Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 63: Overconfidence will blur your sight

"Looks like we are back." I said "Captain, I will talk to HK and have him find you later so he can train your troops. And Governor Bibble, I will let you get to work on getting some vacation time for the Queen."

"Ok, I will wait for HK to find me." said Captain Panaka

"I will get straight to work then." said Governor Bibble

I turned around and headed to the loading ramp to exit the ship, leaving Governor Bibble and Captain Panaka behind.

As I make my way through the ship from to the loading ramp, I pass through the Main Hold of the ship were mostly everyone on the ship is, except for the Queen who was resting the Royal Quarters.

Dia was mediating and gathering the Force inside her, opposite of her was HK-47, who was sitting down and polishing his DXR-6 disruptor rifle like it was his baby.

"Come." I said as I walk past them and into the lift which was located in the cockpit.

"Yes, Master." said Dia who immediately opened her eyes and then used the Force to push herself up to stand.

"Affirmative." said HK-47 who stands up and places his DXR-6 disruptor rifle on his back which connected magnetically. "I am coming."

All three of us walk in the cockpit and headed to the Lift down to the loading ramp. We entered the Lift and down below. Once below we walked down the ramp and I headed to the Defender.

Once aboard the Defender, I sat down on a couch in the Main Conference Room.

"I have a few things for us to do." I said

"What are these few things?" asked Dia

"Query: Will I finally be able to end the life of a lot inferior meat bags?" asked HK-47 "Statement: Not being able to kill is making me bored."

"No, there is no killing for the job I have for you, but you will be able to make a lot of meat bags suffer a little." I said

"Query: What is this job you have for me?" asked HK-47

"I will have you trained the Security Forces and the Royal Guards of Naboo." I stated "Also you might also train the future Self Defense Force of Naboo."


"Yes, I do." I said

"Statement: Sigh. You are really working me hard, Master." sighed HK-47 "I would rather prefer training that army of useless buckets and bolts of yours instead of an army of useless meat bags but if you insist then I can train a bunch of useless meat bags and turn them into not so useless meat bags."

"That would be great." I said "If you want, you can go full Spartan on their training, so that these security guards can become at least slightly qualified soldiers."

"Query: What is a Spartan?" asked HK-47

"I am also curious about that as well." said Dia

"Well, the Spartans were an ancient race of humans whose whole society was built around militaristic ideals. Every Spartan male sole purpose was to become a soldier in the Spartan Army and the goal of every single spartan male was to train every single day to the extreme until they fainted just so they can become the ultimate soldier." I said "And the Spartans who were such militaristic people had an army so great that it was almost unrivaled by anyone."

"Wow!" asked Dia "These Spartans must of been very powerful warriors."

"Statement: After hearing about how fascinating these Spartan meat bags sound, I must agree with the young about that." said HK-47

"Yes, they were." I said "So HK, you understand what I want you to do then."

"Conclusion: You want me to train some pathetic meat bags and train them so hard that they faint." said HK-47

"Something like that, because with a lot of hard work, the security forces of this planet can become a small army that can protect this planet." I said

"Statement: I will do my best." said HK-47 "Query: Can I use live ammunition on them? Also it is ok if maybe a few of them lose a body part to two?"

"No, just use stun on them." I said "And no losing body parts as well. You can make them suffer with stun ammunition but no deaths or missing body parts"

"Statement: Ok, but where is the fun in that though." said HK-47

"Alright, go find Captain Panaka and he will help provide you with anything you need to train the security forces." I said ignoring HK's comment.

"Statement: Ok, I will go and find that meat bags then." said HK-47

HK-47 walks away slouched and heads downstairs to the loading bay.

"What do you have for me to do, Master?" asked Dia

I say

"How long have you been with me, Dia?" I asked

"I think about over two weeks now" said Dia

"Let's head down to the cargo bay and see how far you have come with your training." I said

"Yes, Master." said Dia

Dia then follow me down into the Cargo Bay.

We are now 10 feet apart and facing each other.

"Are you ready, Master?" asked Dia

"I am always ready." I said while smiling

"Don't be surprised because I learned a lot from our sparring" smiled Dia "And I might just get a strike in on you."

Confidence is a good thing but overconfidence will blur your sight which will result in mistakes being made." I said

"Yes, Master." said Dia

"Let's spar." I said

As soon as I said that, Dia throws her training saber like a spear at my head and keeps her hand out in the thrown position.

I tilted my head and dodged the training saber, and just as I was about move my head back to it's original position, I felt the Force behind me pulling something towards my back. I then used [Force Jump] and did a backflip dodging Dia's thrown training saber which almost hits my back. I landed standing up

"Oh, look at you." I said "I did not expect you to throw your weapon and use [Force Pull] on it once I dodge it. You are becoming even sneakier, I like it."

"I do learn from the best, Master." said Dia "Are you ready for more?"

"I am always ready lets go." I said

I charge at Dia but then Dia runs away and used [Force Telekinesis] on the discarded training saber and she throws it towards me. I knocked away the training saber with my own but as I did that, Dia pulls out a stun grenade out of a pouch on her belt, and throws it at me.

"A stun grenade!?" I cried out

I used [Force Push] against the grenade, pushing it back at Dia but she hides behind some cargo boxes, dodging the stun grenade which explodes with electricity bursting out.

Dia then jumps on top of the cargo boxes. Dia was now holding an E-5 blaster rifle, and starts firing stun rounds at me, which I block with my training sabers.

"This girl is getting good." I whispered to myself

Dia continues firing at me while jumping from cargo box to cargo box.

"How am I doing, Master?" asked Dia

"You are doing great." I said "I am real happy with your improvements with fighting a battle."

"Thank you, Master" said Dia who then throws another stun grenade at me.

I used [Force Push] again to push it back towards Dia but she kept jumping around on top of the cargo boxes and she dodges grenade explosion.

Dia then jumps down behind some cargo boxes and starts running through the mazes of cargo boxes. Appearing and disappearing from my sight. Then I felt something coming towards my back, and I used [Force Jump] to jump backwards, and as I was jumping backwards, I see Dia' s training saber which was left on the ground from her first attack flying by then Dia towards another stun grenade while I was still in mid-air.

I use [Force Push] towards the ground at an angle which propels me upward and away from the stun grenade.

"How many grenades do you have on you?" I said while still in mid-air

"I have enough." giggles Dia while hiding behind some cargo boxes.

Dia appear out behind some cargo boxes and rolls another grenade on the ground towards me, and she then runs and hides behind another cargo box.

I land and was about to use [Force Push] once again but I stop because the grenade stopped 7 feet away from me, and then I notice that the grenade was different from the stun grenades from before and before I know it, the grenade explodes. A white blinding flash shines as bright as the sun from the grenade with a loud and deafening bang.

After the white light dims, Dia charges out from behind some cargo boxes and runs towards me, I had my mask covered with my hands. Dia jumps towards me with her training saber raised. As she was falling towards me, and was about to hit me.

I quickly raised both of my training sabers into an 'X' and stopped her attack.

"But how?" cried out Dia "You shouldn't be able to see."

Author's Notes:

Hello, how is everyone doing? I want to thank everyone for the continuous support and love I receive from all of the fans of this fan fic.

Just reading all of your comments and seeing the raising number of readers, makes me happy and makes this all worthwhile. So thank you.

Also if you can, please come and support me on my Youtube Channel. I post videos of my life, travels and my gaming such as Fallout 76, VR and etc.

Youtube Channel: Jerid in Taiwan

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