Super Urban Master

Chapter 29

Chapter 29-Condition


This was just a shout for rescue that came from her subconscious, and it turned out she called the right person. Qin Hao appeared behind Black Wolf like a ghost and grabbed his neck, throwing him away like throwing out a dead dog angrily.

“Bang!” With a loud sound, the wall was shaken and Black Wolf hit in the wall heavily. After that, he fell down to the ground.

Black wolf was indeed the top warrior of the Zuo Family, he could still lift his head, even the blood was flowing out of his mouth and nose. If he was someone else, he could be dead. He looked extremely ferocious and terrifying, Su Xue was so scared and threw herself into Qin Hao’s embrace and tightly hugged him, crying out in grief and fear.

Qin Hao gently patted Su Xue’s shoulder, staring at Black Wolf coldly and combatively. Black Wolf was staring at Qin Hao as well and he was familiar with this young man. He had seen Qin Hao’s figure in projection room before, and it was exactly the person he was looking for.

“You, you … you are… Qin … Qin Hao.” As Black Wolf opened his mouth to speak, blood flowed out.

He had found Qin Hao, but he didn’t expect that this person was so powerful.

Black Wolf had experienced countless life and death situations, but he had never felt useless like this. This time, he didn’t have the strength to fight back. He thought that Qin Hao was merely a student, but he didn’t expect that this student was so terrifying.

“That’s right, I’m Qin Hao. You people from the Zuo family can come to me. However, if you want to hurt someone who has nothing to do with you, you can only go to hell.” Qin Hao’s tone was extremely cold. He already knew from the people outside that they were bastards sent by the Zuo family, he really didn’t expect that the Zuo family’s guy would come to him so quickly.

“Hump, ha-ha.” Black Wolf laughed with the mouth full of blood, “Qin Hao, you really think you are powerful? You dare to kill people from the Zuo family. Listen, one day, you will become the funeral object for me, at that time…” He did not finish his last sentence before falling down onto the ground, then became breathless.

Qin Hao swept a glance at the corpse on the ground indifferently. Unexpectedly, his expression didn’t have any slightly trace of unease. The soul that he possessed had experienced life and death, had killed people, and now it had become a part of his life experience. He could face the corpse calmly.

“Sister Su, I have to go now.” Qin Hao hugged Su Xue who was still crying, and said calmly. Now, he was really going to escape.

“No, no. Don’t abandon me, don’t, I don’t want you to leave me.” Su Xue was still tightly hugging Qin Hao, trembling and sobbing. Right now, she was just a frightened little girl who needed the protection from a man.

Qin Hao held Su Xue in his arms and felt regret. A person like him should not have provoked those weak girls at the very beginning. He would get them into trouble and even caused himself to have scruples and concerns on them.

Right now, there was no point in talking about regret. He had to leave, and he had to leave immediately, because he still had a lot of things to do. Right now, Su Xue was still in shock and didn’t regain her consciousness. When she did, she will understand him. So, Qin Hao rose up the hand on Su Xue’s back and suddenly pointed at an acupoint on her back. Su Xue’s body trembled, then she went soft and fell into his embrace unconsciously.

Su Xue slept for a long time. When she woke up, it was already noon time of the next day. She was awakened from her dream. In her dreams, Qin Hao carried her on his back and they were chased by others crazily. He was so tired that he almost out of breath, but he didn’t want to put her down, she was anxious and shouted loudly.

“Qin Hao, don’t worry about me. Put me down. Run by yourself. Be quick, run, run away.”

No matter how did she shout, there was no response from Qin Hao, he was just running desperately. Suddenly, in front of them, a young man with a scar on his face blocked their way. The young man held a long blade in his hand as he rushed towards them, grinning viciously.

“Qin Hao, be careful.” She was so shocked and cried out, but her scream did not make Qin Hao be cautious. With a “puff” sound, the long blade pierced into Qin Hao’s stomach.

“No…” She screamed as loud as she could, and sat up in bed.

When she opened eyes, she realized that it was a dream. She was so scared that her back was soaked.

“Where is this place?” Only after Su Xue’s mood calmed down did she realize that she was in an unfamiliar room, lying on an unfamiliar bed.

Right at this time, there was a “click” sound outside, someone opened the door and entered. A dignified beauty with a warm smile walked in. Su Xue was stunned when she saw this person. It was An Ru who she had met yesterday.

“Ah, Teacher Su, you’re awake. Did you sleep well? ” An Ru asked her with smile. She held a bowl of hot porridge in her hand and saw Su Xue sitting on the bed.

” It’s you, how come? Why am I here and where is it?” Su Xue didn’t reply to An Ru. Instead, she asked three questions at once.

An Ru smiled slightly and did not immediately reply. She passed over the hot porridge and said, “You haven’t eaten anything for the entire morning. I ordered someone to make the porridge. Please take it while it is still warm.”

“No, answer my questions.” Su Xue raised her voice with firm tone.

By looking at Su Xue’s determined expression, An Ru could only put down the porridge. She pulled a stool and sat in front of the bed, “This is my house. Last night, Qin Hao came to me at midnight and asked me to take care of you for a while.”

“Qin Hao, how is he?” Su Xue grabbed An Ru’s arm excitedly, her expression was incomparably anxious, “Was he captured?”

“Don’t worry, he has already left safely.” An Ru patted Su Xue’s hand to appease her, “Before he left, he wanted me to give you a message. He was very sorry and had no choice but to leave you for a while.”

Hearing that Qin Hao was safe, Su Xue breathed a sigh of relief. She was self-condemned, “I should be the one who apologize. I was the one who dragged him down.”

An Ru rather appreciated Su Xue for being rational.

“Oh, right. Why would Qin Hao entrust me to you?” Su Xue suddenly thought of this question and her heart was filled with doubts. For what she knew, Qin Hao and An Ru were neither familiar with each other, nor close friends. The two of them had only just met, how could An Ru agree to help Qin Hao. Unless … She seemed to have thought of something. She had always been a very imaginative and perceptive person.

“Did he promise to do something for you?”

When An Ru heard these words, she was stunned and astonished. She glanced at Su Xue again and had a new understanding of her. This was a young (younger than her), beautiful, sensible and also very smart woman. No wonder Qin Hao cared about her so much.

Indeed, when Qin Hao entrusted Su Xue to her, he agreed on a condition.

Let’s go back to last night.

“Miss An, I’m being hunted down by someone and it involves Su Xue. I hope that you can help me take care of her for a while.”

An Ru did not immediately agree. She was considering the consequences of this matter. She wasn’t the kind of person who was impulsive and simple-minded. She had to consider everything thoroughly. She wasn’t alone, she had relatives who were relying on her, company and hundreds of employees who were also counting on her for the livelihood. If she was implicated in this matter, she wouldn’t be the only one to suffer. Therefore, she had to understand the situation at least, and weighed the pros and cons before making a decision.

“Can you tell me what’s going on?” An Ru asked calmly. Frankly speaking, she couldn’t reject Qin Hao so easy. After all, her mother needed his help.

In fact, Qin Hao had no choice but to entrust Su Xue to An Ru. What he had provoked was not an ordinary force, but the Zuo family. Normal people didn’t dare to get involved in this kind of matter. As for An Ru, she had an expert like Wang Zhong by her side, so Zuo family would have to consider if they wanted to touch her.

“Miss An, this matter is urgent. I must leave immediately. I will not be able to explain in a short time.” Qin Hao didn’t want to waste time and speak nonsense, “I won’t let you help me for nothing. I will personally find the Blood Core Grass that your mother needs.”

Hearing these words, An Ru fell into deep thought. Perhaps it was because her mother had an extremely important position in her heart. After considering it, she agreed to Qin Hao’s request. “Fine, I agree to take care of her.”

“Thank you. I’ll leave Su Xue in your hands, I have to go now. ”

“Wait.” An Ru called out to Qin Hao who was about to leave, “About the Blood Core Grass, I’ve got some information that might be useful to you.”

Qin Hao was overjoyed. With the whereabouts of the Blood Core Grass, he might not need to go to the desert and take the risk, because the Blood Core Grass could also help him improve his strength.

“I heard that someone obtained the Blood Core Grass on a nameless island in the Southern Indian Ocean.”

Qin Hao almost spitted out blood. Damn, this was even more unreliable than searching for Black Star Stone in the desert. Not to mention searching for grass, even searching for a nameless island in that vast ocean would be extremely difficult.

An Ru also felt that she didn’t have enough information, so she could only say apologetically, “Currently, that’s all I know.”

“I understand. I promise I will cure your mother within half a year. Goodbye.” It was almost daybreak, Qin Hao didn’t dare to stay any longer. He quickly left An Ru’s villa and disappeared into the darkness.

Su Xue saw that An Ru didn’t answer her question but went into silence. She had already guessed that she was right. For her sake, Qin Hao had agreed to help others, but she didn’t know how dangerous it would be.

“Miss An, tell me, what exactly did he promise to do for you? Is it dangerous? Where is he now?” Su Xue grabbed An Ru’s arm and asked anxiously. An Ru’s hands were hurt by her grasp.

“Teacher Su, don’t worry. Qin Hao only promised to cure my mother’s illness. As for where he is going, I really don’t know.” An Ru sighed helplessly and said, “Take a rest. Please call me if you need anything.” She then stood up and looked at the bowl of porridge on the bedside table, “You should eat this porridge as soon as possible. I still have things to do and need to go now.”

After An Ru went outside, she instructed the nanny to take good care of Su Xue. She dressed up, picked up a briefcase and prepared to go to the company. Wang Zhong walked in with a serious looks, taking a stack of newspapers.

“Uncle Zhong, what’s wrong?” Seeing Wang Zhong’s serious expression, An Ru knew that something bad must have happened.

Wang Zhong handed over the newspaper, “Miss, take a look.”

An Ru immediately took over the newspaper. Her expression changed again and again after reading. The headline of the newspaper was the Zuo family’s wanted poster, while the other pages were the reporting of the entire incident. The story of how Qin Hao killed the Zuo family members last night was also included.

An Ru predicted that Qin Hao must meet some troubles, but she didn’t expect it to be so serious. Not only did she take Su Xue in, but also she did not call the police immediately when Qin Hao came to her place last night and let him go. She might be held responsible for “Crime of Harboring Criminal” after the investigation.

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