Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 1269: A new direction and a firm footing

With Jiang Hen’s continuous research, his own arcane realm finally has a new breakthrough.

Although it will take some time to complete, the direction has been completely set.

“I can’t wait, but I thought about it.” Jiang Hen looked at the large amount of information in front of him, and then issued a new order to collect new knowledge. Collection of information on various rune formations and Eastern formations.

That’s right, Jiang Hen thought of using runes to stabilize his arcane realm.

This thing relies on arcane power to shrink and stabilize on its own, forming a more stable structure, and it can control more at the same time.

However, in this regard, the runes and formations in the inheritance of Western mages are more suitable. After all, the source of his power, the arcane power, is something that is biased towards the West.

And this method can only allow oneself to control more, but cannot meet their own requirements.

In order to control more, Jiang Hen thought of a new way to use the power of the formation. This is mainly based on the knowledge of the Eastern Formation. The Eastern formations are all-encompassing.

Jiang Hen is going to apply it to his own arcane realm, and use the power formed by the operation of the arcane realm to restrain himself, so that he can use the formation to control more power.

Others use the power of the formation to mobilize the greater power between the heavens and the earth, or to bring together the power of different people. Jiang Hen’s method of directly controlling his own power was unprecedented.

But once successful, then your plan can be completed.

If you want to construct this unprecedented formation, even with Jiang Hen’s ability, it will not be completed in a short time.

In the process of Jiang Hen’s research, the plan to explore the Zerg world is still going on. A large number of death squads were continuously sent into it to compete with the bugs.

And because of being stimulated, the insects’ investment in the battlefield is also increasing.

During this time, more and more ninth-order powers began to enter and fight against humans.

Jiang Hen’s work is also more, because there are more ninth-order bugs to be transformed, and many ninth-order dead people need Jiang Hen to be resurrected. This made Jiang Hen a little troublesome, because his research time was much less.

But resurrection must be resurrected, otherwise it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

So Jiang Hen finally decided that these corpses should be collected and processed. Every five days, come back to life on your own.

The same is true of those bugs, they will transform themselves every once in a while. Although many people were very dissatisfied and asked Jiang Hen to devote all his time to maintaining the battlefield, Jiang Hen firmly refused.

That is, Jiang Hen’s current status can only be done like this, and it would be impossible to replace it with other people.

There are even people who want to pay attention to Jiang Hen’s skill, but Jiang Hen has clearly said that the skill of Light of Life, except himself, I am afraid that no one can bear it, nor can he learn it.

However, the transformation of the death giant insect is different. Others who have reached the ninth order have the ability to learn.

But this kind of thing has too much influence, Jiang Hen would rather waste some time than spread it out.

Because of this kind of thing, everyone is deadlocked on these issues now.

No one dared to force Jiang Hen too much, but Jiang Hen was equally annoying. “I don’t know how long this kind of day will last.” I really miss the days when I just had to concentrate on my studies without any worries.

As time passed, gradually, the Zerg gradually gained a firm foothold.

Jiang Hen saw that some stone puppets and vines could really survive.

As long as the stone puppet pretends to be dead, those insects that are not very high-level can’t really recognize it. In the absence of high-level bugs, the stone statue puppet was left on the ground and ignored.

After all, stones are not really useful materials for insects.

Even if it burrows into the ground, the stone will become its own obstacle.

There are also some vines that drill directly into the ground and hide themselves.

Because the bugs in some places will not burrow into the ground, they are ignored. On the contrary, if it is some arcane thorn vines, because of its own energy, it will attract the attention of the bugs.

These things were left over there, so more information was sent.

Next, a large-scale invasion began. First of all, in some barren and very remote planets, even some meteorite belts, some people quietly appeared in the group of stars.

With some means, everyone hid themselves and started large-scale development on the spot.

It didn’t take long for these planets to be built into bases one by one, while expanding.

When it was found that there were no problems around, more troops began to be sent back. Some stable channels are also being established. If the passage is not completely expanded and stable the ninth-order powerhouse will not be able to pass.

“It seems that time is running out.” When Jiang Hen saw these reports, he knew that he didn’t have that much time.

Even if you want to protect yourself, but you want to have a strong fighting force on the battlefield, you still have to go to the front line in the end. When he got there, Jiang Hen was not sure that he would not attract the attention of the other party.

“Speed ​​up the research. When I get there, I’m afraid I won’t have time to research. It must be done as quickly as possible.”

“Unfortunately, if I had known about this situation earlier, I should have created some auxiliary research things, or studied the avatar technique or something.” Jiang Hen regretted it, but now there is no time.

Intensive research work is going on constantly, and transformations are also carried out from time to time. I don’t know how long it has passed, Jiang Hen suddenly received the news that the space channel opposite has stabilized.

With the first stable channel, then there is the second, and then there will be more and more larger and larger channels.

Moreover, the first batch of ninth-order powerhouses are ready, ready to pass through the passage and go to the opposite side.

There is also a guarantee from the super powerhouse that the top Zerg existence will not attack, because they will be watching from here. But this kind of thing, ordinary people can forget it, Jiang Hen himself will definitely not believe it.

At the same time, Jiang Hen is also prepared to meet the arrival of the wounded at any time.

Those who died in the ninth-order powerhouse will be sent to Jiang Hen as soon as possible, no matter what happens, they must be resurrected.

Because this is a direct order from above, Jiang Hen has no room for refutation, otherwise what awaits him will be the punishment from the super strong above.

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