Super Urban Master

Chapter 322 - Arriving at Hero City

Chapter 322 Arriving at Hero City

Bloody Demon King stared at Qin Hao with his eyes blinking again and again, “Little Hao, have you reached the middle period of Void Stage?”

Not only Bloody Demon King was surprised, but others turned to Qin Hao wondering what a terrible level he had reached.

“Uh.” Qin Hao glanced at the crowd and then fixed his eyes on Bloody Demon King. He was a bit proud. Complacent as Bloody Demon King was, he couldn’t see through Qin Hao’s real stage.

“Only the peak of the late period of Void Stage.” answered Qin Hao indifferently.

“Only?” All the people were so pissed off by Qin Hao’s response that their faces were twisted, even including Bloody Demon King’s.

What did the peak of the late period of Void Stage mean? That was only one step away from the Peak of Void Stage, the top stage in Semi-Ancient Martial World. Also, Bloody Demon King knew that by Qin Hao’s way of cultivating, he could compete with people in Peak of Void Stage. If using his own tactics, even Peak of Void Stage masters would be defeated. That was to say, Qin Hao had already become one of the most powerful beings in Semi-Ancient Martial World.

Becoming a top cultivator except those in Ancient Martial World before twenty, that was so d*mn unprecedented.

Outside Ancient Martial World, there were millions of cultivators, but few could reach the peak stage. Those who had reached were all very old, some of which were even more than one hundred years old. No one had ever expected a young man less than twenty would stand at the peak one day, looking down at the people beneath him.

Back to his days in Ancient Martial World, Bloody Demon King had also once been a brilliant cultivator. When he was near twenty, he had reached the Peak of Spirit Stage and was only one step away from the Void Stage. Not long after his twenty, he became a Void Stage master.

But such achievement only made him dwarf before Qin Hao. He needed some time to calm down. It should be noted that it was only a year after Qin had come to the martial path.

Comparisons were odious. Bloody Demon King simply quitted comparing.

Anyway, it should be congratulated that Qin Hao had become stronger.

“Good, Little Hao. In that way, Shifu is relieved. And you will be unstoppable when fighting for the Hero Rankings.” Thinking of the Hero Rankings, Bloody Demon King realized something and slapped his head, “By the way, how long have we been here?” Doing closed-door cultivation for these days made him forget the time.

“Shifu, we have been here for over a month.” Shi Bingying answered gently.

“What?” Bloody Demon King jumped up shrieking, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Oh, it’s too bad.”

“What’s wrong, Shifu?” Qin Hao didn’t know why his Shifu reacted so strongly.

“The time. The time for the Hero Rankings may have passed. Hurry up. We should leave right now for Hero City.” Bloody Demon King was so anxious as if he had been on fire. He didn’t want to miss this chance, or he had to wait for another ten years. Ten years! He had waited so long that he had no patience to wait a minute longer. Ancient Martial World was his real hometown and his familiar battlefield.

Qin Hao also realized that they had forgotten the time.

Yet before he set off, he must settle down those people of Medicine Sect and Serenity House. He was not a single man like Bloody Demon King, who could leave without hesitation. There were many people around him needing his care and arrangement.

After Qin Hao’s consistent persuading and placating, Bloody Demon King agreed to leave on the next morning, or else he would depart at once.

In the evening, after a simple meal, Qin Hao started to make arrangements. Now that Qin Hao was the real master of the Medicine Sect, Gu Hong and Ye Tianping would not complain about his plan. But there were some problems in dealing with Serenity House people.

He had intended to send them to the original location in the urban world, but they all refused. They thought Semi-Ancient Martial World had more Spirit Qi than the outside world and was a good place for cultivation. As a result, these days they had made much progress. What’s more, Serenity House only existed in name now. Returning meant nothing to them.

Also, there was a key problem. Without a guide, they could not go through the array at the exit of Semi-Ancient Martial World. If being not careful enough, they might die in the array.

At last, Qin Hao gave them a suggestion. If they wanted to stay, they’d better join Medicine Sect, which also needed more new members. As an exchange, Qin Hao could teach each of them a set of high-grade cultivating methods and gave each of them a high-quality pill. After all, he had inherited many pills in the Cauldron.

Under such temptation, even the leader of Serenity House was willing to join Medicine Sect as a common member.

Having solved the problem of Serenity House, Qin Hao gave Gu Hong Medicine King Scripture II. This book could help Gu Hong recover his bones and tendons. Of course, Qin Hao didn’t tell him that it was left by his father but said he got it from the Livid Dragon Cauldron.

Gu Hong was more than happy to get Medicine King Scripture II and had no time to care about where Qin Hao got it. He just took the book and went for cultivation.

In the end, Qin Hao asked Bloody Demon King to set a maze array, a hiding array and a killing array for Medicine Sect, in case someone came to destroy Medicine Sect after they left.

The three arrays were done overnight. It not only cost many Spirit Stones but made Bloody Demon King dog-tired. Though his complaints could be piled up against the sky, to have Qin Hao leave without worry and mental burden, he endured the tiring work and finished it. Normally, he would never have worked that way like a horse.

After settling down everything, the following day, Qin Hao appointed Ye Tianping as the leader of Medicine Sect, charging with all the routine affairs in the sect. He also left many resources for Ye Tianping to distribute. Then he set out for Hero City with Bloody Demon King, Shi Bingying and Shadow.

In order to travel faster, they hired a big four-horse carriage.

Qin Hao sat in the front to drive the carriage. Bloody Demon King stayed inside with the two girls.

Bloody Demon King looked at Shadow who was sleeping on the blanket. His face was full of reluctance-he was unwilling to let Qin Hao carry her along.

The quota of people going into Ancient Martial World was only three, but now here they had four people. What to do with the one left? Who should be left?

However, Qin Hao was determined to take Shadow. In such a weak condition, no one knew what could happen if Qin Hao left her alone. Without a medical expert like Qin Hao around her, she might die without knowing how.

So Bloody Demon King had to bear it for now. But he planned that when Shadow woke up and was out of danger, he would persuade Qin Hao into leaving her in Semi-Ancient Martial World.

Maybe because of the rocky road, or maybe because of Qin Hao’s treatment last night, Shadow woke up and opened her eyes slowly.

“Sister Shadow, you are awake. That’s so great,” Shi Bingying cried in surprise and joy.

Shadow saw Shi Bingying and tried to sit up.

Seeing this, Shi Bingying helped her up hurriedly, and said in a low voice, “Be careful, Sister Shadow.”

“Where, where am I? Why I’m here? Where is Qin Hao?” Shadow looked a bit pale and her voice was weak.

“Hao is at outside driving the carriage. We’re in a carriage heading for Hero City.” After answering, Shi Bingying called at Qin Hao outside, “Hao, Sister Shadow has woken up.”

Hearing this, Qin Hao stopped the horses immediately and crept inside saying excitedly, “Really? Shadow, how are you feeling now? Are you feeling better?”

Rushed for a few steps, he came to Shadow.

On seeing Qin Hao, the young man she had longed for days and nights, Shadow burst into excited tears. She couldn’t believe her own eyes, “Qin Hao, is that you? Is that really you?” She stretched her trembling hand to touch her man. She was afraid that it was just a dream and she would only touch the air.

Qin Hao snatched her hand and said seriously, “It’s real. It’s me.”

“Qin Hao… Waaa… Can you hug me?” At this moment, the only thing she wanted was to bury into her man’s arms and have a good cry.

Qin Hao grabbed her in his arms without hesitation. How had Shadow missed him and what dangerous experience had she gone through were all discharged as tears and as a woman’s cries.

Shi Bingying was also moved. Her eyes glistened with tears. And she started to sob together with Shadow.

Qin Hao then held the two girls in arms, one at each side, and let them cry out of happiness.

Bloody Demon King was so upset by this scene. D*mn! This was not the way I expected! His disciple could hold two girls together while he, as the Shifu, was still a bachelor and could only sit aside watching. He couldn’t bear to be the fourth wheel. Damn, I’d better go driving the f**king carriage.

Bloody Demon King crept out unhappily and served as the carriage driver. On the whole journey, he felt extremely unfair. It should be the disciple to drive the carriage for the Shifu, but now he, as the Shifu, was driving the d*mn carriage not only for his disciple but also for his disciple’s two girlfriends.

Was it fair? Certainly not.

So Bloody Demon King poured his anger on the horses by whipping them hardly in bouts of cracking sound. The horses felt pain and ran faster.

By letting out his anger, they traveled faster. They had planned to arrive at Hero City after it was dark. But they made it before that. When the carriage stopped, the horses fell to the ground and foamed at their mouths.

Hero City was the biggest and most famous city in Semi-Ancient Martial World. It was at least ten times larger than Jinwu City that Qin Hao and others had been to.

Qin Hao and Shi Bingying supported Shadow out from the carriage and found the streets here were much wider than those in Jinwu City.

But strangely, there were few people on the streets, which seemed to be lonely.

“Why there are so few people in this big city?” Qin Hao muttered in wonder.

“They must have been attracted to the Hero Arena.” Bloody Demon King answered hurriedly, “Let’s go there now.”

“Wait, Shifu. Let’s find a hotel to rest first.” Qin Hao worried about Shadow’s weak body and said in a hurry.

Bloody Demon King glanced at Shadow and sighed helplessly. Then he waved, “I’ll go to the arena and check first. You pick a nearby hotel to settle in. I’ll come to you after knowing what’s going on there.”

He was too eager to know the information about the battle on Hero Arena. Was it almost over now? Who became the top three? He wished he could know at once.

“OK, Shifu. Please check it first.” Qin knew his Shifu was eager to go, so he didn’t say more and let him leave.

“OK, I’m going.” Words done, Bloody Demon King headed for Hero Arena like a hurricane. He had been here before and knew well its location.

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