Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 1276: The days when Jiang Hen was not on the battlefield

The battle on the battlefield is still the same as before, but the offensive of the insects is getting stronger and stronger.

But soon, it was discovered that something had fundamentally changed. As more and more powerful beings joined the battlefield, everyone found that their understanding of the power of the Zerg was still wrong.

“These **** bugs, how come there are so many ninth orders, and how did they reproduce?”

A group of people are fighting those terrifying bugs in the void, after all, the bug itself is the size of a planet. Such a ninth-order insect, if it is not for the ninth-order powerhouse, it is not an opponent at all.

This is not the battlefield space, but in someone else’s world.

Although the strength of professionals is often stronger than that of bugs of the same level, they are suppressed by the world in this world, so the performance is not as obvious as before.

The vitality of the huge insects is very tenacious, and it is often difficult to kill, but the opponent’s counterattack may injure himself at any time.

In this kind of battle, even if it is a ninth-order combat power, there are often casualties.

“Oh, my Sha Lili, **** it.” On the battlefield of the Ugly Kingdom, a ninth-rank powerhouse suddenly roared angrily, and his wife was killed on the spot by a counterattack from a bug.

The angry Ugly Country fighting members united to kill the bug quickly, but their companions have also lost their voices.

“Quick, send it to Your Excellency Jiang Hen and let him revive. Just use this **** bug as the material.”

“That’s right, send it over quickly, Sha Lili’s soul hasn’t been completely shattered, so she can still be resurrected.” Everyone said quickly, and all that could be thought of at this time was Jiang Hen.

“Wait a minute, no one knows where Jiang Hen is now, how can he be resurrected?”

Everyone finally remembered that Jiang Hen was attacked by a super-level powerhouse last time. According to Kolar, Jiang Hen would be seriously injured even if he didn’t die, and now he just used special means to hide it.

But there is no **** mark, what should they do. They celebrated just now because Jiang Hen was attacked, and it only became like this in a few days. Everyone’s faces became ugly.

“Then what should I do, without **** marks, there is no way to revive.”

“Damn Jiang Hen, can’t you come out? Have you forgotten your responsibilities?”

The others watched with a flash of light in their eyes, but didn’t say anything. After all, is it someone else’s responsibility? Jiang Hen is not a high-level figure in the United Nations, not even a high-level person in China.

Jiang Hen is an independent existence outside, and he has not given them any promises.

Just because of their powerful abilities, they helped them do something. Speaking of which, it seems that he and others still owe Jiang Hen. But now they need to use **** marks, and they can’t really refute it.

“Then what should I do? Jiang Hen didn’t make the ninth-order resurrection technique into a scroll for others, and no one can resurrect.”

Many people are even more resentful in their hearts. As for Jiang Hen’s statement that they can’t bear this skill, everyone basically ignored it.

The ninth-order skill, how can the ninth-order powerhouse be unbearable. Even if the early stage of the ninth order is not good, then in the middle stage and the later stage, it is really impossible, isn’t there still a ninth-order peak.

It’s just that they ignored a question, that is why Jiang Hen gave his hole cards to others.

“Send it to Huaguo, they must know where Jianghen is, as long as we put pressure on it.”

In the end, they had no choice but to do this, but when they arrived, they found that many people were the same as they thought. Many corpses were sent to this place and preserved by special means.

It’s just that the people on the Chinese side didn’t accept it at all and were arguing with others.

“We have no obligation to help you revive these people, and we are even less obligated to help you collect these corpses. If there is a problem with the corpse, please don’t come to us, we don’t have that ability.”

“Nonsense, Jiang Hen is obviously yours, why don’t you have any obligations.”

“That’s right, for the sake of all mankind, let Jiang Hen come out, we are here to beg you.”

Okay, isn’t this the first person who jumped out and cheered when Jiang Hen had an accident. With a pitiful look on his face at this time, he didn’t know how innocent he really thought this guy was.

The person in charge immediately said: “I reiterate once again that Jiang Hen is not from our department, he is an independent and free person. Although he has a name in our country, no one who has a name is qualified to direct orders.”

Of course, to say that, in fact, it still depends on the strength of the person who is named.

“Besides, we really don’t know where Your Excellency Jiang Hen is now. He is very dangerous in this world right now, don’t you all know that? If something happens to him, how should you explain it?”

Those people don’t care about these constantly crying, wanting to let Jiang Hen travel out of the so-called duty.

So the two sides can only stalemate here, after all, Jiang Hen can’t come out by himself, and they have nothing to do.

As time passed, everyone gradually realized that things were getting worse and worse. There is no **** marks on the battlefield, not to mention that the dead ninth-order cannot be resurrected, even those dead giant insects of the ninth order cannot be transformed.

It is useless to leave the corpse of insects behind. As a material, the effect that can be achieved is very limited for the time being.

Continuing to pile up like this doesn’t seem to be of much use.

The most important thing is that as more and more ninth-orders die, and others, one by one, they are beginning to be cautious. Even one by one, in order to save their own lives, they became conservative and unwilling to make progress.

Huaguo’s side is not bad, after all, many ninth-order death giant insects have been created before.

Other countries are not so good, but now the major countries themselves must first ensure the survival of their own strong people, who would put their own people in danger for the sake of other people’s strong people.

After a while, everyone found that things became more troublesome.

Because the **** marks are not there, there is no way to make the eighth-order vines produced by the **** marks in large quantities.

The combat effectiveness of the eighth-level plane has dropped sharply, causing huge problems in the entire battlefield space. Originally, it was still in a stalemate. Although it was losing ground, it was not so fast. But now, there are signs of that great rout.

“Damn, is there no way we can fight bugs without **** marks?”

A strong man said angrily, but the others didn’t say anything. In fact, isn’t that what it looks like now.

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