Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 95: The Hummingbird Unmanned Reconnaissance Aircraft

The base's AI program 'Zero,' although not yet a true artificial intelligence, could handle daily base management events quite perfectly as long as they didn't involve emotions.

"Boss, for now, I only know that the few people who discovered the cabin are still near it and haven't left. We need detailed reconnaissance to determine their exact location."

The discovery of this expedition team by the base's AI program 'Zero' was made through discreet cameras inside the cabin. Additionally, although the location of the cabin was not far from the base, it was not considered part of the core security zone.

The base's AI program 'Zero' was responsible for the core security zone of the base, which encompassed the surrounding area of the base's mountain peak and entrance. Within this range, there were numerous hidden wireless cameras. If necessary, the base also had small unmanned reconnaissance drones.

In terms of technology, these items were far ahead of the current world's technological level by many years. After all, it concerned the security of their own base, so in this regard, Wu Hao had been very thorough.

As for the cabin on the nearby mountainside, Wu Hao had paid little attention to it after the base was completed. In his view, this cabin was located deep in the Qinling Mountains, and the likelihood of it being discovered was extremely low. That's why he didn't bother with it. Otherwise, he might have dismantled the cabin long ago after the base was built.

However, the extremely low probability had still led to its discovery, which naturally had a significant impact on Wu Hao's access to and from the base.

Deep within the Shenlongjia forest area, upon receiving the report from the base's AI program 'Zero' through his receiver, Wu Hao didn't hesitate. He immediately instructed, "Zero, dispatch two Hummingbird X-type reconnaissance devices from the base to the vicinity of the cabin for reconnaissance."

"Understood, boss," the base's AI program 'Zero' quickly responded.

In a matter of moments, at a hidden pile of rocks on a remote mountain peak where the base was located, a boulder weighing several tons shifted gently aside, revealing a cave entrance with a diameter of less than 1 meter.

On the entire mountain peak where the base was located, there were several such passages. Two of them served as channels for the base to dispatch aircraft to the outside world and as backup exits for Wu Hao to enter and exit the base. The other passages served as vents connecting the base to the outside world because, during the initial construction of the base, the internal air supply had to be drawn from the outside.

Perhaps in the future, when Wu Hao established a truly large underground base, the base's interior would be equipped with a series of systems for oxygen production and ventilation. Such a base would undoubtedly be built hundreds or even thousands of meters underground.

In truth, Wu Hao had long had plans to construct such a large base. However, if he were to build such a base, he would not continue to choose locations within the Qinling Mountains or inland. Instead, he would opt to construct the base near the sea or on some island.

Because only by building the base near the sea could Wu Hao effectively utilize various marine resources for his benefit in the future. Taking the raw materials for the fusion power generation equipment currently used in Wu Hao's Qinling base as an example.

If the Qinling base were not far from the sea, Wu Hao might have already established a device for separating and extracting deuterium from seawater. Of course, seawater wouldn't just be used for extracting this one substance and element; it contains various minerals as well.

However, the reality was quite the opposite. Wu Hao's Qinling base was quite far from the sea. Therefore, he considered it as a completely self-owned industrial technology incubator. When he established branch bases in the future, he would undoubtedly choose coastal areas or certain islands.

At this moment, after receiving Wu Hao's command, the base's AI program 'Zero' dispatched two Hummingbird X-type reconnaissance devices. After the passages were opened, these devices, like two agile birds flying in the night sky, swiftly headed in the direction of the cabin.

These small unmanned reconnaissance devices, named Hummingbird X, while not resembling birds in appearance and using a propeller-driven flight method, are virtually silent in flight due to their flat shape and the advanced materials and technology used to manufacture them, far surpassing current technology.

Although their flight and mission execution times are not long, only about half an hour, they are capable of detailed and covert reconnaissance in a several-kilometer radius around the base.

Especially in the nighttime jungle, the possibility of people discovering them is close to zero. Even if they carry electronic reconnaissance equipment, they cannot detect Wu Hao's unmanned reconnaissance devices, as there is a significant technological gap between them.

Soon, as these two Hummingbird unmanned reconnaissance devices left the mountain peak of the base and arrived at the mountainside where the cabin was located, the high-definition night vision cameras on the aircraft spotted the location of the exploration team in just a few minutes of silent reconnaissance. Wu Hao roughly understood the purpose of this exploration team in Qinling.

"It seems that this exploration team won't be leaving the cabin in the short term. If that's the case, when I transport supplies from the outside back to the base in the future, the likelihood of being discovered will greatly increase. This is not good news!" After listening to some of the conversation of this exploration team, Wu Hao roughly understood the situation. Although he was not worried that they would discover the existence of the base based on the cabin alone, there was a significant risk of exposure if he transported large quantities of supplies from the outside to the base in the future.

Of course, if Wu Hao was only carrying a small amount of items in and out of the base, he would not be exposed. After all, this was the depths of the Qinling Mountains, with mountain peaks and various tall trees serving as natural barriers. Even at night, not to mention during the day, Wu Hao could easily come and go alone with a small load.

However, during the day, he couldn't fly freely in the sky, only shuttle through the forests.

But now that the cabin had been discovered by the outside world, if Wu Hao didn't solve this problem, it would continue to have a significant impact on his entry and exit from the base. Therefore, Wu Hao must address this issue now.

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