Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 72: Challenging the Secret Mandalore

I hanged up the Holoprojector and put it back on my belt.

I then press on one of the moons of the inhospitable planet on the Holomap and then activated autopilot. The Defender jumps into lightspeed and takes off towards the moon I pressed on the Holomap.

"Time to go recruit some powerful warriors to become my Holy Imperial Commandos." I smiled

I turned to C2-N2, the service droid that came with the ship

"C2-N2, how long until we reach the Concordian moon of Mandalore?" I asked

"Master, according to our current speed, we should reach the Concordian Moon in 2 to 2.5 days." said C2-N2 "Also the ship you requested to be sent, will also arrive around the same time as us."

"That's too long." I said "I need to get their faster, I promised Padme and Dia to be back in a week, and I only have 5 days left until I have to be back and that isn't enough time for me to take control of the Death Watch."

I started thinking of a way of getting to Concordia faster when I had an idea.

"Why don't I just use [Force Travel], I just need to make the portal big enough for the Defender to fit through and I will be at Concordia in an instant." I said out loud "And if this works, then I can train this ability and once I become powerful enough, I can then use this ability to move my fleets across the Galaxy in an instant. If I can accomplish this, then my army and navy will become invincible, and no one can stop my conquest of the Galaxy."

I turn back forward and face the window and gazed out into space. I pressed a button and the ship exited out of autopilot and stopped in the middle of space.

"Hopefully, this can work." I said

I held out both of my hands in front of me and started to use [Force Travel].

A small black portal appeared in space.

I started using the Force to stretch the portal wider, and wider. The process was slow, and the bigger it became, the more energy I had to use to keep widening it until a minute later, the portal was big enough to fit the Defender.

I dropped my arms and leaned back in the pilot's seat. Widening the portal was exhausting, and sweat was dripping down my face behind my mask. I took off the mask and wiped away the sweat. I took control of the ship and piloted it into the portal.

Soon, the Defender exited out of another portal in the distance of Mandalore and the Concordian Moon.

"It works." I said

'Ding' [Hidden Mission Completed - Force Travel with a Single Ship]

[Info: With your imaginative thinking, you finally were able to figure out that you can expand the portal of the [Force Travel] ability large enough to transport your ship far away in an instant]

[Reward: 40,000 XP]

[Exp: 343,200 / 350,000]

"Now that is a nice reward, too bad it couldn't level me up to Level 30." I said

After looking at my reward, I turn my gaze out of the cockpit window and onto the Concordian Moon. While gazing at the moon, I started to use [Force Heal] to relieve me of my fatigue from using [Force Travel] and to recover my lost energy.

After a whole minute of [Force Heal], I was back in tip top shape.

"Now, time to claim Death Watch as my own." I said with a look of determination behind my mask.

I took control of my ship again and activated the new stealth mode installed, and piloted it towards the Concordian Moon.

Soon, I was landing on Concordia undetected, a mile near the only city on the moon. I started walking towards the city, and 15 minutes later I am now at the entrance ramp of the city .

The city of Concordia was a whole lot different compared Theed which had marble and stone buildings. The whole city was made out of metal and had a futuristic feel to it with a towering building in the center of the city.

After looking at the city for a few seconds and admiring the futuristic look to it, I headed in.

I went straight to the center of the city where the towering building which was also the government complex, and also where Pre Vizsla maintains a residence at.

While I was still using [Force Stealth], I was able to sneak inside the government complex and get on a lift and press a button. The lift then went up to the top floor of the complex, which I believe is where I will find Pre Vizsla.

As the lift opens up on the top floor of the government complex, I stepped out of the lift, still invisible, into find a futuristic residence with a lot of pictures and banners of the Viszla Clan on the wall. After looking around, I started using the Force to scan for life signs on this floor.

After a second, I detected only 1 life sign on this floor, which I believe belongs to Pre Vizsla.

I stealthily approach where the life sign was detected, I draw closer and closer to the life sign. I was now standing in front of a door where the life sign was detected. I stopped using [Force Stealth] and started using [Force Heal] to recover my lost energy from [Force Stealth].

After a few seconds, I recovered my lost energy and I am now ready to face Pre Vizsla.

I pressed a button on a panel next to the door which opens the door up to reveal a large training hall where Pre Viszla was training with a wooden practice sword.

When the door opens, it made a loud sounds which resulted in Pre Vizsla stopping his training and throw his wooden sword at the open door. I tiled my head a little and the sword went flying pass and missed my face by a few centimeters.

Pre Vizsla, even after throwing his wooden sword at nothing, remained vigilant and continued to stare at the door.

"Who ever goes there, show yourself now or prepare for your death." demanded Pre Vizsla looking around suspiciously.

I stealthily walked behind Pre Vizsla silently. Once I was behind him, I stopped using [Force Stealth].

"Hello Pre Vizsla." I said

When Pre Vizsla heard me behind him, he jumped backwards and turned his body in mid-air using some mini jetpacks on his boots and while using the mini jetpacks, he tried to kick my head at the same time.

I bend backwards from my waist, and dodge the kick, like Neo did in Matrix. I stood back up after dodging the kick.

After missing with his kick, Pre Vizsla took an attacking poture, ready to pounce and attack.

"Who the hell are you?" said Pre Vizsla "How did you get in here?"

"Hello, my name is Jerid." I said "I am here to bring you an offer."

"An offer? What are you trying to offer me." said Pre Vizsla

"The offer isn't just for you, but for you and the Death Watch." I said

"I don't know what you are talking about?" replied Pre Vizsla

"Don't play coy with me." I said "I know you are rebuilding the Death Watch and want to bring glory and honor of the past back to you and the Death Watch. I am offering you a great deal, join me and you and your Death Watch will get all of the honor and glory you will ever want."

"I see, you know too much." said Pre Vizsla "How did you find about Death Watch, I am sure I was careful enough not to be caught by anyone."

"Well, I have my ways of find things out." I said

"Well, I will have to decline your offer." said Pre Vizsla "And since you know too much, don't think you will be getting out of here alive."

"I am sad that you decline my offer." I said "Then I challenge you for the right of the Darksaber and the position of Secret Mandalore of the Death Watch."

"WHAT?! You even know about the Darksaber?!" cried out Pre Vizsla

"Yes, I do" I said "So do you except my challenge, Secret Mandalore?"

"Well too bad for you, you can't be the Secret Mandalore since you aren't even a Mandalorian." said Pre Vizsla

"Don't try and trick me with that kind of lame trick." I said " I know that Tor Vizsla, the first Secret Mandalore of Death Watch said 'To ensure we would be led by the most powerful, we decreed that any warrior could challenge the Secret Mandalore for leadership of Death Watch. And as our symbol of authority we chose the Darksaber' Tor Vizsla said warrior, not Mandalorian and I am a warrior, and that makes me eligible to challenge you for the Darksaber and to become Secret Mandalore of Death Watch"

"I see that you know a bit about the history and laws of Death Watch." said Pre Vizsla "Ok, I will accept your challenge."

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