Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 1238: Gradually changing situation

“It’s a pity, the levels of these bugs are too high, otherwise the efficiency will not be so low.” Jiang Hen looked at the sky, and the efficiency of this transformation still felt a little too low.

Then Jiang Hen opened up his domain and continued to make scrolls of inheritance. This was his main work during this period.

On the battlefield, the fighting situation with the Zerg has gradually changed.

It was basically a three-shift situation, but now it has changed. Professionals have plenty of time to rest, their spirits have improved a lot, and there is even time to tease those bugs.

Various methods of dealing with bugs have also been devised and manufactured by these guys who have nothing to do.

On a planet, a group of people led a large group of insects toward the front.

“Haha, Fras, it’s been a long time.” The visitor waved to a man in the distance and said. However, most people are in teams, but this person is alone.

But after getting closer, everyone is not surprised, because there are a lot of magic puppets around this person.

This is a magic puppeteer, also as a puppeteer of the three major pits, but it just needs talent and money. Some big forces can still be cultivated, and Xinghuo Liaoyuan now has its own magic puppet master.

The magic puppeteer who advocates group fights, when facing the Zerg, fully understands what it means to be gang fights.

But even so, their performance is much better than the average professional. A large number of magic puppets under his hand can also fight against a larger number of bugs, so they act alone.

Those who can make stone puppets can surpass themselves in number.

But those skills were made by Jiang Hen. Although they envied them, they were not considered their own abilities.

“Koala, you are still so slow, what are you going to do this time?”

The person in front glanced, ignored it, and continued to drink and eat. This situation has long been normal on the battlefield, and it’s okay now. If it was before, even if it was time for dinner, it would be rushed.

“Hmph, you used to have strong summoning abilities and large numbers, but now we have more numbers than you. This time I want to see if we can get more credit.”

Fras glanced at it: “It is indeed a lot, but so what.”

The team of more than a dozen people in front of them carried tens of thousands of insects. But during this period of time, they had exchanged all their merits, and then kept calling in turn, only then could they obtain such a huge force.

Although the strongest is only Tier 6, but that is because their own strength is not enough.

When you get the resources and break through to Tier 7, you will be able to control a large number of Tier 7 bugs.

“What else, we have more than you, your magic puppets, now there are less than two hundred left.” Although the fighting power of the magic puppet is not weak, it is too expensive, and losing one will cost them The meat hurts for several days.

While speaking, there was a sudden noise in the distance, and a large number of insects ran over.

It’s just that they suddenly discovered that there is no need to prepare for battle. The gray appearance shows that these things are also undead, and they are death giants. The Zerg does not produce dead bugs by itself.

But then they found something was wrong, because these bugs ran to Fras and stopped.

“What’s the matter, how can there be so many bugs, how did you do it?”

As the insects gradually stopped, they found that the number of insects around Fras had reached more than 30,000, which was much larger than what they brought. They had never expected this situation.

Fras smiled: “I call you a koala, isn’t it just because you are slow to respond? I didn’t expect you to be slower. Why can’t I use such a useful thing? Are you smart?”

“Aren’t you a magic puppeteer, don’t use a magic puppet to use this?”

“Whoever stipulates that the magic puppet master can’t use insects, Master Jiang Hen is not a summoner. But I started making it from the beginning. I have more men and more military skills. Okay, I won’t accompany you. played.”

After speaking, Fras turned and left, there was a batch of his own bugs in front of him.

During this period of time, he almost used it to transform except eating and sleeping. There were more than 50,000 dead giant insects.

When you reach the seventh rank, you must exchange for a transformation magic circle so that you can mass-produce it. The efficiency of the production of the magic circle is not comparable to the current one.

With such a huge amount of credit, he must be able to exchange a lot of resources and various skills.

Whether he can go further, whether he can lay the foundation for entering the eighth rank, depends on this time. As an Arcane Constructor, Jiang Hen can achieve what he has now, and he doesn’t think his profession will be weaker at all.

As long as you work hard, you might be able to catch up with that predecessor’s footsteps.

That’s right, senior, although his age is much older than Jiang On the battlefield, at this time, there are these people with a large number of death giant insects everywhere. Most of them also talk about the military. They have more tacit understanding and unity. The huge death giant team is fighting the normal zerg.

In some places, the giant death insects are basically about to become a canopy of existence.

There are insects fighting everywhere in the air, and the performance of the death giant is obviously stronger than that of the Zerg. After all, the strength is restrained. There are also some professionals who are mixed in, using various methods from time to time.

The Zerg, who had been able to suppress other races by relying on their forces, now seems to be a little different.

But the Zerg is the Zerg, and they have no intention to change, or that they have no other way. Regardless of any enemy in any world, their method has always been this one.

Use it if it is easy to use, or use it if it is not easy to use, just as it is now.

Although the pressure on the professional side is still very high, it is rapidly diminishing.

With the progress of experiments here, more and more places have proposed the need to pass on scrolls. Some of the knowledge manuals they need have been published in advance, but the inheritance scroll is not so easy to manufacture.

Even if it is material, some giant insect materials must be used for manufacturing.

You don’t have to trouble Jiang Hen, and it doesn’t matter if the quality is a little bit worse, as long as the quantity can be obtained first.

However, as more and more people learned these things, the Chinese defense area gradually began to reverse the situation. More and more people have eased the situation and even saved their lives because of these bugs.

The more bugs you have, the more you can increase your fault tolerance.

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