Super Urban Master

Chapter 306 - The Extermination of Jinwu Sect

Chapter 306 The Extermination of Jinwu Sect


Seeing those countless bloody saber shadows flying to him, Jin Muyun couldn’t hold his anger anymore. He waved the saber in his left hand and created a huge horrible saber shadow too. It went directly towards those coming saber shadows.

“Clang clang clang…”

Two sabers hitting each other generated harsh clangs. Powerful saber energy dominated this place, tearing apart the surrounding void and going down towards anything on the ground.

Jinwu Sect was suffering the severest destruction since it had been founded. Countless saber shadows went down and cut plenty of cracks on buildings. Some failed to bear those horrible attacks and collapsed.

The situation of its people was even worse. Some had been cut by those bloody saber shadows and died with blood being spattered around. Others were simply cut in half.

Therefore, the “booms” of building collapsing and the cries and yells of people composed a dirge for the extermination of Jinwu Sect.

Those who were watching such a tragic scene at far were shocked a lot. How could the battle between two Void Stage masters be that horrible? It was really a nightmare.

Jin Muyun saw the scene from the sky. He was heartbroken. How could his Jinwu Sect, the thousand-year heritage of Jin Family, be ruined when he was in charge?

He couldn’t let it continue. He had to draw the battle to somewhere else.

“Qin Hao, I dare you come with me.”

Jin Muyun shouted and launched his most powerful blow to force Qin Hao to back off. Then he flew away to somewhere far from Jinwu Sect.

How could Qin Hao not know his intention? He knew he wanted to draw the battle to somewhere else other than Jinwu Sect.

Qin Hao sneered: You think you can spare Jinwu Sect from being destroyed? I must destroy it today.

“Little Monster, you take charge of this place. Show me how strong you are. Don’t let me down.”

Qin Hao waved his hand. Then he turned into a shadow in the void and disappeared with Jin Muyun. Behind him, the sounds of “howl howl howl” exploded the sky like thunder, due to which the whole area was shaking.

“What’s going on?”

“Wow, what’s that?”

Those who were watching the battle opened their eyes widely. They looked surprisingly at the huge monster that had suddenly appeared in the sky.

Before they could figure out what it was, the monster had dashed down from the sky.

“Boom boom boom!”

On the ground, an old and huge building had been destroyed into pieces. People in it had died while screaming.

“Haha, awesome.” Suddenly, among those who were watching the battle, one person laughed madly. He jumped out and ran towards Jinwu Sect.

“Shifu, it’s dangerous.” yelled Shi Bingying. She saw Bloody Demon King run out madly.

People surrounding also yelled. Was that man mad? He wanted to court death? People over there were all retreating. How could he keep running forward?

How could they know that the monster would not hurt Bloody Demon King? Besides, people of Jinwu Sect were now busy escaping. No one would pay attention to him.

Bloody Demon King ran for two purposes: first, to kill someone to check his strength of cultivation; second, to scavenge for something.

Jinwu Sect was thousand-year-old sect in Semi-Ancient Martial World. It must have a lot of good resources.

Today was Jinwu Sect’s end. Thousands of people had witnessed its extermination. A huge monster, with a bull head, a horse body and a tiger tail, had destroyed, like a bulldozer, all those grand buildings of Jinwu Sect.

Countless people of Jinwu Sect had been hit or trampled to death. Some had even been swallowed, becoming the monster’s food.

It ate humans. That was the most terrifying point. If Qin Hao were here and found Little Monster eat humans, what would he do?

Some Spirit Stage masters of Jinwu Sect had tried jointly to kill Little Monster. But what frightened them was it kept running forward regardless of their attacks. Sometimes, it would open its huge mouth and swallow people.

Its skin was even tougher than the effect of Qin Hao’s Skin Refining.

In the end, people of Jinwu Sect had to escape. Unfortunately, their speeds were not as fast as the monster’s. It had four legs but they had only two. How could they rival it? They wanted to fly, but they were not Void Stage masters. No one but masters in or beyond Void Stage could stand in the void.

“Protect me. I’m your young master. I’m Jin Yang.”

In chaos, Jin Yang crawled out from the wreckage. He was covered by blood. He yelled hysterically at those who were fleeing.

At such a moment, who would care about whether he was the young master or not? To survive was the most important.

Seeing no one listen to him, Jin Yang started to curse badly in extreme anger.

Perhaps, it was his curse that drew Little Monster’s attention. It turned around and dashed to him with bloody eyes wide open.

“No. Save me!” yelled Jin Yang desperately.

“Demon beast, fuck off!”

At the very moment, a scrawny shadow appeared from the void and launched a palm-shaped shadow to Little Monster. With a “boom”, it, carrying horrible energy and howling winds, hit Little Monster’s head.


Little Monster let out several howls. It had been forced to retreat for a few steps.

“A Void Stage master?” Some people noticed the one’s coming. They were glad that a Void Stage master had come to save them.

Unfortunately, their gladness ended soon. After the scrawny shadow forced Little Monster to back off, it didn’t attack further. It grabbed Jin Yang and jumped to the sky. It disappeared in the void, leaving a mere trace.

“Howl howl howl…” roared Little Monster at the sky with extreme anger. It couldn’t fly. It could only look at the scrawny shadow flying away. Since it couldn’t vent its anger on the shadow, it decided to turn it to people of Jinwu Sect. So, the next moment, it started its killing in a more cruel way.

The killing shocked the whole Jinwu City. It put the “Holy Land” of Jinwu Sect into endless terror.

People felt pity for Jinwu Sect. They didn’t know what kind of horrible force had it incurred, leading to its tragic extermination.

Since today, Jinwu Sect would be removed from the Semi-Ancient Martial World. Its territory would be looted by others.

The thousand-year-old base of Jinwu Sect had been destroyed in the blink of an eye. It had been the history and a pity.

After quite a long time (no one knew it exactly but only felt it was long), the killing ceased and returned peace to where Jinwu Sect was located.

There were only about half of those who had been watching the battle. Most of them had been terrified into escaping. A lot of citizens here had chosen to leave this city.

Only some people with strength and the guts had stayed. They had witnessed the whole process of Jinwu Sect’s extermination.

Jinwu Sect had been the history. What about its Sect Leader Jin Muyun? Who had won the battle between him and Qin Hao? Who had died? Where were they?

On the top of a peak, the once luxuriant scene was now a mess. Fallen trees, broken branches and naked trunks were everywhere.

Saber cuts could be seen on trunks and the grass. They proved that there must have experienced a terrifying battle.

At such a ruined place, each of the two figures was standing on a fallen tree, facing the other in the front.

They were Qin Hao and Jin Muyun.

The fallen tree under Jin Muyun’s feet had been dyed red by the blood continually dripping from his body.

Qin Hao was bleeding too, only at a less level. But his clothes had been ripped much worse than Jin Muyun’s. On his tough skin, cuts from sharp sabers remained.

Jin Muyun’s power was formidable. He was the strongest one Qin Hao had met in his life. Had Jin Muyun’s left hand not been hurt and had it not been the Skin Refining, Qin Hao would not have won or would have won at a terrible cost.

Even so, his skin had been hurt for several times, causing his bleeding.

Of course, his bleeding was nothing compared with Jin Muyun’s.

Jin Muyun stared in extreme surprise at Qin Hao. He was astonished by the horrible power of the twenty-or-so years old man in front of him.

During the battle, he had known the young man’s stage, the early period of the Void Stage.

Normally, a master in the early period of the Void Stage wouldn’t rival one in middle period of Void Stage. However, this young man had fought with him and won.

Perhaps, had his left hand not been hurt, he wouldn’t have lost. But there was no if, he had to face the miserable reality. But in his eyes, one could read intense reluctance to yielding.

“Who’s your Shifu?” At the last moment of his life, he wanted to know who was Qin Hao’s Shifu. He wanted to know who had brought up such a freak, no, demon.

“Bloody Demon King.” said Qin Hao.

It was a badass name, but Jin Muyun had never heard of it. Bloody Demon King was from Ancient Martial World. It was normal for Jin Muyun to not know the name, since he had never been there.

“He’s made you, so, how strong he is?”

“Mm, about at the Perfection Stage now.” said Qin Hao while smiling.

At the moment, the two weren’t talking like enemies but friends.

“Perfection Stage? Perfection Stage? It’s impossible…”

Before Jin Muyun could finish his words, “clang”, his saber hit the trunk and broke in half and fell to the grass.

His saber, of course, was one of the best. But it was now broken after having been hit by Scarlet Blood Saber.

The saber was handed down from ancestors of Jin Family. It symbolized the head of Jin Family and the Sect Leader of Jinwu Sect.

“Saber is fine, and you should live. Saber is broken, and you should die.”

It was what Jin Muyun had been told when he had been given the saber. Now it was broken, then he should die.

“It’s the fate.” uttered Jin Muyun. Then he fell down to the ground.

With a “Bang”, Jin Muyun, a figure of fame in Semi-Ancient Martial World, died.

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