Special Years

Chapter 61 - The hard years have only just begun

After the disbanding, Guo Xiangyang, who retched and vomited a few mouthfuls of yellow bile while holding on to the tree, said to Zhuang Yan with a miserable face: “Old Lu, you are not kind, you mock me, what’s the comfort? This is worse than the recruit company. “

Zhuang Yan has been tossed with only half his life, and his mood has long been in a bad mood. He said angrily: “I told you to ask the monitor, did you ask? It’s not that I am the monitor, I said it doesn’t matter!”

Guo Xiangyang said with a sad face: “Old Lu, I’m really tired. How can I endure this for three years?”

Zhuang Yan didn’t know what to do in his heart, and he panicked.


How will it be like this for three years?

At this point, Zhuang Yan realized that he had jumped into the fire pit again.

There is absolutely no basis for the so-called saying that recruits will be comfortable when they go down to the company.

He went back to the row house to tidy up the housework, took the washing utensils and went to the valley behind the company to wash his face and brush his teeth.

The water used by Balian is all the stream water on the mountain, which is collected by cement canals and then introduced into several large cisterns.

Zhuang Yan was leaning against the cistern, leaning against the concrete retaining wall, his feet trembled uncontrollably, and his body was covered in yellow mud—he fell when he was going down the hill just now, and he immediately became a rolling gourd.

Niu Dali helped him up and roared like a tiger in his ear: “Let’s lean forward when going uphill, and lean back when going downhill. You, a high school student, don’t even understand this physics skill!? !”

Niu Dali has always despised people with higher education than himself, but this time he seized the opportunity to damage the solemnity again.

In Zhuang Yan’s heart, tens of thousands of grass and mud horses ran past.

The ghost knows what it is to lean forward and backward, his mother’s father is the first time to rush to a ghost hill, who the **** is at home when he has nothing to go up the mountain like crazy?

Yi Jun stood beside Majestic and looked up at the continuous mountain ridge. The sun had already climbed up the mountain ridge, and the golden light spread all over the earth. The scenery was beautiful.


Zhuang Yan sat down on the ground, picked up a towel, dipped it in water, and wiped the dirt on his body.

“What are you looking at?”

“I feel it…” Yi Jun dragged the end sound long as he recited a poem.

Zhuang Yan was stunned for a moment, and couldn’t help but laugh.

Looking back, he saw that Serenity was also beside him, so he asked, “Serious, tell me, why did we go to the company and work so hard?”

Serenity wet his head with the icy stream water, and the white steam was entrenched above his head. It looked like the heroes in the martial arts novels were exercising power, which was very funny.

“We won’t be comfortable.” He picked up the towel, wiped his face and said, “Solemnly, put away that little fantasy, at the end of this year we will compete with the 3rd division for the title of the quick reaction force. I heard that the 3rd division The division has already been beaten by chicken blood, and we practice like a grandson every day. Our 1st and 3rd divisions belong to different army groups. This is not a question of the honor of one of our divisions. It involves the honor of a group army. You say, we can be comfortable ?”

Hearing the serious words, Zhuang Yan even had the heart to die.

Seriously said: “I already knew before I came to be a soldier, the 1st Division is extremely short of staff this year, and we have so many soldiers this year that you look at our Eighth Iron Company, except for the squad leader and deputy squad leader, are there any more? A veteran who is hanging up? Oh, yes, there is a veteran who stays in the team, the pig raising one, he does not have the position of squad leader, so our recruit company is a recruit company, and a veteran company is still a recruit company…”

Zhuang Yan was stunned for a while, and suddenly remembered something, so he asked, “Seriously, why do you know everything so clearly?”

His serious expression froze for a moment, his face flushed slightly, and he immediately said, “There is someone in my family who is a soldier, I asked.”

Zhuang Yan stuffed the toothbrush into his mouth, making his mouth full of bubbles, and asked, “Since you know it’s so hard here, why did you come here? Are you asking for trouble?”

Seriously said: “Well, I’m just asking for trouble. It’s not bad for people to suffer a little.”

Zhuang Yan looked serious with an incomprehensible expression.

In his view, seriousness is simply unreasonable.

It’s true that soldiers have their own goals, but it’s rare to see someone like Serenity jumping into a fire pit ahead.

Serious has always been a very mysterious person.

He doesn’t talk much, he looks a little girlish, and he always likes to blush when he talks, like a big girl.

But when he was in the recruit company, he was serious but notoriously hardworking. When he got to the training ground, he lost his shy temperament. .

The most admirable thing for Zhuang Yan is his serious understanding of the troops. As long as there is something he doesn’t understand, ask him to get a good answer.

Before in the recruit company, the two happened to be on the opposite side of the bed, but after leaving the company, serious was assigned to the second row, solemn in the first row, and the chance for the two to meet was much less.

Zhuang Yan also wanted to ask him about the sanitation training and communication training. After all, this is what Zhuang Yan is most concerned about right now, and it is the only chance for him to escape from the Iron Eighth Company.

But without waiting for him to speak, Serenity hurriedly slipped away with the bucket, as if he was afraid that Serenity would continue to ask for something.

The intensity of the training has increased again, and the training is endless every day.

In the morning, the thunder is unstoppable. No matter it is windy or rainy, it is a five-kilometer cross-country appetizer. Then there are one-stop services such as push-ups, single parallel bars, frog jumping, human-meat carts, etc., and finally the end of the mountain.

During the day, it is usually professional training such as shooting and tactics.

After leaving the company, company commander Zhang Jianxing organized a gun-giving ceremony, and solemnly owned his own Type 81-1 automatic rifle in the gun cabinet of the eighth company.

After having breakfast that day and resting for a while, Dedeham gathered all the soldiers, then summed up the training of the next company for a period of time, and finally announced that he would start the second shooting practice training today.

The so-called second practice of infantry shooting refers to the three shooting positions of three different shooting positions: lying position without support, kneeling position and standing position at distances of 200 meters, 150 meters and 100 meters, respectively, to shoot the half-length target three times. Each group shoots 3 rounds of ammunition. 9 rounds in total.

The evaluation standard does not count the number of rings, only the number of hits, 5 passes are passed, and 6 are good~www.mtlnovel.com~ The above is excellent.

This is not an easy subject.

At least at a distance of 200 meters, the half-length target looks like the size of a fingernail, and there is not much left when the front sight and guard are pushed up.

What scares Majestic the most is not the shooting itself, but the training process.

“Have you heard what the platoon leader said just now?”

The third squad leader, Chen Qingming, is in charge of organizing the training today. He is standing in front of the team with a smile on his face, and he can’t stop looking at the recruits in the team.

Zhuang Yan disliked the third squad leader Chen Qingming very much, especially his smile.

Chen Qingming is a third-year soldier and will be discharged in one year. He has a skin that is unique to people from northern Jiangsu, and has a large mole on his left cheek with a long beard on it.

According to him, he can’t cut the beard, and if he cuts it, he will be unlucky.

This person is full of joy and anger, and basically depends on his laughter to judge – when he is happy, he laughs, hahaha; when he is unhappy, he laughs, hehe.

So, once Chen Qingming laughed, there would definitely be nothing good, at least he had never seen it before.

“Isn’t the recent physical training very hard? Do you want to relax?” Chen Qingming was still talking to himself, and no one in the team dared to answer anyway.

“The training content this morning is professional training, infantry shooting second practice. You practiced the first practice before, and the second practice is much more interesting. Professional training, of course, will not consume too much physical strength like physical training, just training Your skills, hehe…”

Laughed again!

This **** laughed again!

Zhuang Yan felt that his heart was trembling, and goose bumps appeared all over his body.

It must be all right!

This second practice is a very strange place, why did Chen Qingming smile so gloomily…

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