Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 1271: Star formation in the week

“Okay, okay, why are you so pessimistic, anyway, it’s not over now.”

Jiang Hen drove everyone away and returned to his laboratory. Everyone knows that Jiang Hen has been very busy recently, so no one came to disturb him.

Back in the laboratory, Jiang Hen himself appeared with a starlight, and the blue-purple stars formed around him, and then moved according to a special trajectory. Around Jiang Hen, there were also a few out of place.

If you look closely, you can see that most of those stars are empty, but some have already been injected with stars.

Those with stars are brighter, and those without stars are dim.

“With this, the next road is basically no problem, it just needs time and resources. If there are so many bugs here, it would be really difficult to collect so many resources.”

Jiang Hen looked at the surrounding array and nodded with satisfaction. This is the new secret method that he has researched for several years.

Now the new solidification skills, the stars are in a big array within a week.

This is modeled after the creation of the legendary Zhou Tianxingdou formation, but the one that guides the external force of stars is the normal formation. As for Jiang Hen, what guides the bandha is his own internal strength.

Every star around is completely its own power and has nothing to do with the outside world.

So I added a word and it became the inner star formation.

After Jiang Hen’s research on many formations in the East, he finally came up with such a special formation. Modeled after the stars in the sky, a complete formation is formed. In fact, this formation is not an indivisible whole.

But each small part is a pattern, and a large number of patterns are connected to each other to form a huge and complete pattern. This is the real star array.

At the beginning of this formation, Jiang Hen caught the existing knowledge and could only increase it to three hundred and sixty.

After all, this was originally the number of one week, so when it reached this number, it was already complete. But three hundred and sixty were not enough for Jiang Hen to use by himself, so Jiang Hen could only increase it.

After several years of deduction, based on Jiang Hen’s knowledge, he finally formed this pattern that suits him.

There are 3,000 integer positions, the large array is surrounded by small arrays, and there are even smaller arrays under the small arrays.

And Jiang Hen himself could only control dozens of arcane realms at most. However, after research, Jiang Hen carved some special runes into the arcane realm, which stabilized the realm.

So Jiang Hen can now control more than one hundred arcane realms as a whole.

These arcane realms carved into runes are themselves more rigid and used to attack more powerfully. But there is also a disadvantage, that is, it cannot extract part of the power to restore its own magic power as before.

In today’s arcane realm, the only way to use it is to destroy the stability rune.

Such an approach will collapse the entire arcane realm, and then all the magic will return to himself at one time. With such a huge magical impact, no one can withstand it except Jiang Hen himself.

But this is not a disadvantage, after all, Jiang Hen did not intend to use it as an item to supplement magic power.

His own magic power is very huge, and the recovery speed is extremely fast. There is no need to waste these unless there are special circumstances.

As for that advantage, it is not an advantage for Jiang Hen. There are many ways of attacking yourself, each of which is much more useful than using the arcane realm to smash it down abruptly.

And if you don’t complete the star formation within the week, you can’t use it for battle.

And once it is completely completed, the combat power shown is probably not weak, but unfortunately Jiang Hen does not use this kind of thing to fight. When it is completely completed, it is time for the complete destruction of this array.

The arcane realms that Jiang Hen can use at ordinary times are only those directly controlled by his own spirit.

Once integrated into the array, it cannot be used.

Otherwise, the entire array will be turbulent, and that kind of power is very terrifying. If the entire array collapsed, Jiang Hen had only two ways to go, or forcefully impacted his realm.

This kind of shock is very dangerous, and if you fail, you may die on the spot.

Even if he didn’t die, he would probably lose the chance to go further.

Another way is to give up directly and leave instantly, Jiang Hen doesn’t know what will happen to the place. But such a long time effort will be in vain, only to start over.

No matter which method, it is not what Jiang Hen wants to bear.

Therefore, this pattern can only be placed here.

Jiang Hen carefully moved some of the arcane realms he controlled to slowly rotate to form a special array.

When the array map perfectly fits into an area of ​​his inner star array, Jiang Hen puts it in it. UU reading www.uukanshu. After com, this array will run on its own, and you don’t have to manage it yourself, and of course it’s hard to interfere.

“It’s more than half, but unfortunately the materials are temporarily lacking, and more ninth-order Zerg are still needed.”

Jiang Hen nodded and then disappeared.

This array diagram, Jiang Hen directly embedded it in his own domain, and used the domain to stabilize it.

Otherwise, the array itself is incomplete, and without the stability of the field, it would have already collapsed on its own. And the price of this is that Jiang Hen’s field cannot be used for fighting.

Even some auxiliary functions, basically can not be used.

Of course, Jiang Hen doesn’t care. Anyway, with his current strength, even if he is against other ninth-order peaks, he can beat the opponent all over the ground without using the domain Jiang Hen. This is Jiang Hen’s confidence in his own strength.

There are many Zerg ninth-order powerhouses. If you can’t take this opportunity to completely perfect your great formation, then you will be uncertain about the time to perfect it in the future. A ninth-order insect represents a star.

Next, Jiang Hen came out of the laboratory and focused on the battlefield of the starry sky and the transformation of the giant worm of death.

You must know that this comes at a price. To transform a giant worm of death, you must have at least half of it as your reward. The level is slightly lower, although it cannot be made into a complete star, it can be made together.

During this time, Jiang Hen had received thousands of ninth-order bug corpses. If it weren’t for the fact that most of the levels were not too high, I’m afraid that my array would have been filled by myself.

But even now, the pattern is more than halfway through, Jiang Hen turned his attention, and then the filling speed began to speed up.

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