Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 65: The Greatest Gifts

I selected [Purple Crystals] and a subsection of 5 different colors related to [Purple Crystals] appeared.




[Violet with Black Core[



[Purple with Black Core]

I then select [Pink] for both lightsabers

[You have selected [Pink]] [Finished Yes/No]

I then select [Yes]

[Two Lightsaber Building Kits have deposited into your Space Ring]

I then took out the two lightsaber building kits out of my Space Ring, and used [Force Telekinesis] to have them float in mid-air.

"Hold out both of your hands." I commanded to Dia

"Yes, Master." said Dia who then hold both of her hands.

I then used [Force Telekinesis] to slowly float them over to Dia and gently place a lightsaber building kit in each of her hands.

When Dia felt the boxes in each of her hands, she continued to keep both of her eyes shut, but you can see a wide smile on her face.

"You may open your eyes now." I said

"In these two boxes, are all the parts you will need to craft your lightsabers, one has a normal lightsaber and the other one has a shoto lightsaber." I said

"Shoto?" asked Dia

"Shoto is another word for short, so a short lightsaber, like how in training you use a normal training saber and a short version." I said "A big part of Jar'Kai is learning how to wield two lightsabers without accidentally hitting them together or against other objects in the environment, and that is why you use a normal and a shoto lightsaber."

"But Master, you use two normal lightsabers?" said Dia "Why don't you use a shoto lightsaber then?"

"Because I am able to, with my body type and my body's muscle strength, I am able to wield and fight with two normal lightsaber easily, but with your body type and muscle strength, you aren't able to do what I can and you more suited for quick and swift attacks while I am more suited for fast and powerful attacks."

"Ok, Master." said Dia

"Now, open the two boxes." I commanded Dia

"Yes." replied Dia

Dia place the two boxes on the ground and opens them to see a bunch of parts and a pink crystal in each boxes.

"Wow." said Dia

"Now let me show you how to construct your lightsaber." I said

I sat down on the ground in front of Dia, and cross my legs. I unhooked my Butcher lightsaber hilt from my belt and placed it on the ground in front of me.

I hold out my hand and started to use [Force Telekinesis] to lift up my lightsaber hilt in the air. I stopped lifting the hilt until it was at Dia's eye level, so she can see up close. I then started using [Force Telekinesis to deconstruct my hilt into four parts with little bolts and screws floating around.

"A lightsaber is made up of five key components." I said "From the top to bottom, we will have an emitter, one or two sleeves, a switch and a pommel. All of these components make up the main parts of the lightsaber with some little screws and bolts to hold it all together. You understand?"

"Yes, I understand." said Dia "But Master, you only told me four key components, the emitter, the sleeve, the switch and the pommel. What about the fifth key component?"

"Good, you were paying very close attention to what I was saying." I said "So, can you guess what the final key component is?"

"AH, it's the kyber crystal isn't it." said Dia

"Good, that is correct" I said

I started pointing and explaining each key component that are floating in mid-air.

"The emitter is where the blade comes out, the sleeves are the grips, the switch turns the saber on and off, and finally the pommel adorns the bottom. The last piece is the kyber crystal, the power source of the saber and what gives each one its color and blade. The kyber crystal is as you can see, placed in the middle of the lightsaber since the kyber crystal is the core of the lightsaber and extremely important." I said

"Ok, Master." said Dia "I will start now."

Dia was about to grab the pieces from the box by hand and build her lightsaber.

"Hold on." I said "What are you doing?"

"I am building my lightsabers." said Dia

"Using your hands?" I asked

"Why not?" asked Dia

"Because you need to use the Force to build your lightsaber." I said "You can't build a lightsaber by hand, you need to use [Force Telekinesis] to build it."

"Master, I do I really have to use [Force Telekinesis]. I am not so great at using [Force Telekinesis] so is it really necessary for me to use the Force to build a lightsaber, can't I just build them by hand instead?" asked Dia

"Some might think that building a lightsaber using the Force is a tradition, but it is more than a matter of tradition rather it's a necessity to build one's lightsaber with the Force." I said "Using the Force can help one customized their lightsaber so that it perfectly fits their needs and techniques. Also, Force handling is often required when aligning the kyber crystal in the lightsaber because if you don't align the kyber crystal properly, the lightsaber could malfunction, causing the weapon to not work at all and in the worst cases, explode. Killing the wielder of the lightsaber."

"Do you still want to build your lightsaber by hand?" I said

"No, Master" said Dia "I don't want to die so young and pretty."

"Hahaha" I laughed "Now pay attention to about what I am about to do, I will now reconstruct my lightsaber slowly so you can see how it's done."

"Yes, Master." said Dia

I started slowly reconstructing the piece of my lightsaber floating in mid-air so Dia can watch and learn how to do it.

In 30 seconds, I was done slowly reconstructing my lightsaber.

"Do you understand how to do it after watching me?" I asked

"Yes, I do Master." said Dia

"Now you do it." I said "Remember to close your eyes and feel everything through the Force that way your lightsaber will become a part of you through the Force."

"Yes, Master." said Dia

Dia closes her eyes and holds up both of her hands. She starts to use [Force Telekinesis] to lift the piece of the normal lightsaber from the box into the air.

She slowly and steadily line up the pieces and components in mid-air and slowly puts the pieces together. Because she was concentrating so hard on feeling and using the Force to crafting her lightsaber, beads of sweat started appearing on her forehead.

After a minute and a half, her first lightsaber was crafted. She slowly lowers the lightsaber to the ground, and after placing it on the ground, she opens her eyes and sigh a sigh of relief.

"Done." sighed Dia

"Now do the shoto lightsaber." I said

"Master, can I have a break?" asked Dia "Since I am still not good at using [Force Telekinesis] I have to use a lot more concentration and effort, so it's a little tiring."

"No, you need to continue." I said "To strengthen your bond with the Force and become stronger in the Force, you need to keeping using the Force and keep doing it until you are completely exhausted, because the more you use the Force the easier it will become." " I said "So continue on to the next lightsaber. To let you know a Jedi Padawan who is half your age can build their lightsaber with the Force and they wouldn't be this tired. Do you know why is that?"

"Why?" asked Dia curiously

"It's because they train in the Force, and they have been using the Force since they were taken by the Jedi." I said "The more you use the Force the easier the Force will be for you to use, and if we want you to keep up with and even surpass those padawans, you will need to keep using the Force until you become exhausted from using it."

"Now continue building your last lightsaber." I said

"I understand, Master" said Dia who then closes her eyes again and holds up her hands again.

After another minute, Dia was done with her shoto lightsaber and she floated it back down to the ground. Dia then opened her eyes. Dia was a little tired but once she saw both of her lightsabers, a big grin appeared on her face. She grabbed her lightsaber and hugged them.

Dia stops hugging her lightsabers and starts looking at the cherishingly. The Desert Warrior hilt and the shoto version hilt each feature precision machined parts, a leather grip with etched details and flat Ito cord lace closure. The pommel has a dynamic, and thin choke. The look of each lightsaber is completed with two braided tassels adorned with beads. Each lightsaber has a chamfered control box that secure the leather grip and will help prevent accidental deactivation in fights.

"Thank you, Master." said Dia "These are the greatest gifts you ever given me...well besides my freedom."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: If you all can, please support me on Youtube. If in the future, I just might make a ******* page. Thank you for the continued support and have a good day.

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