Super Dimensional Guild

Chapter 707: Ash, Let's Be My Son

All the Pokemon trainers looked towards the source of the sound.

The space is distorted.

Su Han and the others appeared out of thin air.

Luo Cuilian and Goko Ruri were on Su Han's left and right. Luo Cuilian was wearing a white Hanfu, and Goko Ruri was wearing a black Gothic Lolita.

Although Luo Cuilian and Goko Ruri are very interesting. But compared to Shirohige, it was nothing.

Shirohige was burly, 7 meters tall, holding a naginata, his golden hair fluttering, and a white crescent beard. Her appearance could no longer be described as standing out from the crowd. It was like a magnet that firmly grabbed everyone's attention.

People were full of commotion, and no one could remain calm.

"What happened to that white-bearded man? Why is he so tall?!

"Special Pokemon? How can there be such type of Pokémon, they look exactly like humans."

"Startling! This is really surprising. Definitely going to be the front page headline tomorrow! Contact the newspaper's senior management."

"Did you only pay attention to the white-bearded man! These people just appeared out of nowhere! Could this be some kind of Pokémon special ability?"

"No Pokemon around, what happened? Is it a super power? I have long heard that there are superpowers in this world, but this is the first time I have seen one."

"The white-bearded man might have some special abilities? For example, superpowers become bigger?"

"How can there be such superpowers! You think too much."

Not to mention the regular Pokémon trainers, even if Lance and Cynthia had seen a few of them, there would still be surprise in their hearts.

As champions, they can be said to be broad-minded. The Pokémon League didn't hide much information from them, but even they had never seen anyone that tall.

"What is it? Don't you two even know me?" Su Han asked.

"I'm sure they know you. But Lance and Cynthia only know you, last time you came here with Waver, Marquis Voban, and Shinonono Tabane. This time, everyone who came here was a foreigner."

Ash stood up and explained.

"Isn't this the place you chose on purpose?"

Shirohige looked at the surrounding audience, "Don't tell me, you didn't think that in such a crowded place it would cause a commotion?"

"Isn't there a Guild Master? After all, aren't there two champions here?"

Ash shrugged. He didn't think it was a big deal at all.

Ash walked towards the table with Su Han.

"Sir Su Han Hello." Lance got up first, and he stretched out Su Han's hand in a very respectful manner.

And this sight stunned them.

Because the bystanders realized that Lance in front of Su Han was actually using a polite demeanor.

On the one hand, Su Han still looks quite young. On the other hand, the champion is the pinnacle of the Pokémon League, and arguably stands at the pinnacle of power. Can the champion keep his head down?

"I will calm the audience down now!"

After greeting Su Han, Lance called and spoke a few words.

It didn't take long for Pokémon League armed police maintenance personnel to come out of all directions. They entertained many of the Pokémon trainers present.

Cynthia also turned around and went to various places in the venue to chat with the Pokemon trainer for a bit.

Immediately, the scene became silent. It's just that there are still many people who turn their heads and see from time to time, with surprise in their eyes from time to time, someone taking a Pokemon illustration and photographing Shirohige.

Su Han sat on the chair with Goko Ruri and Luo Cuilian.

As for Shirohige, he took out his large chair from the system room. Then sit on it.

After Shirohige looked around, he was somewhat surprised, "This room is quite big! I didn't destroy it."

"It seems that old Shirohige still remembers what happened in Lala's world the last time in the world." Su Han said with a smile.

Goko Ruri also remembered the scene where Shirohige directly destroyed Yuuki's house last time, and she covered his mouth and laughed. "After all, Father's height is not comparable to that of a pure-blooded giant, but it is also extremely tall. It is very difficult to accommodate Father in a place where ordinary people live."

"This is the Pokémon contestants cafeteria." Lance explained gently on the side, "The reason it's so extensive is to prevent Pokémon trainers from releasing Pokémon."

"Let's eat." Ash took out the platters from the system warehouse and placed them in front.

As for what he placed in front of Shirohige, it was a water tank, and that water tank was full of food… Wait, a water tank?

Goko Ruri: "?"

Lance: "?"

"Ash, if you do it like this, Shirohige didn't hit you, I really have to praise his high self-control."

Su Han's words carried a hint of helplessness.

Brock: "?"

Misty: "?"

Only then did Brock and Misty realize that this water tank was a bowl for Shirohige to eat?

"That's no big deal."

Shirohige lifted the tank with one hand, weighed it and he looked directly at Ash and took out an invitation.

"By the way, Ash, future champion of the Indigo League Competition, will you be my son?"

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