Special Years

Chapter 80 - 1 false alarm

After the lights went out, Dedeham checked the register of various training assessments in the platoon recently in his small single room.

Suddenly, the hidden door was pushed open with a bang.

Dai Dehan turned around and saw Yin Xiancong with a worried face.

He frowned.

He didn’t call for the report, didn’t knock on the door, and barged in directly. This was a very unruly behavior.

“What’s up…”

Before he could finish speaking, Yin Xiancong hurriedly interrupted him.

“Platoon commander! Two recruits are missing!”

gone! ?

Deadham rose sharply from his chair.

Runners? !

This was the first thought that crossed my mind!

Before he had time to get dressed, Deadham wore a red vest and rushed from the desk to the door.

“Squad leader, what’s going on? Who’s gone!?”

Yin Xiancong said, “Zhuang Yan and He Shouhui from the third class are gone.”

“Did you go to take a shower, or go to the small shop outside the company to buy something to eat?” Although Dadehan was already a little shocked, he was still reluctant to think in the direction of the deserter. As a platoon leader, he only hoped that this It was a misunderstanding.

It’s not that it didn’t happen that the soldiers went to the small shop to eat, or went to the bath and sat by the pool to chat and delayed returning to the row room.

“I have sent people to look at it, and I have sent people to look for it, but no one has been seen.”

Yin Xiancong’s words shattered Dedeham’s little illusion.

“Let’s go and have a look at the row house.” He turned around and grabbed his uniform, put it on him randomly, and buttoned it as he walked.

In front of the row of houses, the recruits were called out and lined up to stand on the edge of the basketball court.

The recruits in the team were all whispering.

Everyone was talking about why Zhuang Yan and He Shouhui ran away.

Everyone is surprised. He Shouhui can still understand after running away. Why did Zhuang Yan run?

He has no reason to run!

Walking into the row room, the third squad leader, Chen Qingming, was standing in front of He Shouhui’s locker. There were things scattered all over the floor, and he pulled them out.

“Bastard! You’re actually a deserter!”

He was very emotional.

You must know that if the runners come true, it will affect him to some extent.

The most terrible thing is that it will affect the performance of the entire third class. How will the company cadres deal with this?

Do you still want your third-class merit?

“Chen Qingming, what are you doing?!” Deadham asked as soon as he entered the door.

When Chen Qingming saw Dadehan, he hurriedly said, “I’ll check his locker to see if there are any clues.”

When Dedham heard this, he was furious: “I’m still looking for a fart locker! If a person is a deserter, will he still leave you an address in the locker and tell you where he’s going!? Stupid!”

After all, regardless of the embarrassed Chen Qingming who was scolded, he immediately turned around and asked Yin Xiancong, “How many people have you sent to look for it?”

“Except for me and Qingming, the second squad leader and other deputy squad leaders all went out to look for it.” Yin Xiancong said.

Deadham said, “Have you asked other recruits?”

Yin Xiancong said: “Ask, no one knows when He Shouhui will leave the company, only that he will disappear after he returns from the target shooting. Before Zhuang Yan took a shower, he went to the store with deputy squad leader Yang Song to buy things, and finally he was with him. It’s Yi Jun.”

Dai Dehan walked up to Yi Jun and asked, “When did you last see the solemn one?”

Yi Jun saw Dadehan’s cloud-covered face, and was so frightened that he couldn’t say anything: “I…I…he went to the small shop with me…When I came back later, he said that the lighter I just bought was broken, let me first Let’s go, go to the store and change… the platoon leader, I really don’t know where he went…”

Dai Dehan’s eyes stayed on Yi Jun’s face for less than two seconds, he judged that the recruit in front of him was not lying, bit his lip and turned to Yin Xiancong: “Since the shop and the bath have been found, it seems that something has happened. …”

After he finished speaking, he turned around and strode towards the door of the row room, saying as he walked, “You should settle the recruits immediately and let them sleep. I’ll go to the company. This matter can’t be delayed. I have to contact the local police station immediately. They stopped them before they left the area of ​​N town, and stopped them at the city’s station and wharf if they couldn’t catch it. I don’t believe it, they can fly out! Malgobi!”

Dedeham was furious.

Recently, I went to the regiment to participate in the training camp. It has been a while since I returned to the company. I was worried that the various tasks in the platoon would not keep up. Tonight, I saw a good training result in the first platoon. , it should be happy.

But now everything is ruined.

When the Iron Eighth Company bombed the nest and sent veterans everywhere to look for someone, Zhuang Yan and He Shouhui were still under the big tree on the mountain.

They had no idea what was going on in the company below.

Alcohol is a dull thing.

As Zhuang Yan said before, the stamina of this gecko wine is too great.

In fact, you can figure it out with your toes, what is the composition of the so-called medicinal wine that sells for less than 5 yuan a bottle in the grocery store, you are lucky if you don’t drink these two fools to death.

Lying solemnly on his back in the grass, the moon had completely penetrated the clouds and hung brightly in the sky.

He and He Shouhui chatted for more than an hour, from enlisting to the next company, from the first squad leader to the third squad leader, and from the platoon leader to the company leader.

If you don’t like it, scold your mother.

In the end, it’s just a way to vent.

After venting, the two drank four bottles of gecko wine, and simply fell into the grass with their heads up and fell asleep.

The reason why Deadham finally found the two of them was very simple.

After all N town stations and intersections were blocked, no solemn traces were found.

Later, the leader of the second platoon came to see Adai and said that there were clues that might be useful.

The clue is the sentinel of the gate guard. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

That night it was the second row of guards, and the gate guard was a recruit from the sixth squad.

According to the information he provided, he said that after Zhuang Yan and Yi Jun broke up at the gate, he noticed that Zhuang Yan turned right not long after leaving the gate.

If you are going to the grocery store, you should walk along the road and turn right. It is not like going to the grocery store.

Turn right?

Dedeham suddenly remembered, isn’t that the road you usually take to the top of the mountain?

Could it be that the two of them wanted to hide on the mountain and wait for the limelight to pass before sneaking out of N Town?


How cunning!

Dai Dehan believes that Zhuang Yan has this IQ. After all, although this soldier is a bit condescending, in terms of IQ, he is definitely not stupid.

So, with the idea of ​​trying his luck, Dedeham took a few squad leaders to search along the mountain road with flashlights towards the top of the mountain.

Sure enough, halfway up the mountain, Yin Xiancong, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and shouted, “Platoon leader! They’re there!”

Under the light of the flashlight, the two recruits were lying on the ground on their backs and sleeping soundly.

Several squad leaders hula-la around and surrounded the tree to death, just like the police catching a thief.

The loud snoring made the people present suddenly feel embarrassed and annoyed.

Quanlian has been busy all night, and these two recruits are actually sleeping soundly here!

It really makes the dog **** it!

“Solemnly! Get up!”

When he went up, he kicked the solemn **** hard.

“Stand up for me!”

Majestic opened his eyes in a daze, and several strong light bulbs made him almost unable to open his eyes.

The brain is still in a short-circuit state for the time being.

where is this?

What am I doing?

He drank too much and broke…

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