Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 68: Leaving Naboo

"Don't worry about it. I told HK-47 to give them a strict and harsh training regime" I said "HK-47 is going to make your troops into passable soldiers, and this training method will help them increase the pace of them becoming soldiers that can protect Naboo. Besides what is better practice to becoming soldiers then participating in war, and war games are the closes you will ever get to actual war."

"But the troops need more than 3 hours of sleep, they need more time to sleep and recuperate." said Captain Panaka "If we push them too much they could get seriously injure or worse.

"Don't worry, I have plenty of MED-47 Medical Droids aboard my ships in space." I said "I will have them sent down to the war games, so that nothing serious will happen to the troops."

"Well, that's good then but can we also get some human doctors as well to watch over the troop's injuries?" said Captain Panaka to Governor Bibble "I am still not sure about this droids after the Trade Federation's invasion

"We can't send any doctors at the moment Captain Panaka since the Queen sent half of them to Otoh Gunga as a symbol of peace and and a gesture of cooperation between our two peoples, and the other half is treating the minor injuries of the civilians, so you will have to made do with medical droids." said Governor Bibble.

"You don't have worry about a thing." I said "My reprograming was flawless

"Ok, guess the medical droids will have to do then." said Captain Panaka "Ok, Jerid. Please send the Medical Droid to the war games."

I took out a hologram communicator and activated it. A hologram of a B-1 Droid appeared.

"Your Majesty, this is B1-AC-130 here." said B1-AC-130 "What can I do for you?"

How many MED-47 Medical Droids, do we have?" I asked

"Let me check." said B1-AC-130 who takes out a datapad from off its waist and started tapping on it.

"Your Majesty, we have 10 MED-47 Medical Droids on each of the 6 Lucrehulk Battleships for a total of 60 MED-47 Medical Droids." said B1-AC-130

"That's good, now send half of the Medical Droids to the war games hosted by HK-47." I said "I want them to inspect and treat any injured human troops so that they can recover quickly."

"Yes, your Majesty." said B1-AC-130 "I will have it done right away. The Medical Droid will arrive in 20 minutes."

"Good, now go back to your duties." I said hanging up the hologram communicator. "There Captain, the Medical Droids are now on their way"

"Thanks" said Captain Panaka "But even with the Medical Droids help, I worry about my men's health so can you still command your HK Droid to go a little easier on my men."

"How about this then, I will tell HK to give them three days straight of war game training then they can have a day off and then we can repeat the cycle." I said

"Can we make it two days instead?" asked Captain Panaka

"We can, but they won't improve any faster if we do that." I said "I wish to increase the war games to 7 days straight but I know that your men aren't up for that kind of challenge and hardship since they do come from a peace loving people and haven't really experience actual military training so we should keep it at 3 days so that we can drill enough war and fighting into their bones so that if they do fight in an actual war, they have a small chance to survive and go back to their families."

"What are you talking about? They do have some military training given by me." said Captain Panaka

"How long did you train them?" I asked

"They were given a half month of basic training." answered Captain Panaka

"How long were the training days?" I asked

They trained for 4 hours a day for 5 days a week." said Captain Panaka

"There you go, that's the problem then." I said "Your training time is practically half assed, that length of training is probably good for security guards but not for an army or a security force that is suppose to protect an entire planet, that is not enough training time. A regular army would train it's new troops for 3 months straight with no days off and 8 hours a day of training"

"Well, its not my fault since this is how its been since the creation of the Naboo Security Force." said Captain Panaka "I am unable to change the training length so I have tried to train them to the best of my ability."

"I understand you tried your best but now we need to change how things are done in the Security Force." I said "Out with the old and in with the new they say. Governor Bibble please discuss with the Advisory Council about extending the training period so that future recruits and volunteers of the Security Force are better trained."

"I will see what I can do." said Governor Bibble

"Good, I need to go see the Queen now." I said "Where is she right now?"

"She is in the Throne Room signing important documents and then she will be having some meetings with foreign dignitaries and the Advisory Council." said Governor Bibble

"Alright, I need to talk with her so I will leave you to your tasks at hand." I said

I walked away and headed towards the Throne Room.

I soon arrive at the Throne Room and I can see Padme in deep concentration while reading through a pile of documents and then signing them.

I walked in but Padme was in deep concentration that she never noticed me entering, so I walked forward and around her desk. I peeked over her shoulder and leaned forward near her ear.

"Hey" I whispered

"EEEK!" cried out Padme who jumps and instantly turns her head towards me.

When she sees me, she calms down and starts pouting.

"What are you doing, scaring me like that." pouted Padme

"Sorry about that." I said "I have a important thing I need to discuss with you."

"Is it about how you want me to take a vacation so I can relax?" asked Padme "Governor Bibble told me that he was able to get me a week of vacation so I can relax, and it was you who told him to do it."

"Yes, I did told him to do it. You have been through so much lately which is causing you a lot of stress and you deserve and need this vacation because a leader who is too stressed will not be able to lead their people correctly."

"I know, so thank you very much for this and thank you for caring about my health and about me so much." said Padme who grabs hold of my hand and holds it.

"But your vacation isn't the important thing I need to discuss with you." I said

"What do you need to discuss?" asked Padme curiously

"I need to leave Naboo ." I said

"WHAT!? Your leaving?" asked Padme who stands up and faces me with a sad look

"Only for a week." I said quickly "I have some important things I really need to do and I estimate that it should take a week for me to get it all done and get back."

When Padme heard that, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh ok" said Padme who then sits back done in her throne.

"If its something you really need to do it, then I will wait for your return then." said Padme

"Thanks." I said "I will leave tonight but before then we can spend the rest of the day together."

"I would love that." blushed Padme

I stood by Padme's side for a few hours while she busily reading documents and signs them.

After finishing the pile of documents, Padme shouts out to a Handmaiden who was standing off to the side of the Throne Room

"Tell the Royal Chef to prepare dinner for two." said Padme

"Yes, my Queen." said the Handmaiden.

Soon, we were in a dining room in the Royal Palace sitting at a small but fancy wooden dining table with a small amount of food on it. We were both facing each other, and eating.

"May I ask why you are leaving?" asked Padme while cutting some fruit.

"I am sorry but I can tell you that what I need to do will help decide the fate of the entire galaxy." I said

"I see." said Padme with a sadden look.

I notice her sad look

"I am sorry for not being able to tell you." I said

"It's ok" said Padme "I know you have your reasons for not telling me."

"Let's not talk about business at dinner." I said "We should just enjoy each other's company"

"I like that" smiled Padme

I used [Force Telekinesis] to lift up a fruit and a knife in the air. I used [Force Telekinesis] on the knife to cut the fruit in the air. After the fruit was cut into little pieces, I floated a piece of the fruit to Padme who used a fork to pierce the fruit and she then eats it. We continued this act until the fruit was gone.

That was how the entire dinner went, I used the Force to feed Padme and Padme would stare at me with a loving gaze. Padme left to her room since she was tired from all of her paper but before she left, she kissed me on the cheek of my mask.

"I hope to kiss you on the lips next time." whispered Padme who then walks off quickly with a blushed face.

[Defender - Cockpit]

I am now in the cockpit of the Defender and I flew the Defender out of the Hangar and into space.

Once in space, I turned my chair to the star map hologram , and started searching south of the Rishi Maze satellite galaxy until I reached an extragalactic star system. I zoomed in on the extragalactic star system until I found an aquatic planet.

I pressed on the planet on the star map hologram and engaged the autopilot system. Once I engaged autopilot, the Defender went into hyperdrive heading towards the aquatic planet far far away.

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