Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 1274: The starry sky that was completely detonated

When the ninth-order death giant insect was discovered, no matter how slow the insects were, they knew that the matter had developed to another stage. Once the ninth-order death giant insects appear, it means that their danger is coming.

As a result, the response of the insects was of course fierce, more intense than many people imagined.

A large number of bug armies began to flow towards the exposed bases.

Then a fierce war broke out, and the bugs used the intensity on the battlefield, or even higher.

There are also a large number of scout bugs hatched, which is a new kind of bug that the bugs have just created. Because of its small size, large number, and extremely fast speed, it can fly anywhere.

These worms began to fly to a large number of barren star fields. It seems that the zerg is preparing to spread all the worms all over the world this time, so as to find any enemies.

With such an action, some races that were oppressed by insects in the world before, but still lingering, were also found.

These races are no match for bugs, they know the power of bugs.

Some insisted on fighting and died, and some did not know where to flee. But more, they discovered the existence of human professionals, so they came over and began to rely on them.

“It seems that the outbreak of the war is inevitable, but this time it is really interesting.”

Jiang Hen found that so many natives appeared, and the conventional tactics of a professional began to play out in this world.

That’s right, it is the creation of the World Nail. In this starry world, the effect of the World Nail is even stronger. Under normal circumstances, only one World Nail is enough for a planet to control.

However, because there are too many planets in this world and a large number of special stars, it is not easy to control the world.

Even because of the special connection between the Zerg bugs in this world, although their World Nails can turn other natives into their diehards, they are useless to those bugs.

It is precisely because of this that the effect of this combat method on this battle is greatly reduced.

But in any case, as long as the World Nail can be built, there are many means that can be used.

Others are different from Jiang Hen. Jiang Hen always uses only instinctive power for the nails of the world. For the nail of the world, Jiang Hen has never researched deeply, what he does is to hide it.

But others are different. Their use and research on the nails of the world have been accumulated for countless years.

Jiang Hen was an eye-opener this time, because the mode of use of the World Nail was simply beyond his imagination.

The power of the world in a region is gathered by the nails of the world, and there are many articles that can be done by the power of the world. All kinds of special weapon runes or other structures are created like this.

The nails of the world were actually made by these people into some special energy sources, and then used to drive these items.

Then, each of these items became planet-level combat power.

Every planet-level weapon can exert at least the eighth-level combat effectiveness. For the entire battlefield, it can be regarded as a not weak help. And those bugs, when they encounter this kind of problem, often smash the entire planet.

This approach makes the bugs more and more disgusted by the world. But it doesn’t matter much, the world doesn’t really like bugs themselves.

Just because the scale of the worms is too large, the exposed bases are still destroyed one by one.

In other words, these bases were abruptly overwhelmed by the huge number of bugs.

More and more bases are being discovered, and if things continue like this, things will get worse. So the rear made an urgent decision to send a lot of power into the world of bugs.

Even many ninth-order powerhouses entered directly at this time and started fighting with the bugs.

The addition of a large number of powerhouses made the entire battlefield even more chaotic.

During this time, Jiang Hen himself became more and more busy. Because more and more corpses were sent to him and resurrected by himself. Although each one is easy to resurrect, there are too many.

This kind of consumption, sometimes Jiang Hen’s own recovery, can’t keep up for a while, which is really unexpected.

However, because the matter was too urgent, the bodies were still sent over and over again. Even during this time, Jiang Hen was running out of time to transform the ninth-order death giant insect.

“When the materials are sufficient, there is a lack of time, but time is the most insufficient now. I don’t know when the strength of the space channel will be reached, and a large amount of combat power over there will be delivered.”

Jiang Hen was helpless for a while, he was starting to miss the battlefield world now.

There are tens of thousands of ninth-order death giant insects accumulated there. As long as those fighting powers can be sent to, they will definitely be able to pass within a certain period of time, so that the Zerg in this world can be blocked or even suppressed.

Jiang Hen doesn’t know how many powerful ninth-order Zerg exist, but tens of thousands are definitely not a small number.

“Quick, Your Excellency Jiang Hen, Your Excellency Jiang Hen, please revive them as soon as possible, they are all our heroes.” A person suddenly ran over and shouted at Jiang Hen, only to be pulled by others.

“What are you doing, these people are all giving their lives for the earth.”

“Shut up, who didn’t give their lives for the earth? Line up at the back. Haven’t you seen the bodies of other people?”

The person who just ran over seemed to find that he had provoked public anger, so he quickly apologized to the others around him.

Although this person was lining up, Jiang Hen still found that there was anger and hatred in the eyes of the other party.

This resentment is actually aimed at himself, what the **** is going on with this guy. Obviously he is helping them to resurrect, but this look is too strange, what kind of mentality is this.

However, noticing the sign on the other side, Jiang Hen was used to it. It turned out to be the people of the universe country, that disgusting country, it is not surprising to do anything in return for revenge.

If it weren’t for the various measures of the National Alliance, Jiang Hen would really not want to resurrect this kind of person.

Obviously they are the ones who take advantage, but they care about a little reward, and they continue to spread bad remarks about themselves. I really want to ignore these guys.

Suddenly, Jiang Hen raised his head, and there was a little fluctuation above. Although weak, the **** marks can be clearly felt.

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