Super Urban Master

Chapter 317 - Upgrading to Middle Period of Void Stage

Chapter 317 Upgrading to Middle Period of Void Stage

It took Shadow so much strength to hobble to the parcel and pick it up.

After getting the parcel that she had come for, she turned back to leave. Suddenly, a gust of cold wind came from behind, which terrified her into dodging by leaning to her side. Then a palm hit where she had been. Luckily, the palm was not fast and powerful enough, which made it possible for her to dodge.

Shadow turned around only to see Kong Ming. The old guy was alive too.

Failing to hit Shadow, Kong Ming could do nothing but glare at her while threatening, “Girl, the stuff is mine. Leave it and I’ll let you go, or I must kill you today.”

“Hum.” snorted Shadow, “Even if you’re going to kill me, I’ll take it. Besides, considering your present strength, it’s not sure who will be killed if we fight.” She was so determined, leaving no space for negotiation, “You’d better leave this place as soon as possible while they’re still fighting, or you’ll not only lose the stuff, but also your life!”

Words done, Shadow stopped talking. She turned around to walk away while holding the parcel.

“You-” Kong Ming was so angry that he threw up a mouthful of blood. The parcel was so important to him. He was so reluctant to let it be taken by a woman.

But what could he do? He could do nothing with the present situation but leave for now. He could avenge himself on people of Trace-Hiding Sect when he recovered.

Soon, Shadow and Kong Ming left the town. Only the four young geniuses were still fighting madly.

Where Shadow had gone was in the direction of Medicine Sect.

At the Medicine Sect, Shi Bingying and others had waited for a night on the mountain. But they hadn’t seen Qin Hao come back. They were wondering where Master Gu Hong and Ye Tianping had taken Qin Hao to and why they hadn’t come back.

However, they believed in Qin Hao’s power, so they were not worried so much. But Shi Bingying still looked rather anxious and worried.

“Little Ying, don’t worry. Qin Hao will be fine.” Bloody Demon King looked composed. After comforting Shi Bingying, he went back to his room. He had got a lot of fine resources from Jinwu Sect. He could use the time to absorb it as soon as possible to upgrade for a level.

Considering his power, Shi Bingying knew Qin Hao would be fine. But others wouldn’t know the one she was worried about was not Qin Hao but another person-Shadow.

Shadow had said about giving Qin Hao a surprise when she left last night. She had said she would come to Medicine Sect at noon. But it was afternoon now, and she still didn’t see Shadow.

Had something bad happened?

“Ying’er, what’s up? Are you worrying about Qin Hao, or…?” Yi Jing, Shi Bingying’s Shifu, walked to her. She seemed to have seen through what Shi Bingying was worrying about.

“Shifu, I’m not worrying about Qin Hao. I’m worrying about a friend. She said she would come here at noon. But now she is nowhere to be found.” The more Shi Bingying talked, the more worried and anxious she was.

“Where is your friend? How about I accompanying you to find? It is not a way out to wait at here worrying.” said Yi Jing gently.

Shi Bingying thought about it for a while and agreed. She said at once, “Okay, Shifu, let’s take a tour.”

Then, after giving some orders to people Serenity House, the two headed downhills.

“Ying’er, Shifu can’t understand who can have you so worried here other than Qin Hao? Yi Jing knew Shi Bingying, which was why she had asked.

“She, she was my elder sister.” answered Shi Bingying in a low voice.

“Elder sister?” Yi Jing was stunned. A big question mark appeared in her head. She had brought up Shi Bingying. She knew better than anyone whether Shi Bingying had sisters or not. When had her disciple Shi Bingying found an elder sister?

Shi Bingying knew she shouldn’t hide this from her Shifu. In addition, sooner or later, all people would know. Therefore, after thinking for a while, she decided to tell what had happened to Shadow.

“Shifu, I built the sisterhood last night. She was called Shadow.” Then, Shi Bingying told Yi Jing about what had happened between Shadow and Qin Hao as well as what did she think about it.

Hearing that, Yi Jing sighed. She held Shi Bingying’s hands and said with pity, “Ying’er, you’ve suffered so much.”

Shi Bingying smiled and shook her head, “Shifu, it’s not suffering. I and sister Shadow are destined to end in this way.”

Yi Jing also smiled, “Shifu is relieved to know you can think so. For a man like Qin Hao, it’s sure for other women to like. Perhaps, in the future, there will be more… Alas, forget it. No one knows what will happen in the future. Let’s forget it. I just hope he won’t fail you in the future.”

“Mm, okay, Shifu.” Shi Bingying nodded obediently. To grasp the present happiness was the most important. Who could tell what would happen in the future?

“Younger sister, younger sister Bingying…” While the two were talking, from somewhere spread faint yells. The voice seemed to be calling Shi Bingying.

“Ying’er, listen. Someone is there.” Yi Jing looked vigilantly at the grass over there.

Shi Bingying’s cultivation base was higher than Yi Jing. Of course, she had heard it. She had even found where did the voice come from. It was from the grass not far from them.

“Shifu, there.” said Shi Bingying while running to the grass.

Someone was there for sure. In the grass lay a blood-covered person with a faint breath. It was Shadow.

“Elder sister Shadow, what happened to you? How did you come to this?” shouted Shi Bingying anxiously. She ran over and held Shadow up from the ground.

Shadow had been gripping a black parcel. She handed it to Shi Bingying and then said brokenly, “Younger sister, I… Maybe, I’m dying. Give, give this thing to Qin Hao.”

“What, what is it?” Shi Bingying looked at the parcel.

“It, it’s…” Shadow wanted to explain. But she fell into Shi Bingying’s arms after she had only finished several words.

“Younger sister, younger sister. Wake up, wake up.” shouted Shi Bingying anxiously.

“Ying’er, take her back soon. Maybe Qin Hao’s Shifu, that Demon King, can save her. Quickly.” reminded Yi Jing from beside.

Being reminded of that, Shi Bingying came back to earth. Bloody Demon King was not ordinary people. Maybe he did have methods to save Shadow. Unfortunately, Qin Hao was not here. If he were here, given his extraordinary medical skills, it would be no problem for him to save her.

Then, the two took Shadow back to Medicine Sect immediately.

“The middle period of Void Stage, have I broken through?”

On the grass surrounded by thick fog, Qin Hao, sitting in the fog, waved his fingers in the void. Suddenly, a small crack was presented in the void and then disappeared soon.

The crack was so small that one could barely see. Besides, it disappeared in a flash. However, being able to create void cracks was enough to shock countless people. The truth was that only people in Immortal Stage could create void cracks. It was really formidable for him to make it by merely entering the middle period of Void Stage.

Although there were no people, he did have shocked someone a lot.

“Young man, what kind of method are you cultivating? How can it be so horrible?”

A voice could be heard near Qin Hao’s ears but seemed to be from afar.

“Who?” Qin Hao gave a shout and stood up at once, releasing all his Qi. Under the pressure of his powerful Qi, the surrounding fog was forced to swirl and roll anxiously.

With his sharp eyes, Qin Hao coldly scanned the surrounding. He suddenly found that, in the fog, his eyesight seemed to able to reach farther and broader.

Had his eyesight become better due to his upgrade of cultivation?

It was just one of the reasons. But what was more important was the fog had become less and thinner. The reason was Qin Hao had madly absorbed almost half of the fog that was formed by Spirit Qi. That was why he had upgraded. Damn, the speed of his consumption was too abnormally fast.

If it had been for someone else who had been cultivating normal methods, the spirit Qi would have been enough for him to upgrade to the Immortal Stage. Of course, though Spirit Qi was enough, it was another problem for him to have the insight to enter that high stage.

“Who? Come out!”

Seeing no one respond to his shout, Qin Hao shouted again. It was like the thunder rolling in the sky, shaking the space.

“It was from my former master.” A green dragon came out of the fog. It was Little Dragon.

Looking at Little Dragon, Qin Hao asked, “Your former master? Does he live in here?”

Little Dragon shook its head, “My former master had passed away, or you wouldn’t have been chosen as the successor. What spoke just now is just a piece of soul fragment of my former master.”

Qin Hao opened his mouth widely at a surprise, “Soul fragment? How, how long it has lasted?”

“About several hundred years. I don’t remember how long exactly.” Little Dragon’s voice was a little indifferent. It had long lost its sense of time.

Having kept his soul fragment for several hundred years after he died, damn, what kind of horrible figure he was.

“Master, come with me and meet my former master. You have delayed for a couple of days at here.” Little Dragon’s tone contained a little discontent.

“A couple of days?” Qin Hao had a sudden tremble.

Damn, he had lost his sense of time so easily when doing cultivation. His staying at here for a couple of days must have worried people sick outside. Even if they hadn’t, he just felt uneasy about leaving them alone. They were too weak to protect themselves without him. Any Spirit Stage masters would simply kill them all.

No, he had to go out as soon as possible.

Qin Hao turned impatient now, “Uh, well, Little Dragon, I have a lot of friends out there. I’m worried about their safety. They’re worried about me too. How about a deal? Think about it. First, you let me go out, meet them and make sure they’re safe. Then, I’ll come back. How about it?”

Damn, if I were to come back, I would be your grandson.

But Little Dragon’s answer strangled Qin Hao’s scheme, “Master, sorry, I don’t know how to get out. If you really want to go out soon, you must meet my former master and inherit all what that he had. Then you’ll know how to get out.”

Damn, this wasn’t the way of the game I had schemed. All right, if I must go, then I’m going.

“Fine, then you lead the way. I’m in a hurry. Hey, wait.” A tough problem suddenly came to Qin Hao’s mind. After his expression had frozen for a while, he smiled flatteringly at Little Dragon, “Ha ha, well, Little Dragon, how about another deal? There is no bridge for that cliff. Can you carry me over it?”

“No, well, you’d better help yourself out. I’m leaving.” Acting in a non-negotiable way, Little Dragon turned back. It waved its tail and disappeared soon in the fog, seeming to be afraid that Qin Hao would forcibly climb up to its back.

“Damn, jerk, what an annoying dragon! I don’t believe I can’t go across without you.” Qin Hao ran in the direction of the cliff while grinding his teeth.

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