Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 58: Big Foodie

In other words, the term "one heart, two uses" is far from sufficient to describe him. If he wishes, he can easily handle seven or eight different tasks simultaneously.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the total amount of mental energy required for these tasks is within 10 tons.

For example, he can use eight different pots to cook various dishes at once, and simultaneously manipulate multiple objects using his mental power for various operations.

Currently, there are no real limitations on the number of objects that Wu Hao can manipulate, as long as he doesn't make all of them perform different operations simultaneously.

For instance, if Wu Hao uses his mental power to lift a heap of pebbles, the quantity of those pebbles could be countless, but as long as the total weight he controls remains within 10 tons, there won't be any issues.

However, it wouldn't be feasible for him to use his mental power to control such a large heap of pebbles to attack different targets, as the quantity is simply too vast.

At present, Wu Hao can simultaneously manipulate different objects and carry out simple linear attacks on different targets.

If there's only one or a few targets, he can use his mental power to control them simultaneously, allowing the targets to be attacked in any desired manner, be it curving or straight, with utmost precision.

Moreover, with Wu Hao's current mental power intensity, even controlling a small stone, he can launch an attack on a target hundreds of meters away, with more devastating power than a typical sniper rifle.

Although Wu Hao can't use his mental power to control every step of cooking at home, he is not slow when he takes matters into his own hands. In less than half an hour, he turns a wild rabbit into two dishes.

After thoroughly cleaning the internal organs, he braises a portion of them, while the rabbit meat itself is pressure-cooked.

Since Wu Hao's parents and sister saw him cooking, they naturally didn't start eating beforehand. After he finished cooking the rabbit meat, they reheated some of the dishes that had cooled down.

"Wow! Brother, I didn't expect your dishes to be so delicious now! They are much better than before." After tasting a piece of rabbit meat, Wu Xiaoxiao exaggeratedly praised Wu Hao's culinary skills.

"Hehe, I've been cooking frequently outside during this period, so you could say practice makes perfect!" Wu Hao smiled and didn't pay much attention.

Initially, Wu Hao ate relatively slowly, but when he saw his parents and sister almost done eating and putting down their chopsticks, he started to speed up.

Seeing this scene, his parents and sister suddenly remembered something. They seemed to have heard Wu Hao say that his appetite had increased, but seeing him eat so much still surprised them.

"Take it easy, don't overeat..." Wu Hao's mother quickly spoke up upon noticing.

Wu Xiaoxiao, who was sitting beside them, also opened her mouth, looking at Wu Hao with a strange expression. "Brother, have you been starving in the mountains? Even if you were starving, you shouldn't indulge in such excessive eating!"

Hearing this, Wu Hao had no choice but to temporarily put down his chopsticks and explain, "Mom, it's not what you think. My appetite has genuinely increased, and it's not about overeating!"

As for Wu Hao being hungry in the mountains? That's impossible! On the contrary, he eats things that ordinary people find difficult to obtain every day—pure and natural wild game, such as wild boar and antelope. Every few days, he manages to catch one. Besides eating for himself, he also shares the leftovers with a family of golden eagles.

In addition to the natural meat from hunting, there are wild vegetables, mushrooms, and other delights from the mountains. One could say that his life in the mountains is quite enjoyable and flavorful.

Apart from the considerable mental energy he expended during the last month, excavating the mountain base, he had a comfortable and fulfilling life in all other aspects.

Upon hearing Wu Hao's explanation, Zhang Huilan finally breathed a sigh of relief. If his increased appetite was genuine, then she didn't need to worry anymore.

After all, being able to eat is a blessing! Throughout history, most people who have a good appetite tend to have strong bodies.

Of course, those who only eat without exercising and end up gaining weight are not fortunate. It is actually harmful to their health.

A few minutes later, just like a whirlwind, Wu Hao finished everything on the table, including the meat soup which he even drank up.

"Brother, it seems like we'll need a bigger pot for cooking at home from now on." Wu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but tease when she saw this.

"Hehe, a slightly bigger one will do." Wu Hao didn't mind his sister's teasing. But indeed, he had become a big foodie, and that was not going to change.

After all, his body was much stronger than an average person in all aspects. If he didn't consume enough food, it would definitely not be enough.

It's just like martial artists who need to eat a large amount of high-energy food.

Unless in the future Wu Hao finds some other high-energy food to replace it, like compressed biscuits or something similar. However, compression only increases calories, it doesn't provide much nutrition or high-energy elements.

High energy refers to food that contains high protein, such as beef, while high-calorie food is what we commonly refer to as junk food.

These things have little nutritional value, but they can fulfill basic bodily needs. However, if you consume too many calories, it will turn into excess fat.

After the meal, Wu Hongguo habitually started smoking, but after only a short while, he began coughing violently. Wu Xiaoxiao, who was next to him, quickly approached with concern and asked, "Dad! What's wrong with you? Didn't we ask you to smoke less?"

"Cough... Cough..." Wu Hongguo coughed continuously for a while before managing to reply, "Cough, I'm used to it. I'll try to smoke less..."

Wu Xiaoxiao wore a face of complaint upon hearing this because she had heard those words countless times. However, just as she was about to speak, she noticed a trace of blood at the corner of her father's mouth.

"Dad! Why are you bleeding?" Wu Xiaoxiao became a little panicked.

Wu Hao, who was in the kitchen helping his mother clean the dishes, heard this and temporarily set aside his work to approach Wu Hongguo.

Seeing the blood at the corner of his father's mouth, Wu Hao knew that his father's health was definitely in trouble because ordinary coughing wouldn't lead to coughing up blood.

"Old man, we've been telling you to smoke less, and now you see, you're coughing up blood." Zhang Huilan complained and worried at the same time.

At this moment, Wu Hao had already scanned his father's condition through his mental perception, and after understanding the specific situation, his expression turned grim.

Indeed, his father's body had significant problems. His stomach and heart were both damaged to different extents. If described in medical terms, he was suffering from gastritis and heart problems caused by hypertension.

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