Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 42: Whoever tries to steal my woman, I will fight him to the death

“I have made my decision and it won’t change. Senior brother, do as you wish.” Ming Yue spoke calmly, turning her head away without looking at Feng Tian.

Shame! This was the kind of shame that Feng Tian had never felt since he was born.

As a disciple of the Heavenly Mountain Peak, one of the Five Holy Lands, Feng Tian held a natural sense of superiority. But now, this sense of superiority had become the most deadly thorn in his heart, and he couldn’t snap out of this shame for a while.

“Ganalei, Sohi Gula…” With a twisted expression, Feng Tian suddenly started chanting an urgent spell, and a purple thunderbolt shot toward Qi Bei from the tip of his wand.

The intermediate-level thunder spell, Purple Thunderburst, was known for its powerful and terrifying attack, but it had the disadvantage of having a longer preparation time. Normally, a thunder mage would need at least three or four breaths to cast it, and it would only be the size of a fist. However, the Purple Thunderburst released by Feng Tian was as big as a head and cast in just one breath.

Qi Bei’s gaze turned instantly cold, and his inwardly restrained hostility erupted completely.

Suddenly, Qi Bei’s figure turned into an afterimage, evading the purple lightning bolt. With a shake of his black sword, he unleashed a golden light that directly aimed for Feng Tian’s throat.

“Thunder Shield!” Feng Tian waved his wand, and a flickering layer of shield made of lightning appeared around him.

Qi Bei’s gold-colored battle qi was bounced off when it hit the shield.

Once a mage crosses the threshold of an intermediate mage, they will no longer be at the mercy of others in close combat. Senior mages can cast a magic shield that can rival the battle qi armor that only King-grade warriors can condense. If a warrior of the same level attacks, it would be difficult to break through this magic shield for a while. Therefore, a normal King-grade warrior would not easily offend a Senior mage.

“Divine Dragon Slash!” Qi Bei’s expression became even colder, and with a loud shout, the six cyclones in his lower dantian began to spin frantically. At the same time, his internal energy surged from his lower dantian and merged with his battle qi.

The black long sword vibrated at an extremely subtle frequency, creating a series of dragon roars. The three-foot golden light burst out of the sword, forming a dragon tail shape, and slashed toward Feng Tian.

Feng Tian sneered in disdain, the battle qi of an intermediate warrior couldn’t even hurt a mage of the same level, let alone him, a King-grade mage.

He didn’t even bother to dodge, waving his wand to condense an electric net, which flew straight toward Qi Bei’s face.

With a slight sound of “poof,” Feng Tian’s expression froze, and his eyes revealed an expression of horror for the first time.

The tip of the black long sword in Qi Bei’s hand broke through the lightning shield and slowly but unstoppably advanced toward Feng Tian’s throat. At the same time, the electric net released by Feng Tian enveloped Qi Bei.

There was a burst of bright electric light, and blue smoke rose from Qi Bei’s body. Huai’an wanted to rush over, but he felt a heavy weight and saw a cane placed on his shoulder.

“Don’t be in a hurry,” Kurt Nord said, with a hint of sharpness in his cloudy eyes.

The little girl on the other side, Feng Ruoyu, also wanted to rush over, so anxious that she was in tears, but she was also held back by her sister, Feng Ruoyun.

Feng Tian didn’t even have time to catch his breath as he suddenly realized that Qi Bei’s sword, which had pierced through his lightning shield, had already reached his throat.

“Die…” Qi Bei shouted coldly. The golden light on the tip of the black long sword burst out in an instant and swept toward Feng Tian’s throat.

Blood splattered everywhere!

This was followed by a loud bang, and countless lightning snakes danced wildly on Feng Tian’s body. Qi Bei, who was still sparking with electricity, was knocked back and fell from mid-air.

“Qi Bei!!” Hua’an roared wildly as he jumped up and caught Qi Bei’s body which was blackened all over.

After the lightning disappeared, Feng Tian’s appearance shocked everyone. The handsome Feng Tian no longer had the pride of the disciple of a Holy Land. His hair was disheveled, his eyes darted aimlessly, and a deep gash ran from his throat to the corner of his left eye, exposing raw flesh and skin. Blood spurted out profusely, as if from a fountain.

A reputable King-grade thunder mage from Heavenly Mountain Peak was actually brought to such a situation by an Intermediate warrior. No one could believe their eyes.

But the fact was so. Although Qi Bei’s life and death were unknown, this kind of achievement was enough to make him proud of himself.

Not to mention an Intermediate warrior, even an ordinary King-grade warrior would probably be easily defeated by Feng Tian.

“Impossible, this is impossible…” Feng Tian muttered to himself in despair. The blow that Qi Bei dealt him was even more cruel than killing him. He felt as if he had suddenly fallen from the high clouds to the muddy ground and had been stepped on a few times.

“Impossible!” Feng Tian suddenly roared like a madman. A burst of electric light erupted from his feet, which carried him to the sky and his figure disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Ming Yue’s shocked expression slowly subsided. She glanced at Qi Bei, who was surrounded by members of the Nord family and couldn’t explain her own feelings at the moment, only that they were somewhat complicated.

“Qi Bei, an Intermediate warrior, injured Feng Tian, a King-grade mage. Did Feng Tian go crazy from his defeat?”

“What? Feng Tian isn’t just an ordinary King-grade mage! He’s a disciple of one of the Five Holy Lands!”

“Damn, Young Master Qi Bei really crippled the disciple of a Holy Land, this is too unbelievable.”

The atmosphere in the imperial capital was already heated due to the engagement of Qi Bei and Princess Ming Yue. Wherever people gathered, whether in teahouses or restaurants, or on the streets, there would always be a group of people excitedly discussing the matter, with one or two spitting while talking. It wouldn’t take long for today’s events to spread everywhere in the capital city.

At this moment, Qi Bei slowly opened his pitch-black eyes. His body was now black all over, and if one didn’t look carefully, it was hard to tell that he had already woken up.

“I say, little girl, your snot is falling all over my face.” Qi Bei grinned and said to Feng Ruoyu in a hoarse voice, who was squatting beside him and crying.

“What snot, those are tears… Ah, big brother Qi Bei, you’re not dead!” Feng Ruoyu instinctively retorted, but immediately screamed in disbelief while looking at Qi Bei who had woken up.

“You cursed me, little girl. This young master is blessed by the gods. How could I die so easily? I just passed out from being electrocuted by that guy.” Qi Bei said as he wobbled to his feet from Huai’an’s embrace.

“Stinky brat, why did you have to fight so hard? Even if you couldn’t win in a one-on-one fight, can’t we gang up on him?” Huai’an’s eyes were red, obviously he had also shed tears, but he wouldn’t admit it.

“This is a matter between two men. Whoever tries to steal my woman, I will fight him to the death.” Qi Bei said, cracking a smile as his gaze met Ming Yue’s beautiful eyes. However, her eyes seemed too calm, which really annoyed him.

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