Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 61: Concealing the Condition

These days, the number of people in hospitals for medical check-ups or treatments is simply comparable to a market, especially in some famous large hospitals where the number is even higher.

Sometimes, after the number of people becomes too large, it takes a day or two just for registration and waiting in line.

In this way, Wu Hao accompanied his parents, waiting for nearly a whole morning, before it was finally his turn for the examination.

"Brother, do you think Dad is in any danger?" Wu Xiaoxiao anxiously asked as she saw her father enter the examination room.

Zhang Huilan, who was beside her, shared the same concern. In fact, from last night until now, they have been filled with worry and felt heavy-hearted.

Although Wu Hao knew the specifics of his father's condition, he naturally wouldn't reveal it now. He could only offer reassurance, saying, "Don't worry! Dad will be fine."

After the examination, Wu Hao proceeded to complete the hospital admission procedures for his father. Despite the large number of people in the hospital, it hadn't reached the point where there were no available beds.

Therefore, after inquiring about the ward situation from the hospital, Wu Hao arranged a VIP ward for his father. Although Wu Hongguo was reluctant to be admitted, he ultimately couldn't resist the persuasion from Zhang Huilan and Wu Xiaoxiao, so he followed Wu Hao's arrangement.

In fact, even though Wu Hongguo's cancer was in the advanced stage, he hadn't experienced any symptoms yet. Apart from occasional coughing and occasional chest pain, he hadn't reached a state where he couldn't walk.

Due to this, Wu Hongguo didn't want to be hospitalized. After all, he felt that since the examination results hadn't come out yet, he might only need some medication for a minor issue and wouldn't require hospitalization.

Wu Hongguo having such thoughts wasn't surprising either. After many years of frugality and financial struggles, although he now had money, old-fashioned beliefs like those were not easy to change.

Time flew by quickly, and around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Hongguo's examination report was ready.

However, because Wu Hao knew what the result would be, he didn't let Wu Hongguo accompany him to collect the report. Instead, he asked him to stay in the VIP ward while he left Wu Xiaoxiao behind to take care of their father.

Wu Hao accompanied his mother to the attending physician to collect the report. "You are Wu Hongguo's family, right?" Dr. Zhanghua looked at the report in his hand and after a moment of contemplation, he said to Wu Hao and his mother.

"Yes! Dr. Zhang, please tell us the examination results for my father," Wu Hao nodded slightly.

"Alright, since it's like this, I will tell you the truth. The patient, Wu Hongguo, has been diagnosed with advanced-stage lung cancer. I believe I don't need to say much about this condition, as you are all aware," Dr. Zhanghua conveyed.

"You must work on the patient's mindset and help him maintain a positive attitude. With the cooperation of our hospital's medications and treatments, the patient should be able to survive for about a year."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Huilan felt her vision darken, feeling as if the sky was about to collapse. Wu Hao quickly stepped forward to support her, saying, "Mom, don't worry, I believe Dad will definitely recover."

Dr. Zhanghua was clearly not seeing Wu Hao and Zhang Huilan's reactions for the first time. After all, in his more than ten years of practicing medicine, he had witnessed such scenes far too often.

After comforting his mother for a while, Wu Hao turned to Dr. Zhanghua and said, "Dr. Zhang, I hope you can help conceal my father's condition. Don't tell him it's advanced-stage cancer. Just say it's in the early stage and that he can recover with proper treatment soon."

"Well, that's not a problem! Concealing the condition can reduce the patient's mental burden," Dr. Zhanghua responded without refusing. After all, in most cases, it's better for patients not to know their true condition than to know.

Because many patients have poor psychological resilience, they could have lived for a few more years, but as soon as they hear they have advanced-stage cancer, they pass away in a matter of days.

In these cases, it's not the disease that kills them but the fear.

There are also a few rare cases where patients go to the hospital for routine check-ups, and it turns out that the hospital made a misdiagnosis, telling them they have advanced-stage cancer. Upon hearing this news, they constantly worry about having cancer after returning home.

However, after some time, the hospital informs them that there might have been an error in the test results, and they don't actually have cancer. But after undergoing another examination, they discover that they indeed have cancer. This situation confuses the doctors in the hospital.

In fact, this outcome only illustrates one thing: if a person spends all their mental energy focusing on a particular matter every day, perhaps that matter will truly manifest in their life.

Such situations often demonstrate the "bad luck strikes, but good luck doesn't" phenomenon.

For example, when someone accidentally bumps their head as soon as they wake up in the morning, if their mindset is negative, they immediately think, "Damn it, I'm so unlucky today." This statement may not seem inappropriate, but by saying it, they make their entire being consciously focus on that unfortunate incident.

Then, in a short while, they realize they can't find something they need, and they end up missing the bus to work. They mutter to themselves, "Damn, so unlucky."

Soon after, they finally manage to reach their workplace with difficulty, but suddenly they get scolded by their boss for something. It feels as if they spend the whole day surrounded by bad luck.

The root cause of such circumstances is actually the person themselves because they spend the entire day continuously suggesting to themselves, "I'm having a really unlucky day today." They might not be aware of this, but in their innermost thoughts, they keep repeating such things.

Let's take a simple example: someone insults you with harsh words, which greatly angers you. At that moment, you retort or even get into a fight. In the worst-case scenario, both of you might face some kind of punishment.

Then, when you return home, you suddenly remember the words the other person used to insult you. The more you think about it, the angrier you become. And the angrier you get, the more you keep thinking about the incident.

It's like a continuous secondary injury. Even though the incident has already passed, when you return home, you recall the situation where the other person insulted you. While the other person only insulted you once, you might replay it in your mind a hundred times, causing a hundred injuries!

There's another situation to consider: the idiom "mind over matter." Many people may think it's just an adjective or a well-wishing phrase.

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