Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 66 - Digging Traps

Ch66 – Digging Traps

Xiong Ye was showing off the circles on his face in the valley below the cave, “Zhou Ji drew this for me!”

”It’s drawn so well!”

“I also want to draw something on my face.”

“What is it drawn with?”


Bao Yu, who had already decided to join the Big Bear Tribe also felt that these circles were extremely beautiful. They were exactly the same as the patterns on the back of her animal form!

She also wanted to draw circles like this on her own face and body!

Everyone had similar thoughts. They watched as the priest returned with a piece of some black thing in his hand. When he saw Xiong Ye, he immediately called out, “Xiong Ye, come over and help me draw!”

“Grandpa Priest?” Xiong Ye was a little stumped.

“Zhou Ji won’t draw it for me. You do it... And the knowledge that Zhou Ji shared with you, you can teach it to me too.” The priest said.

Zhou Ji was unwilling to draw circles for him and only gave him a piece of charcoal, so he had to go and find Xiong Ye to help him out!

Xiong Ye was still very obedient towards the priest’s words. The priest told him to draw, so he drew circles on the priest.

Before long, the priest’s face was covered in circles.

Immediately after that, others came up to Xiong Ye to ask him to draw circles for them as well––Xiong Ye had them, and the priest had them, so they also wanted them too!

Xiong Ye was surrounded by people for a while, until Xiong He finally pushed everyone aside and said, “Me first!”

“Priest, come and draw for the tribal chief! I still have things to do!” Xiong Ye saw that so many people had come and pressed the charcoal into the priest’s hands before running away in a hurry.

Although he had eaten earth eggs stewed with smoked meat, Zhou Ji hadn’t eaten yet. He needed to get some food for Zhou Ji!

Xiong Ye gathered some baked earth eggs into his arms and returned back to the cave.

Zhou Ji, who had been observing the situation in the valley using his spiritual powers, was really left speechless at the scenes playing out below.

He lay back down on the bed and watched as Xiong Ye returned.

“Zhou Ji, I bought you back some roasted earth eggs!” Xiong Ye took out the roasted earth eggs and saw that Zhou Ji was lying on the bed looking very uncomfortable. He added, “Should I feed you?”

These circles looked pretty good! Why should he wash them off!

Also, Zhou Ji had always used various reasons and excuses to draw circles on him, so this definitely wasn’t a punishment. It was most likely because he liked him.

He was a little reluctant to wash it all off.

Zhou Ji then added, “Don’t come to bed if you don’t wash it off.”

Xiong Ye could only wash his face unwillingly and wipe off the circles on his body.

But at least he could finally go to bed.

Xiong Ye returned to Zhou Ji’s side and heard Zhou Ji say, “I’ll teach you how to recite the multiplication tables before we sleep.”

“What is a multiplication table?” Xiong Ye asked.

Zhou Ji gave a brief explanation.

Xiong Ye’s excitement was shining from his face when he heard, “This is really convenient!” Zhou Ji was treating him too well, sharing all of this knowledge with him!

Xiong Ye looked at Zhou Ji gratefully.

Zhou Ji suppressed the little bear, who was originally going into rut, with memorizing the multiplication table.

Xiong Ye was so dizzy from trying to memorize it that he soon decided to pretend to have fallen asleep.

Zhou Ji also pretended to fall asleep. He waited for Xiong Ye to get up and go out to cultivate before leaving to pick up Xiong Ye and take him elsewhere to start cultivating.

Xiong Ye was very large in his animal form. If he really walked properly while holding the bear, he would be dragging Xiong Ye along instead of carrying him. However, he moved forward by touching down on the ground lightly before leaping up to two or three meters up into the air. Xiong Ye didn’t have to worry about his face being smashed into the ground, but it was inevitable that his body would bump into the ground...

Xiong Ye didn’t mind this. After discovering that he didn’t fall over every time he touched the ground, he just felt that this person who was teaching him was really a very good person!

When the man finally put him down, Xiong Ye turned back into his human form, “Lord, have you been staying in this area lately?”

“Yes.” Zhou Ji said.

“Thank you!” Xiong Ye’s expression was full of gratitude.

“No need for thanks. Just help me with one thing in the future!” Zhou Ji said.

“Lord, what do you want me to do? Just tell me, and I will do it properly!” Xiong Ye replied.

“You’ll do whatever I ask you to do?” Zhou Ji asked.

Xiong Ye thought about it, “As long as it doesn’t hurt innocent people!”

“I’ll remember that.” Zhou Ji said.

“You’re such a good person, my lord.” Xiong Ye was very sincere.

Zhou Ji: You’ve said so many things but you still haven’t even remembered to put on an animal hide skirt yet!

The next day, Xiong He asked Xiong Ye to take the people of the Little Brook Tribe out to hunt.

Farming the land required knowledge. Xiong He wasn’t ready to teach these things to the people of the Little Brook Tribe, so those people naturally couldn’t be allowed to help farm the land. Also... Although there was a lot of smoked meat left in the tribe, they couldn’t stop hunting completely!

Xiong Ye agreed and led the Little Brook Tribe outside to hunt.

As for Zhou Ji... He had made some rounds around the valley early in the morning, noticed that everyone had circles drawn on their faces, and had silently retreated back to their cave.

Regardless of whether it was farming or raising livestock, he actually had no experience with any of it. By now, he had already taught them everything he knew. As for the future, it would depend on how much effort these people put in.

Even if he took care of them for this lifetime, he couldn’t help them for several lifetimes.

Zhou Ji went back to their place and went back to sleep. At the same time, Xiong Ye and the others had run into some trouble––they couldn’t find any prey.

There were now some small animals around the Big Bear Tribe, but they consisted mostly of the small Lesothosaurus and other similar dinosaurs.

These small dinosaurs had come here to hide from the carnivorous dinosaurs, so they were beginning to make their way back now that the carnivorous dinosaurs were gone.

Xiong Ye and the people of the Little Brook Tribe set up several ambushes and worked hard for half a day before finally catching two dinosaurs that added up to around twenty kilos of meat. There were now over four hundred people in the tribe... Were they supposed to split each kilo between twenty people?

Xiong Ye clutched helplessly at his hair.

The people of the Little Brook Tribe were very calm. Bao Yu even said, “Look at the plants over there. They’re all edible! Let’s harvest them out and bring them back!”

The Little Brook Tribe used to have over one hundred people, of which about seventy were young and middle-aged. Only twenty amongst them had sufficient fighting power, so they often gathered grass to fill their stomachs.

Xiong Ye looked at those grasses and finally said, “Let’s dig, then!”

The gathering team finally ended up bringing back a lot of ‘grass’.

At the same time, the people who had gone out to harvest grass in order to raise the little dinosaurs had also brought back a lot of edible ‘grass’, and the people from the gathering team also brought back some edible ‘grass’. That night, the valley within the tribe was piled full of vegetables.

Xiong He immediately decided that they would eat less meat and more vegetables that night.

He had already determined that the smoked meat could be kept for a long time. If that was the case, they should eat less smoked meat now and save it for winter!

Therefore, that night, Xiong Ye was given a lot of ‘grass’ cooked with earth eggs.

He had a share, and Zhou Ji had a share. The soup and vegetables added up to about twenty kilos worth of food, but amongst it all was only a single piece of Lesothosaurus meat about the size of two fingers.

The vast majority of the people in the tribe were very satisfied with this meal. The Little Brook Tribe was happy as long as they could eat their fill, but Xiong Ye was a little greedy for more meat.

He liked to eat roasted meat, and he wanted big pieces of meat! It would be best if he could eat fifteen plus kilograms of meat at a time!

That would be a blessed day!

Because there was too much to do in the tribe, and there wasn’t much prey wandering around outside, Xiong He cancelled tomorrow’s hunt. With that, Xiong Ye also no longer had time to travel further out and hunt down something big for meat. He could only spare some time to go to the river nearby and find some things to bring back for Zhou Ji to eat.

As for himself, he would just eat earth eggs cooked with vegetables...

Life went on, and half a month had passed like this in the blink of an eye.

Everyone had eaten vegetables for half a month.

It was now summer. The edible plants that the priest had directed them to plant before all grew and matured very quickly. Much of it could be eaten, and the wild vegetables outside were also very abundant... Although there was no meat to eat, everyone could always eat until they were very full.

No, he wasn’t satisfied at all! Without meat, Xiong Ye felt that his stomach was empty. There was no feeling of satisfaction or fullness. However, their territory simply lacked dinosaurs.

Xiong Ye swallowed his saliva and led the people of the Little Brook Tribe to dig out a pit and make a trap.

This trap was something Zhou Ji had taught them. Zhou Ji had said that since he was unable to catch any prey, he should dig out a large pit, then attract some dinosaurs over and have them fall into the pit so that they could be killed more easily.

This method was useless for catching bird-footed dinosaurs that had particularly powerful jumping ability, but it was very suitable for dealing with horned dinosaurs and the like.

Only, it had been too difficult to find dinosaurs lately.

It took Xiong Ye a good few days to finally finish digging out a big trap with the people he had with him.

After they finished digging, Xiong Ye said, “We should bind some dinosaur horns to some wooden stakes and put them at the bottom of the pit so that our prey won’t be able to get back up again after it falls in!”

He even dreamed about eating meat now!

The people of the Little Brook Tribe all nodded. At the same time, they were wondering––had all the animals around the Big Bear Tribe been eaten up by the tribe? If that wasn’t the case, then why were there so few dinosaurs around?

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