Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 70: New Order 66

"I would love that." I said smiling behind my mask.

"That is wonderful, I will have Tuan We escort you to an available quarters for you to stay so you can freshen up, then we can have dinner together and after dinner, Taun We and I can give you a tour of our city and facilities." said Prime Minister Lama Su.

"I would love that." I said "I can't wait to see what your lovely city beholds." I said

"Master Jedi Jerid, please follow me and I will escort you to some available accommodations." said Taun We who opens up the door leading out.

Taun We and I walk for 10 minutes until we arrived at the living quarters for the Kaminoans that reside in Tipoca City.

Taun We stand in front of a black and white door. Taun We waves her hand across a pad next to the door, and the black and white door opens up.

Taun We enters the apartment first, and I follow right behind her.

"I hope these accommodations are to your liking." said Taun We

I look around the main room which has furniture that descends from the ceiling on electromagnetic stalks. The apartment also contains a large window observing the Kamino Ocean.

I turn my head and I could see into the which has a bed that was hanging by stalks as well. The bed was larger and long enough to fit a two Kaminoans.

"Do you like it?" asked Taun We

"It's a lovely apartment." I said "I also love the view of your planet's ocean."

"I will leave you now then to freshen up." said Taun We "I shall be back in an hour to escort you to dinner with the Prime Minister."

"That's great, I will see you then." I replied back.

Taun We leaves the room and closes the door behind her.

After the door was closed, I quickly took off my wet clothes and armor.

I was now standing in the main room of the apartment, naked.

'I should be able to sneak out tonight and change Order 66 in the Inhibitor Chip but first I need to locate where they are programed and manufactured" I thought while gazing out of the large window and at the Kamino Ocean. 'Once I change Order 66, the future of the galaxy will drastically change, and I will be one step closer to uniting the galaxy under the banner of my Holy Galactic Empire.'

After a few seconds of thinking, I went into the bathroom, and took a hot shower for 15 minutes, then I quickly dried myself off with a towel.

After I was dried off, I went in the bedroom and sat on the bed naked, with my legs crossed. I then place my hand on a computer pad that was next to the bed and I started to use [Mechu-deru] to search for where the programing and manufacturing of the Inhibitor Chips was located.

After a whole minute of searching through the data coming into my mind, I finally found the location. The Inhibitor Chip Center was located near the cloning facilities.

'Good, now I just have to wait for nighttime to sneak in.' I thought

I jumped off the bed, and took out my spare Revan armor from my Space Ring, and quickly got dressed. I went back into the main room, and sat down in one of the hanging chairs and waited for Taun We to come and get me.

Soon there a ring from the door. I stood up and opened the door, and standing before me was Taun We.

"Master Jedi, are you ready for dinner?" asked Taun We

"Yes, I am." I said "Please lead the way."

We walked to a dining hall, where Prime Minister Lama Su, was sitting at a long table which could sit 12 people. Lama Su sat at one end, so I walked and sat down at the other end of the table.

"Welcome, Master Jerid." said Prime Minister Lama Su "I was unsure of what kind of food suits your tastes so I had our chef prepare a variety of foods for you."

"Thank you, Prime Minister." I said

"I hope the room we have provide it ok for you." said Prime Minister Lama Su

"It's more than ok, its wonderful and very hospitable." I said

"That's great." said Prime Minister Lama Su "Now, let's eat and then Taun We and I can give you a tour of our facilities."

"Ok" I said

I used a fork to pick up a piece of meat, and brought it near my mask. I lifted up my mask a little and ate the piece of meat.

Lama Su saw what I did, and was curious about me wearing the mask.

"If its not to impolite but why don't you take off the mask, that way it will be easier for you to eat." said Prime Minister "Or is there some reason why you wear that mask?"

"I rarely take off this mask because I use this mask as an icon or a symbol for my cause." I said "Without the mask I will look more human and it will make it easier for people to remember that I am just a man, with all the weaknesses and vulnerabilities that is implied. With the mask, however, I will become more of an icon, a symbol."

"What is your cause." asked Prime Minister Lama Su

"My cause is to bring peace, unity, and law and order to this chaotic galaxy, and to get rid of racism." I said

"That is a very noble cause." said Prime Minister Lama Su

"Thank you, but I am still a long way from achieving it." I said

We continued eating and after 15 minutes, we were finished eating.

"Now that we are finished eating, let me give you a tour of our facilities." said Prime Minister Lama Su

Soon, Prime Minister Lama Su and Taun We escort me to the Clone Center in the center of Tipoca City.

We first tour a building full of empty classrooms.

"This rooms here are our classrooms for the clones we create, so that they can be educated but we still need to create a combat education and training programs for the Republic's clone army." said Prime Minister Lama Su "Once we find this Jango Fett, you recommended, we will take his DNA and alter it to have growth acceleration abilities, so that we can grow a clone army faster for the Republic."

"Now onto the Commissary." said Prime Minister Lama Su

After a few hours of giving me a tour of the clone centers and science centers of Tipoca City, the tour was finished and we were back at the apartment provided to me by the Kaminoans.

"I hope you enjoyed the tour of our centers and city." said Prime Minister Lama Su.

"I sure did enjoy it." I said

"Now, please have a good night's sleep, and we will see you off tomorrow." said Prime Minister Lama Su

"Good night, Prime Minister." I said

I opened the apartment's door and enter. The door closed behind me.

I sat down on one of the hanging chairs in the main room of the apartment and waited for midnight to come.


"Let's get going." I said standing up from my chair.

I started to use [Force Stealth] which turned me invisible, and next I used [Force Travel] to open a black portal, and I stepped inside it.

-Inhibitor Chip Factory-

A black portal appears in the middle of the factory.

I stepped out of the black portal. I am now standing invisible in the middle of the Inhibitor Chip Factory in Tipoca City.

I looked around and found the closest computer, and walked to it.

I place my hand on the screen, and started using [Mechu-deru] to power up the computer, once the computer was on, I used [Mechu-deru] to bypass all of the security and firewalls in a few seconds.

I was now in, and found the programmed orders for the Inhibitor Chips. I scrolled through the 150 Contingency Orders for the Grand Army of the Republic written for the Inhibitor Chips until I got to Order 66.

[Order 66: "In the event of Jedi officers acting against the interests of the Republic, and after receiving specific orders verified as coming directly from the Supreme Commander (Chancellor), GAR commanders will remove those officers by lethal force, and command of the GAR will revert to the Supreme Commander (Chancellor) until a new command structure is established."]

"Now, its time for a new Order 66." I said to myself

I deleted the whole order and rewrote it.

[Order 66: Once Order 66 has been activated, all other Orders are now annul and void. All Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Commanders and Soldiers will then switch over their allegiances to the Holy Galactic Empire, ruled by the Holy Emperor Jerid. The GAR will become the Holy Clone Army (HCA). All HCA personal on Coruscant will then hunt down and execute Sheev Palpatine]

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