”

Joonbum grew curious at Howen’s words and Doral explained, “There’s only Galfus and the cubs left for the Guardians. They usually hunt down Keroxes during the summer, but they couldn’t do it this time. That’s why there’s 300 of them. It would’ve been around 50 of them under regular circumstances, and we wouldn’t have to bother. But that number is too huge.”

Joonbum remembered that Galfus and the four cubs had traveled south.

‘It feels like it’s been years already.’

Joonbum reminisced about Galfus for a moment.

“Warriors! Prepare for a Kerox hunt!”

“Yes, sir!”

Warriors began cleaning up the area and began packing. Joonbum moved quickly to prepare for himself.

“Are you going to use that?”

“Yes. I will try using it this time.”

“Okay. I’ll let Chieftain know and report that you will take the lead.”

Joonbum picked up the M-245 machine gun and moved to the storage full of ammo. He wore specially-ordered winter wear over his armor and put on a bag full of ammo for the M-245. He also tied a short Gladius sword on the left side of his belt and equipped a handgun on the right. When he was finished, he was armed with both modern and ancient weapons.

Warriors were already lined up when he got out.

“Mardic, Horun, Romic, Baiden, Ron, Jack, Piert will be on scouting duty to lure the monsters. Gazlow will lead the team. The rest of the warriors will be on standby for an ambush at the point. Let’s move out!”

Warriors moved out after Howen’s orders. The scouting team was the first to leave the town and rest of the warriors, including Joonbum, followed.

“We’ll see how it goes today.”

“I look forward to that Joonbum.”

“It seems too heavy. Is it really usable?”

“What are you going to do if it closes in on you?”

“Can you dodge it in time? You shouldn’t trust your guns and armor too much.”

Everyone seemed to have thoughts about the weapon. They saw them being used in training, but they never fired real targets with them. Joonbum grinned. He wanted to teach them the power of the machine gun.

‘It’s man’s dream to become Rambo and the Robocop.’

That was what he thought when he equipped himself with a full suit of armor and a machine gun.

He answered, “You’ll see for yourself today.”

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