Super Urban Master

Chapter 283 - Invasion of Shaxian Town

Chapter 283 Invasion of Shaxian Town
At the central practice field of Shaxian Town, the battle for the position of chief of Martial Cultivator League had finally ended. The head of Shang Qing Taoist Temple ranked second among the seven sects. Taoist Xuan Zhen had defeated the head of Mount Kun Sect and won the position.

Shang Qing Taoist Temple and its followers were all cheering or excitedly applauding.

Accompanied by the cheers and watched by all people on the spot, Taoist Xuan Zhen walked to the arena to get ready for the inauguration ceremony.

Just at the moment, the great cheers were interrupted by the noise from outside. Then numerous people ran into the town. Before people on the practice field figured out what was happening, sounds of fighting and killing had already spread over from outside. They could even hear sounds of gunfire caused by modern weapons.

“What’s up?” asked people in surprise.

No one but continuous roars from the sky above the head was answering their question.

“Pew pew…”

People all looked up to the sky but only to find that several rocket projectiles were heading for the arena on the practice field.

“Hum, how dare you?!” shouted Taoist Xuan Zhen who was waiting for the inauguration ceremony on the arena. He waved his robe that stirred up a strong gust of wind targeting at those several rocket projectiles that were coming for him.

Being moved by the wind, the rocket projectiles shifted towards the other side and hit a building at the far end.

“Boom boom…”

The ground shook heavily with several thunderous sounds and clouds of thick smoke rising to the sky. Then half of the building collapsed suddenly.

“Chief, Sky Group is coming. Please take charge of the situation and lead us to fight back.” A messenger ran towards here and reported loudly.

What he said shocked everyone. Sky Group was coming? How was it possible? How did they get in?

“Everybody, no panic, no chaos.” The new chief Taoist Xuan Zhen started to play his role, “Today, we have so many masters gathered here, who are all the elites of their own sects. As long as we stick together, we don’t need to be afraid of Sky Group, who is weak even if they have the assistance of armies. Now you all listen to my orders. Let’s fight back, destroy Sky Group, capture Qin Hao and rebuild the fame of Martial Cultivators.”

Taoist Xuan Zhen’s words were really inspiring. It helped lots of Martial Cultivators realize the situation. That was right. All of them were the elites of their sects. And they greatly outnumbered Sky Group, which was lately established.

As to those armies behind Sky Group, they didn’t regard it as a threat. Since a single Perfection Stage Expert could rival an army with tens of thousands of soldiers.

“Fight back. Fight back.” shouted Martial Cultivators who were all extremely confident on the practice field. They shouted and swarmed towards outside with no order.

Driven by anger and impulsion, they swarmed towards the direction where people of Sky Group were coming.

Suddenly, the sky above their heads darkened. A huge shadow with the shape of a palm went down to them.


Accompanied by a thunderous sound, the shaking ground, the rising smoke all around and collapsed houses, those people all disappeared.

“Was that an earthquake?” People were rather panicked. Some of them almost fell from the grandstand due to the shake. After they could keep their feet, they felt huge dread when saw what happened in front of them. Even Taoist Xuan Zhen also turned pale with fear.

The crowd in the front had disappeared. Instead, there was only a huge hole with the shape of a palm, in which bloody bodies were piled high.

Who did this?

They raised their heads and saw a young man suspending in the sky. The young man, in a handsome military uniform, was looking down at everyone on the practice field while carrying a mysterious smile. He coldly scanned across the crowd. The latter just couldn’t help trembling and retreating. Those who had rushed out to fight against Sky Group were now retreating again and again.

“Kata kata…” The footsteps of countless people running could be heard.

“Honk honk honk…, beep beep beep….” The sound of an engine and car horns pervaded this place.

In a short time, tens of thousands of people rushed inside and besieged the whole practice field. Apart from some Martial Cultivators, most of them were armed soldiers carrying tanks and some light-weight artillery.

To be honest, Martial Cultivators on the spot didn’t fear those armed soldiers and artillery at all. They were afraid of the man in the sky.

He was able to stand in the air. That meant he didn’t belong to this world but the Semi-Ancient Martial World. He must be a Void Stage master.

Void Stage was a stage, in which one could form shadows out of nothing. No matter how many people there were under Void Stage, he could defeat them all.

Therefore, everyone was stunned, daring not to easily move ahead. This was where the formidable power of top masters lied. He could deter a whole area by himself.

It was also a stage that all Martial Cultivators here wanted to enter. However, they failed to make it.

“Martial Cultivators inside listen, I’m the head of Sky Group Li Zhanwu. You’re surrounded now and have only two choices: first, remove all your martial cultivation and surrender; second, we destroy you.” shouted Li Zhanwu on a tank while holding a loudspeaker. The military overcoat he was in highlighted his handsome and solemnity so much when it was blown by the wind.

He was afraid of these arrogant Martial Cultivators for years, and now he could finally hold his head high. He could play as a conqueror and force them to surrender. How could he give up the chance to show his authority?

Liu Yan and Bald Head and others were guarding beside Li Zhanwu to prevent some high-level Martial Cultivators from suddenly attacking him. Since he had stuck his neck out by standing at such a high position and revealing his identity.

After hearing Li Zhanwu’s unreasonable command, all Martial Cultivators were shocked a lot. If he asked them to surrender, some of them might think about it. But to remove martial cultivation was beyond their willingness.

The path of martial cultivation was not easy. Who was willing to remove it?

In fact, Li Zhanwu was not that heartless. But he had to do this. Sky Group was yet not strong enough. If these Martial Cultivators didn’t remove martial cultivation, they would still be a threat after their surrender. Since no one could deter these people once Qin Hao left. So, the best method to ensure enduring stability was to remove their martial cultivation.

Although it was a little cruel, Li Zhanwu didn’t mind doing that considering the safety of the country. He was a soldier, not a philanthropist. He had to remove any factor that would threaten the safety of the country. He had wanted for long to eliminate these Martial Cultivators.

These Martial Cultivators looked at each other, unwilling to remove martial cultivation. Some of them were simply in rage: What damn trash you were! How could an ordinary person so arrogantly ask us Martial Cultivators to remove martial cultivation?

In addition, if they removed martial cultivation, they would be useless. Was it meaningful to live like that?

Some of these Martial Cultivators were desperadoes. After keeping silent for a while, they started to shout.

“Fuck, I’ll fight tooth and nail. What damn trash you are! I’ll kill you!” shouted a middle-aged man. He held a broadsword and quickly went for Li Zhanwu.


An officer beside Li Zhanwu commanded.

“Takka takka…”

Gunshots could be heard. Bullets fiercely went through the man’s body. Drops of blood were spattered high. The man screamed and fell from the sky to the ground. He was turned into a dead body.

This shocked people again. How could the bullets go through the body of a Perfection Stage Expert?

Now, they dared not to underestimate those soldiers who besieged them. Since the bullets that went out of those black muzzles could kill them. Those guns were not ordinary ones.

In fact, that kind of bullets were rare. They were only equipped by the guard team that was protecting Li Zhanwu. Other soldiers simply hadn’t been equipped with them.

However, people didn’t know that. They became more terrified and helpless.

Now, with a Void Stage master in the sky and countless soldiers who could kill them on the ground, what should they do? It seemed that the only way to live was to remove martial cultivation and surrender. Otherwise, they would be killed.

Still, no one was willing to remove martial cultivation.

“You have three minutes to think. Then, no matter if you’ll surrender or not, you’ll all be destroyed.” Seeing these guys were hesitating, Li Zhanwu sternly gave his final command.

“What should we do? What should we do?” People looked at the new chief Taoist Xuan Zhen, hoping he could find a way for them to survive.

Taoist Xuan Zhen had also a serious look. Being anticipated by all those people, he had to do something. He looked up at Qin Hao. Although those soldiers on the ground could kill even Perfection Stage Experts, he was a Spirit Stage master. So, he wasn’t bothered about them. The only thing terrified him was Qin Hao in the sky.

“You’re Qin Hao, Master Qin, right?” asked Taoist Xuan Zhen while looking at Qin Hao.

Qin Hao looked down at him and said indifferently, “I am. What do you want to say?”

“Master Qin, I’m Taoist Xuan Zhen, the head of Shang Qing Taoist Temple. I do have something to say if it won’t bother you.” As the head of a sect and the chief of Martial Cultivator League, Taoist Xuan Zhen could have behaved more imperiously. But when facing Qin Hao, such a young man, he had to keep a low profile and speak humbly.

“Shang Qing Taoist Temple, hum.” Qin Hao’s face turned cold. He was rather familiar with Shang Qing Taoist Temple. During the period when he was chased by those sects, Shang Qing Taoist Temple was the most active one and the dominating sect as well.

“Since you’re from Shang Qing Taoist Temple, you don’t need to talk. You must die.” said Qin Hao coldly. He then launched a shadow with the shape of a palm towards Taoist Xuan Zhen.

“No. Wait. Master Qin, I have something to say…!”


With a thunderous sound, the ground shook heavily. After smoke dispersed, the place where Taoist Xuan Zhen stood was turned into a huge pit. But the body of Taoist Xuan Zhen wasn’t in it.

He was saved by one man and was beside the pit, sweating heavily. He was lying on the ground listlessly, having not recovered from the dread of death.

The one who saved him was a scrawny monk, a suddenly appeared scrawny monk.

“Amitabha, Benefactor Qin, we meet again.” said the monk to Qin Hao.

Looking down at the scrawny monk, Qin Hao frowned. He was an acquaintance-Monk Kuye.

“Master Kuye.” People shouted wildly with joy.

The No.1 master in this world, a Void Stage master, was coming to save them. How couldn’t they be wildly happy? Some of them even cried with joy. They knelt down and put their palms together devoutly, “Thanks to the mercy of Buddha.”

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