Special Years

Chapter 63 - To be a good soldier, you must first learn to pick shit

This afternoon, when the exercise was about to be closed, the whole platoon was training to carry guns on the shooting range. Yin Xiancong ran over and said, “Close the exercise early! Don’t practice anymore, come and start a side business.”

Side business?

This is the first time for Zhuang Yan to hear the term “sideline”, and he thought to himself that the army still develops the tertiary industry?

But there is no need to engage in training, this is simply a blessing from the ancestors to burn high incense.

Confused, he followed Yin Xiancong to the company’s vegetable field.

Yin Xiancong pointed to the four neat vegetable ridges and said, “In the future, these four vegetable ridges will be the sideline of our group.”

“Sideline?” Zhuang Yan was the first to ask a question: “Squad leader, do we still need to grow vegetables when we are soldiers?”

Yin Xiancong said: “This is the fine tradition of the army. To be self-reliant with hard work and simplicity, to be a good soldier, not only must you be well trained, but you must also be a good player in sideline business.”

Majestic and ironic.

To be a soldier is not to be a vegetable farmer. To be a good soldier is to grow good vegetables?

What logic?

On the surface, he didn’t dare to say it, but his solemn face betrayed the contempt in his heart.

“Zhuangyan.” Yin Xiancong seemed to see the little Jiujiu in Zhuangyan’s heart: “Do you feel ashamed of growing vegetables?”

Zhuang Yan pretended to be confused and said, “Is there? Did I say it’s shameful to grow vegetables? Squad leader, you think too much.”

Yin Xiancong said: “It is said that the troops and horses go ahead without food and grass. When our troops go to war, the first thing we need is food and grass. In peaceful times, although we have no battles, we must eat well before we can train well. The food expenses given to us by our superiors are limited. , We have to rely on ourselves to improve our lives, so when we grow vegetables and eat well, we can train hard.”

Zhuang Yan was dumbfounded.

All of this has something to do with training and being a good soldier. He also admires his squad leader Yin Xiancong.

No wonder he is a good seedling for the military academy.

However, Zhuang Yan really never grew vegetables.

Facing the few vegetable ridges in front of him, he was definitely a tiger biting a turtle—there was no way to start.

“Squad leader… how do you grow this vegetable?”

Yin Xiancong suddenly thought that this guy Zhuang Yan was a city soldier, let alone growing vegetables, he probably wouldn’t even have the chance to take a shovel.

“To grow vegetables, you need to sow seeds, build ridges, turn soil, weeding, and pest control…”

Halfway through speaking, he suddenly stopped.

Seeing Zhuang Yan’s dumbfounded look, Yin Xiancong knew that it was no use telling him all this.

“You and Zuo Xiaoheng came with me.” Yin Xiancong grabbed two large black buckets and a pole next to the vegetable ridge: “Today, you and Zuo Xiaoheng are temporarily responsible for picking up fat.”

Zhuang Yan followed and asked, “Pick fertilizer? Fertilizer?”

Yin Xiancong walked ahead without looking back: “Yes, waste.”

The three of them quickly arrived at the company’s toilet.

He asked solemnly, “Squad leader, why are we coming to the toilet? Are you going to unload the goods?”

Yin Xiancong couldn’t help but scolded with a smile: “I don’t need to unload the goods, the fertilizer is here—”

He took the two of them to the septic tank, pointed to the indescribable things in a large pool below and said, “These are fertilizers!”

After speaking, he picked up a large two-meter-long spoon next to him, stretched it out into the septic tank, stirred it, and spooned up a large spoon of yellow and white things.

Zhuang Yan first smelled a strong stench and glanced at the big spoon.

The strong visual impact and the “ecstasy” smell made him almost jump.

“Fuck! Damn!”

He took three steps back at the fastest speed, as if stepping on a pile of poisonous snakes.

Suddenly, rivers and seas began to churn in his stomach, and Zhuang Yan couldn’t help retching.

“It’s useless!” Yin Xiancong said, “I’ll show you a demonstration. When you’re done, each of you will go back to your sideline with a load of fertilizer. I’ll wait for you there.”

After speaking, he pointed to a corner of the toilet.

“There’s still a barrel there, get another pair.”

After that, he skillfully filled the two black buckets with a small half bucket of “fertilizer”, and then used a spoon to pour clean water into the bucket with a spoon from the small pool next to him. Stir a few times to make the “paste fertilizer” It was completely opened, and it was as thick as a bucket of black coffee.


Zhuang Yan really couldn’t accept the situation in front of him, and continued to retching against the wall.

He felt that even if he killed himself, he would not be able to do such a thing.

“Do you understand?” Yin Xiancong asked.

Zuo Xiaoheng said, “Squad leader, don’t worry, I’ve done it at home, I understand.”

Yin Xiancong nodded reassuringly, handed the spoon to Zuo Xiaoheng, looked at Zhuang Yan again and said, “Each person has two loads, pick a sideline, and wait for this thing to pour vegetables.”

A thunderbolt suddenly flashed in Zhuang Yan’s mind.

“Monitor, you mean, those dishes we usually eat…”

Yin Xiancong, who had already walked a few steps, stopped and turned his head, looking at the solemn as if looking at an alien: “Yes, those peppers, lettuce and lettuce are all grown by us, pure natural food.”

After Yin Xiancong left, Zhuang Yan recalled that he was full of praise for the refreshing and appetizing fried lettuce with chili peppers a few days ago.

The most terrifying thing was that he remembered a detail.

That day he ate a small piece of tissue paper from the chili fried lettuce…

At that time, he was still laughing and joking with the comrades in the first class with the wreckage of the tissue paper torn out of his mouth, saying that the people in the cooking class were not serious in their work~www.mtlnovel.com~ They didn’t even wash the dishes…

Thinking of this, he stretched out his head and looked at the two buckets of “natural organic fertilizers”, and sure enough, he saw a few pieces of white paper towels floating on them…

“I lost-“

At this moment, Zhuang Yan couldn’t bear it anymore.


He really started to vomit, and he even threw up the yellow gallbladder…

Side business!

I’ll go to your uncle’s sideline!

“Old Zhuang, are you alright?” Zuo Xiaoheng came over and patted the solemn back, “Can’t stand the smell?”

Zhuang Yan wiped his mouth and shook his head: “I said Xiaoheng, why didn’t you react at all… Do you remember that day I ate white tissue paper from the plate of shredded lettuce when I was eating?”

Zuo Xiaoheng thought for a while, then nodded: “Remember.”

Zhuang Yan’s eyes widened: “Don’t you feel disgusting!?”

Zuo Xiaoheng said, “Next time I have to let the cooking class clean up…”

He said solemnly, “Why don’t you vomit?”

Zuo Xiaoheng said with a confused expression, “Why do I vomit?”

After speaking, he picked up the load of “natural fertilizer” and walked away leisurely.

Zuo Xiaoheng was nearly half a head shorter than himself, but he didn’t expect to pick up two big buckets of “waste” with his footsteps.

Each person has two loads, and he has to pick them himself. The vegetable field is waiting for fertilizer.

Zhuang Yan felt that he was also forced to go to Liangshan.

He clenched his teeth, held his breath, breathed lightly with his mouth, and followed the example of class leader Yin Xiancong to scoop out “fertilizer”, and then stirred it with clean water…

While stirring, he suddenly remembered that this action was a bit like his favorite hot Ovaltine chocolate drink at home. He also used a spoon to stir slowly…

Once again, he couldn’t hold back, and he rushed to the toilet again and vomited.

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