Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 65: Development of Medication

"Yes, today I came to complete the discharge procedures for my mother. Her surgery was very successful, and she has almost fully recovered. She can now be discharged and return home for rest," Li Xiaoyun said simply, followed by a concerned question, "And how are the results of your father's examination? Is his condition severe?"

Li Xiaoyun was deeply grateful to Wu Hao from the bottom of her heart. After all, when she made such a request, it was a great challenge to her self-esteem. But Wu Hao not only provided her with the greatest help but also saved her self-esteem. He didn't take advantage of her vulnerability. Through their time together, her feelings towards Wu Hao had transformed from gratitude to admiration.

Upon hearing Li Xiaoyun's inquiry, Wu Hao nodded and said, "It's lung cancer. Although the situation is quite serious, it is still treatable." He naturally didn't mention the experimental medication to her because Wu Hao was confident that he would find a way to completely cure his father in the future.

The medication he was currently researching in the rented laboratory could at least prevent the further spread of cancer cells in the patient's body for a considerable period of time. This period would be around one to two years. However, once this time passed, it would be difficult to control these highly variable and resistant cancer cells if the medication was continued.

After all, cancer cells themselves possess antibodies that can counteract various drugs. Over time, these medications would struggle to resist the spread and erosion of cancer cells.

However, for Wu Hao, as long as he was given one to two years, he had no doubt that he could develop a method to completely eliminate cancer cells. With a breakthrough in genetic technology, not only could he combat viruses within the human body, but he could also replace the entire human body with a new one while retaining the brain.

In fact, a human genetic research institution in the United States had already conducted detailed research on this project. However, they had not made any significant breakthroughs yet.

As for cloning and artificial organs, they had already been applied in some medical cases, but these artificial organs were not particularly stable.

Regarding the concept of preserving only the human brain and replacing the entire body to achieve a different form of rebirth, these institutions had already collected many volunteers worldwide, mostly people suffering from terminal illnesses who were nearing the end of their lives.

Their brains had been preserved in specific containers. If this technology were ever realized, these preserved brains would be combined with completely new bodies. Whether it would be successful or not remained unknown.

After all, these individuals were merely pioneers in the experiments. Essentially, they had already experienced death once, so even if the procedure failed, it could only be said that they were not fortunate enough to be reborn again.

However, as for how long it would take for these research institutions to make a breakthrough in this field, it was currently unknown. It could be a few years, ten years, or even several decades.

Of course, if Wu Hao had a complete and advanced laboratory, he could shorten this process significantly. After all, Wu Hao's brain was undoubtedly much more remarkable than those of the most renowned scientists in the world.

If even a mind with such forward-thinking cannot achieve it, then which scientist in this world can?

Afterward, Wu Hao continued to talk with Li Xiaoyun for a while before bidding farewell to each other. However, before parting ways, Li Xiaoyun also asked Wu Hao about the ward where his father was located, expressing her intention to visit after completing the discharge procedures for her mother.

Wu Hao had no reason to refuse this request. After all, he considered Li Xiaoyun as a friend or confidant. However, he informed her that he would be leaving the hospital in the afternoon to attend to some matters and might not come to the hospital for the next few days.

Li Xiaoyun didn't mind his absence. She simply wanted to show her concern, and whether he was there or not didn't matter to her. After all, she would visit as his friend.

After arriving at the ward and visiting her father for a while, Wu Hao informed his mother and sister about his plans to leave for a few days.

His mother would stay at the hospital to take care of things during this time, and Wu Xiaoxiao would return to school the next day. However, Wu Hao couldn't personally accompany her this time. He could only let her take a car back to school and instructed her to call him if anything happened.

Although Wu Hao's parents knew that he would be leaving for a few days, they didn't inquire about the specifics. After all, Wu Hao was already an adult, and as parents, they couldn't ask about everything in detail.

Moreover, since he was young, his parents rarely interfered with his affairs and would only advise him to be careful when he was away from home.

In the afternoon, Wu Hao arrived at the laboratory on campus. The entire building where the laboratory was located was large, and besides this laboratory, there were other research laboratories in various fields.

This laboratory occupied an entire floor of the building. However, now there was no one else inside except Wu Hao.

Upon entering the laboratory, Wu Hao didn't immediately start working. Instead, he carefully scanned the surroundings using his mental perception, checking for any hidden cameras or similar surveillance devices.

After all, the means of his research that would follow could not be known to the outside world. It was normal for a laboratory like this to be equipped with covert surveillance devices.

As expected, after a thorough mental scan, Wu Hao discovered several monitoring cameras, but they were not currently operational.

Upon discovering this, Wu Hao didn't disable the cameras. He simply covered them with some objects. The purpose of these cameras was mainly to prevent theft and unauthorized access to the laboratory. However, after receiving the notice that the laboratory would be rented out, the personnel responsible for the laboratory had deactivated these cameras.

Since entering the control room of the laboratory would allow one to see all the closed-circuit devices in the laboratory, there was no need for the surveillance equipment to be activated now. Even if they needed to be activated, it would be done by the personnel using the laboratory.

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