Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 55: Kill!

Once the Central Province, which belonged to the Golden Leaf Empire, was left behind, one had essentially crossed the borders of the Golden Leaf Empire. Further to the west lay the territory of the Orc Tribes.

Although the once-powerful Orc Empire, which had united all the Orc tribes, was in a state of disarray and unable to muster its forces to attack the borders of the Golden Leaf Empire due to civil war, the chaotic Orc tribes still occasionally raided towns and cities on the border of the Golden Leaf Empire to seize food and weapons. Moreover, many groups of bandits were active in the border region, engaging in arson, murder, and looting.

As a result, the northwestern border was very unstable.

The West Spirit City was located on the northwestern border, and because the nearest garrison of the Golden Leaf Empire was still thousands of miles away, while the nearest Orc tribe was only five hundred miles away, coupled with the fact that the northern side was the adventurer’s paradise, the chaos here could be imagined.

Initially, the Golden Leaf Empire had appointed several city lords, but in the end, these city lords either retreated or died inexplicably in West Spirit City. As a result, the vast region around this area no longer had a practical ruling authority.

West Spirit City became a gathering place for people of all religions and walks of life, and the most despicable criminals from various countries and ethnic groups gathered here to evade pursuit. It was not an exaggeration to say that this was the most chaotic city in the surrounding empire and more than ten kingdoms.

The sky was gradually getting dark, and the howling north wind was accompanied by snowflakes starting to fall.

“Hurry, there’s a windbreak ten miles ahead. Let’s camp there,” a one-eyed person urged loudly.

Lone Eye was the leader of the guards escorting the Goth caravan, and he controlled a mercenary group of over a thousand people. He frequently traveled to the northwest and was very familiar with the terrain.

This time, the Goths had paid a high price, so Lone Eye decided to personally lead the team.

Soon, the caravan arrived at the windbreak that Lone Eye had mentioned. By now, the sky was completely dark, and the snow was getting heavier and heavier. The windbreak was actually two adjacent barren mountains that surrounded a valley, which had been artificially excavated and turned into a shelter from the snowstorm.

At this moment, three merchant caravans and over a hundred travelers from various races, including orcs, dwarves, half-elves, and three extremely beautiful purebred elven girls, had already camped in the wind-sheltered valley.

Lone Eye, along with other guards set up camp in a clearing, and his one remaining eye couldn’t help but turn towards the three elven girls who had become the center of attention. However, after only a brief glance, he dared not think any further. As a seasoned old-timer, Lone Eye could tell at a glance who could be provoked and who could not.

The three elven girls were dressed in elven clothes woven from a certain type of plant, one carrying a beautiful long sword on her back, another a large bow that shimmered with green light, and the last one wielding an elven magic wand. The three elven girls formed a seamless trio of professions within the elven tribe: elven warrior, elven archer, and elven mage.

The main reason why Lone Eye didn’t dare to think further was because of the insignia embroidered with magic thread on the elven clothes of the three girls, which was a shimmering starry sky.


Starfall did not refer to the stars in the sky, but to the name of a power that was one of the three major forces in West Spirit City.

Although West Spirit City was chaotic, the profits here were lucrative.

There were many ethnic tribes around West Spirit City, and the tax revenue collected here was only one-third of that of the border city in the Golden Leaf Empire. Therefore, the daily trading volume was extremely large.

Moreover, this was a supply point for the adventurers in the wilderness, and almost all adventurers would stay here. Furthermore, adventurers sold the various materials they obtained here, and the city was simply a commercial kingdom.

Starfall was involved in almost all industries. If a merchant caravan needed protection, Starfall had a huge elite mercenary corps. If someone had treasures to sell, Starfall had a huge auction house. If one needed various medicines, Starfall had the most complete medical store. If one needed someone to lead the way for an adventure, Starfall had a professional guide team. What? You don’t understand the language of those Orc tribes? Don’t worry, Starfall has the most professional translators…

Therefore, everyone here was just admiring the three elves and no one would dare to harass them.

The Goth merchant caravan had set up camp and started to cook and roast their food. Although they were eating dry rations, in such cold weather, the dry rations were harder than stones and would break one’s teeth if not roasted. The guards were eating and laughing, which was a rare moment of relaxation since entering the northwest territory. Not only the Goth caravan, but the escorts of the other three caravans were also relaxed.

On this snowy night, there would be no bandits appearing. Outside the shelter from the wind, the blizzard was raging. In less than two hours, the accumulated snow on the ground had already reached knee-height.

Two hundred and thirty soldiers in black armor stood like pillars in the blizzard outside. They had already taken off their regular guard attire and put on standard armor and magic weapons. Even the falling snowflakes couldn’t extinguish the burning revenge in their hearts.

The ghost-like figure of Thirteen appeared in front of Qi Bei, and he said respectfully, “Master, we have explored the situation inside the shelter.”

After listening to the description of the situation inside the shelter, Qi Bei understood everything. He called for Lie Feng and Iron Head, gave them some instructions, and then ordered in a stern voice, “Take action, leave no one alive.”

Half of the two hundred and thirty soldiers silently climbed up the mountain, while the other half rushed towards the entrance of the shelter.

“Kill!” Qi Bei uttered the word coldly.

Suddenly, a barrage of arrows shot out from two hundred crossbows at the mountaintop and the entrance, enveloping the entire Goth caravan camp.

Then, the crossbows changed to explosive and penetrating magic arrows. In an instant, screams resounded through the night, and blood blossomed like flowers on this snowy night.

The other two caravans and pedestrians huddled in fear, forming defensive formations.

“We are soldiers of the Golden Leaf Empire, capturing Goth spies. Anyone who acts rashly will be killed without mercy.” A cold voice resounded in everyone’s ears. And at this moment, the soldiers in black armor revealed themselves.

“It’s the Black Armored Army!” someone recognized their distinctive armor and breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they weren’t here to attack them.

230 elite soldiers of the Black Armored Army faced off against over 300 merchants and their guards, including Jin Gang and the hidden Thirteen and Xiao Jiu. It was a completely one-sided massacre.

However, the tent of the Goth Princess seemed to be made of some special material, as it was able to withstand the crossbow attacks.

Inside the tent, Mimi was filled with regret and said to the Goth Princess, “Hua Hua, it’s Qi Bei and his men. They’ve escaped, and it’s all my fault.”

“Shut up.” The Goth Princess didn’t care about Mimi and opened a small box.

Inside the box were two metal tube-like objects and sparkling magic crystals.

The Goth Princess quickly embedded the magic crystals into the grooves of the metal tubes, and they immediately began to emit a faint light.

“Take this, we’re going to break through.” The Goth Princess threw the other metal tube to Mimi.

“Hua Hua, even if I die, I will protect you and help you break through.” Mimi resolutely said.

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