Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 93: The Wooden House is Discovered

On the morning of the second day, after the investigation team, led by Lin Weiping and composed of several graduate students from various universities in China, as well as a few members of the security department, had prepared all the necessary tools for their expedition to the Qinling Mountains, they boarded two military helicopters at a military airport in Chang'an.

Among the research team of about a dozen members, ten were specialized in the study of wildlife, just like Lin Weiping, while the remaining four were members of a specific security department within the government.

These four individuals not only carried all the necessary wilderness survival equipment but were also equipped with automatic weapons. They served as both assistance for the investigation and as security personnel for the research team.

"Everyone, we have approximately 20 minutes of flight left until we reach the first designated area. When we land, please pay close attention to safety. Make sure to follow the landing procedures as we trained before," said Wang Hongtao, the security officer responsible for the research team and also the leader of a subgroup within a national security department. He naturally had to remind the ten members specialized in wildlife research who were on the aircraft.

After all, they hadn't undergone extensive helicopter airborne training, and in the vast mountains of the Qinling Range, helicopters couldn't just land anywhere.

Therefore, they would use rappelling techniques to descend directly from the aircraft to the designated ground when landing. Once they had explored the designated target area sufficiently, they would then call for the helicopter to transport them to the next designated area.

"Colonel Wang, rest assured. We have already trained on how to descend from the aircraft in the past two days. There shouldn't be any issues when we land," Lin Weiping confidently stated through the communication headset on the plane.

Although Lin Weiping was already in his 50s, his physical fitness was still decent. Otherwise, he wouldn't have dared to lead the team into the vast mountains of the Qinling Range for research and investigation!

In this manner, after the two helicopters had flown for a few more minutes, a member sitting by the window suddenly exclaimed, "Professor, Colonel Wang, look over there on the cliff. It seems there's a house."

"A house?" Wang Hongtao, who was sitting next to this young member who hadn't reached 30 years old, immediately picked up his binoculars and followed his gaze. Upon looking, Wang Hongtao was also greatly surprised.

In the distance, below the cliff, there was indeed a small house. And this small house was the wooden cabin that Wu Hao had impulsively built on the cliffside amidst the vast forest.

Since the cabin was directly constructed on the cliff, not far from the mountaintop, as long as there wasn't heavy fog or rainy weather in the mountains, the existence of this cabin could be spotted from a considerable distance.

When Wu Hao built this cabin, he was aware that it lacked concealment. However, in his opinion, ordinary people wouldn't be able to come to the deep Qinling Mountains, let alone find this cabin. Moreover, he built this cabin solely for his convenience to have a long-term place of residence in the Qinling Range. But later, after the construction of the base was completed, he was indispensable for various aspects of the base's development, so he spent most of his time in the base's buildings, resting and working.

As for this wooden cabin, to be honest, it has been a long time since it was inhabited and managed. However, most of the items that were inside the cabin at the time are still there.

At this moment, after Wang Hongtao clearly saw the wooden cabin through the binoculars, he naturally wouldn't let this opportunity pass. Because in the vast mountains, the existence of a cabin on such a cliff wall is truly captivating from any angle.

"There really is a small wooden cabin. Professor Lin, I think it's necessary for us to take a look," Wang Hongtao's astonishment flashed in his eyes as he spoke to Lin Weiping beside him. He also handed the binoculars to Lin Weiping.

Lin Weiping took the binoculars and looked at the cliff that was getting closer. He also saw the wooden cabin hanging on the cliff wall.

"Colonel Wang, perhaps the answers we are seeking on this trip to the Qinling Range may be closely related to this wooden cabin," Lin Weiping's eyes gleamed slightly as he formulated a rough hypothesis upon seeing the wooden cabin hanging on the cliff wall.

Moreover, his hypothesis was not far from the actual situation because this cabin was indeed built by Wu Hao, the filmmaker behind the highly mysterious documentary.

With Wang Hongtao and Lin Weiping almost reaching a tacit agreement, Wang Hongtao quickly instructed the helicopter pilots to fly to the cliff where the cabin was located.

In just a moment, the helicopters carrying the research team members and crew members arrived above the cliff where the cabin was situated.

"Professor Lin, I think we should cancel the previously designated landing area. I suggest we set up camp here for now and then proceed to explore the cabin below," Wang Hongtao, through visual estimation from the top of the cliff, got a general understanding of the cabin's situation.

Although with their professional skills, they could directly descend from the aircraft to the cliff where the cabin was located, this expedition was not limited to just a few of them. Therefore, they had to consider all the members of the team.

Moreover, once the ropes were lowered from the top of the cliff where the cabin was located, it would be safe to reach the cabin.

Upon hearing Wang Hongtao's suggestion, Lin Weiping naturally had no objections. As for the other members, they were equally curious about the cabin, eager to see it with their own eyes.

After all, the closer they got, the more peculiar the cabin seemed to be. They noticed that the cabin was recently built, and there were even solar panels on its roof.

In addition, the location of the cabin being on such a precipitous cliff made it even more intriguing. If such a cabin existed in a regular scenic area, they wouldn't find it particularly surprising.

However, they were deep in the remote Qinling Mountains, far away from any town or city. This was not a planned scenic area by the government. The fact that someone had managed to build a cabin on a cliff in such an isolated location was truly astonishing.


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