Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 105: Modifying the Design Plan

Quickly, after contemplating for a moment, Wu Hao instructed the base's AI program, "Zero," in his mind, "Zero, retrieve the aircraft plans from the database for me and then report the quantity of all existing raw materials in the base."

Although Wu Hao had planned to return home after retrieving the spirit fluid to administer it to his parents, it was almost dawn, so he had to wait until it got dark in the evening at least, even if he intended to return home.

Upon receiving Wu Hao's command, the base's AI program "Zero" acted promptly, immediately retrieving the preliminary aircraft design plans that Wu Hao had previously only conceived from the base's computer system database.

"Boss, the aircraft plans have been opened, and I've already compiled the information regarding the use of all raw materials in the base," reported the AI program "Zero" to Wu Hao. At the same time, it projected two large screens in the room.

One screen displayed the aircraft plans and related design schematics, while the other screen showed a comprehensive list of materials with their respective quantities, clearly marked in percentages.

After a brief glance, Wu Hao had a clear understanding of the specific quantities. "We still have a good amount of raw materials for manufacturing composite materials, but we're running low on metals and some specialized materials. It seems I need to complete the aircraft as soon as possible; otherwise, it might be difficult to purchase raw materials from the outside."

Composite materials are essentially non-metal materials used for making plastics and carbon fibers, among others. These materials have a lower weight and higher efficiency compared to metal materials.

Due to the weight of metal materials, Wu Hao couldn't transport too many of them to the base at once. However, the situation was different for composite materials. Although there were various raw materials for making composite materials, they could be used for a long time, given the base's current reserves.

With this in mind, Wu Hao immediately turned his focus to the aircraft design plan. He had conceived the design of this aircraft a long time ago.

Originally, Wu Hao's aircraft had an elongated shape, with slight protrusions on both sides forming streamlined secondary wings. These secondary wings had a maximum width of only a few tens of centimeters, similar to the tail wings of high-speed cruise missiles.

In fact, aircraft capable of supersonic flight usually have relatively short wings to minimize resistance and enable faster flight.

Wu Hao's design of these streamlined wings aimed to ensure that, when using telekinesis as the propulsion method, the aircraft could fly at higher speeds, maintain stability, and achieve better maneuverability.

The main body of the aircraft was constructed from a new type of carbon fiber material that Wu Hao had developed himself. It was 3D-printed as a single piece. Besides the main structure, the aircraft contained a few electronic systems and interiors, as well as the crucial stealth coating.

Wu Hao was capable of easily configuring excellent stealth coatings to prevent radar detection. However, he aimed to make the aircraft not only evade radar but also possess a function that rendered it invisible to the human eye.

This specific technology was something Wu Hao hadn't entirely mastered yet. During this period, he had not focused his research efforts on this aspect, so he considered it a key challenge in the time to come.

Other than this yet-to-be-mastered technology, Wu Hao had complete knowledge and control over all other aspects of the aircraft.

"According to the initial design, this aircraft is a bit on the smaller side. If it's intended to transport slightly larger cargo, it might prove inadequate," Wu Hao contemplated while carefully examining the previous design.

Consequently, Wu Hao decided to increase the aircraft's size in line with the original specifications, with only slight changes to the external appearance. However, he moved the entrance and exit door to the rear, somewhat resembling the setup on large transport helicopters, with a door opening directly from the rear bottom.

The modified aircraft now measured 8 meters in length, 5 meters in width, and a height close to 2 meters. Despite the increased volume, the aircraft's weight wouldn't rise significantly. Since the entire aircraft was constructed using carbon fiber materials, and only a small amount of electronic equipment and other interior items were to be installed, the weight remained relatively low.

As the aircraft didn't have an engine and the electronic equipment only required power support, some solar panels were sufficient. With the latest high-efficiency battery panels developed by Wu Hao, installing a few of them could easily sustain the aircraft for around ten hours of flight.

Since the aircraft primarily used electricity only for electronic equipment, the power consumption was naturally incomparable to that of an engine.

Around noon, right after Wu Hao had finished lunch at the base and was about to dive back into various aspects of aircraft design, he received a call from his parents.

Even though he'd set his communicator to "Do Not Disturb" mode since returning to the base, he'd made a special arrangement for a few important numbers, which included his parents and his sister.

"Hello, Mom. Is there something wrong?" As soon as Wu Hao answered the call, he immediately inquired because his parents rarely initiated calls to him. This was mainly due to their concern for not interrupting his work. He also called home every few days to check on family matters.

So when he saw that his mother was calling him, Wu Hao guessed that something must have happened at home. He didn't think it was related to an unexpected deterioration of his father's health because, if that were the case, their simple robot, Da Bai, would have sent him a message already.

After all, Wu Hao had initially created "Da Bai" to monitor his family's health and safety. In case of any abnormalities, the program embedded in Da Bai would immediately relay the situation to Wu Hao.

"Son, I hope I'm not disturbing your work," came Zhang Huilan's voice from the other end of the line. When Wu Hao had left home, he'd told his parents that he would be traveling around frequently and visiting different cities. Zhang Huilan also had a partial understanding from other sources, knowing that stock trading was a demanding job. Hence, she began by asking about his situation.

"It's okay, Mom. I'm not busy right now. Is everything okay at home?" Wu Hao indeed had a lot of work to do with the various aspects of aircraft design, but he didn't want to admit that he was busy.

After resolving his father's health issues, he was no longer in a hurry to develop everything in the base. Regarding the aircraft, sooner or later, it wouldn't make a big difference to him.

... (To be continued.)

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