Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 49: Upgrading the Droid Army

I held up my hand and used [Force Travel]. A black hole opened up in the middle of the cockpit and I stepped through. Once in the black hole, it disappeared.

Onboard the Droid Control Ship orbiting above Naboo, a black hole appears in the Droid Control Computer Core Room.

I stepped out of the black hole and once out of the black hole, it closes up.

I walked up to the a computer and place my right hands on the screen and started using [Mechu-deru] to upgrade the whole droid army. I started upgrading the army's targeting software so that there accuracy would greatly improve since there old targeting software was crappy. It took me a whole 30 minutes to upgrade the army's targeting software and upload it to the droid army.

As the new targeting system created by using the Force was being uploaded into the droid army, without my knowledge, the Force was starting to gather in each of the droids of the army, improving their systems and their reflexes.

As the Force was gathering into all of the droids on the six Lucrehulk Battleships and on Naboo, the disturbance in the Force cause Qui-gon, Obi-wana and Dia to wake up from their sleep.

-Qui-gon and Obi-wan's Room-

"Master, what is with this disturbance in the Force?" asked Obi-wan "It feels like an unlimited amount of the Force is gathering on Naboo."

"I do not know Obi-wan" replied Qui-gon "But I can sense the Force is gathering here for a reason, and I think the reason for the Force gathering on Naboo might have something to do with Jerid."

-Dia's Room-

"What's going on?" said Dia who was puzzled by the disturbance in the Force

Dia looks around her and is confused by what she is feeling

'This feels similiar to what I felt when I first Master' thought Dia

-Back on the Droid Control Ship-

After upgrading the targeting software, I was now tired and sweating from using [Mechu-deru] for 30 straight minutes without rest. And thanks to this tiredness that I am feeling, I never noticed the disturbance in the Force.

"Damn, that took a lot of energy out of me" I said "And I still have one more thing to do"

I sat down to mediate in front of the Control Computer to gain back my energy. After 10 minutes of mediating, I was now feeling better than before but I was still tired but I need to get back to work.

"Now, let's continue upgrading my army" I said to myself

I stood back up and placed my right hand on the computer screen again. This time I started upgrading all the droid's Thought Processor, so that all of the droids will be free from the Central Computer aboard the Control Ship that way if the Control Ship ever gets destroyed, the droids won't shut down like they did in the Phantom Menace.

While freeing the droids from the control of the Control Computer, I started to improve the all of the droid's learning abilities so that their combat skills will increase and become better soldiers with each battle they enter and survive.

With their increased learning abilities, I hope they will learn to become the ultimate soldiers for my Holy Army. I even added a program to the droids to teach the droids on how to take cover and not march towards their enemies like mindless drones, like they did in the Clone Wars since that would be a waste of a good soldier.

After 30 minutes straight of using the Force, I was done upgrading the whole droid army. AfI am now sweating buckets behind my mask and dead tired. Thanks to my dead tiredness, I dropped to ground and laid down. Freeing the droids and upgrading their Thought Processors was a lot harder and tiring than improve their targeting systems

"That....was.....exhaust....ting" I said huffily " all...845,000 droids...have been fully upgraded...and improved."

Soon my tiredness rushed over me and I slowly closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

After 10 hours of deep sleep, I woke up and found myself in a luxurious bed in an unfamiliar and luxurious bedroom with two B-1 Battle Droids guarding a door.

When the B-1 droids noticed that I was awake, they bowed down on one knee.

"Good morning, Your Holiness" said the B-1s.

"How did I get here?" I asked

"Some droids found you in the Control Computer Core sleeping, so they brought you to the Viceroy's former chambers." replied one of the B-1 droids

"Also, B1- AC130 told us to inform you that the ship, the Scimitar is now docked at the Theed Palace's Hangar. A squadron has also dismantled the minelayer and cloaking device and have already installed them onto the Defender. " said the other B-1 droid "Also we searched the bottom of melting pit in the power generator area but we couldn't find the body of Darth Maul."

"That's too bad" I said "Looks like I will have to face off against Maul again in the future."

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked

"You have been sleeping for 11 hours" replied the B1 droids

I jumped out of bed to find myself only in my robe, my cloak and myRevan mask have been taken off and placed neatly on a fancy table next to a window looking out into space, with a beautiful view of Naboo.

"I should get back to the palace." I said out loud to myself

"Would you like a ship prepared for your trip back to the planet?" asked a B1 droid

"No thanks." I said "I can get there quicker by myself."

"Roger, roger" said the B1 droids.

I jumped out of the luxurious and comfy bed and walked over to the fancy table. I picked up my Revan mask and put it on, and I then draped my cloak over my shoulders and strapped it to my breastplate armor.

Once I was fully equipped, I used [Force Travel] and walked through the black hole that opened up.

-Theed Throne Room-

Padme was sitting on her throne with her Handmaidens. Qui-gon, Obi-wan and Governor Bibble were sitting down in chairs in front of Padme's desk, while Captain Panaka was standing off to the side.

Everyone was discussing about yesterday's battle.

"Were your Palace Guards able to find the body of the assassin" asked Qui-gon

"No, they weren't able to find the assassin's body" said Padme "His body was washed away by the water drainage that is below the melting pit."

"But Master, with the assassin's injuries and the impact of the fall, there should be no way for the assassin to survive" said Obi-wan

"We need to be 100% sure because you never know what can happen" said Qui-gon

"Master, you worry too much" said Obi-wan "The assassin is dead thanks to Jerid."

"I hope you are right about that" said Qui-gon

"I will have my guards expand their search radius" said Padme "My guards will try to find the assassin's corpse but the assassin's corpse is mostly likely gone."

"If we can't find the body then there is nothing we can do about that." replied Qui-gon

Suddenly Qui-gon and Obi-wan felt a disturbance appearing behind them. They turned their heads and see a black hole appearing out of thin air.

Padme and her people took notice of Qui-gon and Obi-wan's action and focused on where they were looking and notice the black hole appearing.

A figure comes out of the black hole.


Once I exited the black hole, I am now standing back in the Throne Room in the Theed Palace. I turned around and everyone important in the room was staring at me.

"Sorry for being late, but I had to upgrade the droid army." I said

"That's ok" said Padme "We were just talking about yesterdays battle."

"So was the disturbance in the Force caused by you then?" asked Qui-gon

"There was a disturbance in the Force last night?" I asked curiously

"Yes, there was." said Qui-gon "From what I could sense, the Force was gathering inside all of the droids in your army."

"I see" I said "Thank you for informing me of this."

"Let's get back to the matter at hand" said Padme "I have been informed an hour ago that the Republic has sent a ship yesterday morning with orders from the new Chancellor to pick up the criminals from the Trade Federation."

"Do you know who the new Chancellor is?" asked Qui-gon

"No I don't." replied Padme "I was only informed that a Republic ship with orders from the new Chancellor is on its way to Naboo."

"I see" said Qui-gon

"When will the ship from the Chancellor arrive?" asked Governor Bibble

"It should be here by this afternoon." informed Padme "Now Governor Bibble and Captain Panaka, tell me the damage estimates caused by the Trade Federation."

"There is no damage to estimate, your Highness" said Captain Panaka "The Trade Federation's droids were careful and from what I have been informed the droids took great care in not causing any damages."

"I have also been informed of such acts from the droids as well" said Governor Bibble "When the Trade Federation had everyone rounded up, the droid were caring and gentle with the people. They even helped the people who couldn't move by carrying them. The droids were really polite to the citizens as well and no one was harmed by the droids."

"That's great to hear." said Padme smiling "Is there anything else that needs to be reported?"

"Nothing, your Highness" said Captain Panaka and Governor Bibble

"Good" said Padme "If anyone needs me I will be in my bedchambers. Jerid, I would like to discuss some matters with you, please follow along"

"Yes, your Majesty" I said

Padme stands up and walks away from her throne with me and her Handmaidens following behind her.

While Captain Panaka and Governor Bibble go about their own business and Qui-gon and Obi-wan go back to their room.

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