Special Years

Chapter 46 - unusual holiday

“Report to the battalion commander! The eighth company of recruits has been assembled. There should be 98 people, and 98 people actually arrived. Please give instructions!”

“Report to the battalion commander! The 93rd recruits have been assembled, 93 people should arrive, and 93 people actually arrived, please instruct!”

“Report to the battalion commander! The eighth infantry company of the third battalion has assembled. There should be 64 people, but there are 64 people. Please give instructions!”


In each company’s square, company chief officers in camouflage uniforms, carrying boxes of binoculars and pistols, ran out.

After a series of reports, battalion commander Teng Wenji methodically issued the final instructions: “Bring each company into the scheduled air defense area to hide!”

Air defense zone?

What the **** is this! ?

When the team moved, Zhuang Yan could only run after him in a daze.

However, he was in awe of the old soldier who was able to run fast with a big iron shell on his back.

The camp area was already full of cars with camouflage nets, and some cars even had anti-aircraft machine guns on them.

There was an air of nervousness that was waiting everywhere.

“Serious, serious…” Zhuang Yan tugged at his serious sleeves while running and asked, “Do you think there was a real war?”

“It is not……”

“Who’s talking! Is it you, Zhuang Yan!” Yin Xiancong, who was running in front of the team, turned around and gave Zhuang Yan a stern look: “You talk too much!”

Zhuang Yan stuck out his tongue and dared not speak again.

Boarded the car and took one in each row.

In the darkness, the scenery outside the car was blurred.

The car went straight along the road, and then began to turn into the mountains.

The speed of these Dongfeng brand military trucks was extremely fast, and it felt like a traffic jam on the winding mountain road, and some of the recruits soon began to retching.

Sitting at the rear of the car, Majestic quietly lifted the tarpaulin at the rear of the car and glanced out, and found that the car was driving on a narrow mountain road, and the wheels on one side were almost galloping against the roadbed.

It wasn’t just that that made him go crazy the most.

The entire battalion’s convoy didn’t turn on headlights, only a small running light.

Although there was a little light in the early morning, it was a life-threatening drive!

“Fuck me!”

He stuck out his tongue and retracted into the car, screaming in a low voice.

“Zhuangyan, what are you shouting!?” Yin Xiancong was sitting opposite Zhuang Yan, and the finder boy looked around, and immediately reprimanded: “You dare to move again, I will let you get out of the car and run with the car!”

In the thin morning mist, the convoy finally stopped in the mountains.

“Let the companies lead away and enter the predetermined area for concealment!” Battalion Commander Teng Wenji shouted at every car parked on the mountainside instead of gathering his troops.

After getting out of the car, Yan Yan followed his own line and started to run up the mountain.

The dew in the early morning wets the training clothes, it is hot inside and cold outside, and the taste is very unpleasant.


After running a few hundred meters, Adai stopped the team.

“Enter the position!”


Majestic looked around.

On the mountainside, the convoy had disappeared, and it was impossible to see where those cars were hiding.

“Fourth class, come with me!”

Yin Xiancong took the lead, and the fourth squad’s recruits could only be confused and shuttle through the bushes.

Soon, Yin Xiancong, the leader, pushed aside a bush in front of him, revealing an entrance made of red bricks.

“Go down!” he said.

After entering the gap, Zhuang Yan saw clearly that it turned out to be a trench two meters deep. It seems that there are no more such trenches around. They are all built under the messy lush grass and short trees. People jump in and can’t see anything.

This seemingly ordinary mountain is full of military bunkers and ditches, and everyone advances in the dark, silently hiding in the dark.

The trench is a cement-mixed brick structure. For some years, the walls are covered with all kinds of ferns and moss, and the soles of the feet are slippery mud. Stepping on it feels like ice skating.

Yin Xiancong raised his hand: “Stop! We are hiding here, don’t make a sound, avoid light, and don’t make any noise.”

“Phew—” Zhuang Yan exhaled, he now vaguely knew that this was not a war, his interest was just a drill.

As for the drill, he doesn’t know, nor is he interested in knowing.

However, I was dragged into the mountains early in the morning on the New Year’s Day and thrown into this cold and wet ghost place. No matter who it was, I wouldn’t be in a good mood.

He raised his head and found that the top of his head was completely obscured by bushes, so he couldn’t even see the sky.

The inside of the trench was pitch-dark, and only a faint face could be seen.

Squad leader Yin Xiancong doesn’t even know where he is.

“New Year’s Eve…”

Zhuang Yan lowered his head and made a move, finally found a stone, dragged it over and sat on it, drew his gun and leaned on his shoulder, sighed in a low voice, “It’s hard to live a life even after a year…”

On the mountain in spring, the plants exude a fragrant fragrance, and the branches and leaves hang with crystal dew.

All the recruits stood next to each other, holding guns and carrying equipment, looking at the little bit of sky through the weeds by the ditch. There were still stars in the sky.

In the distance, there was one or two scattered firecrackers from some mountain village.

Suddenly, Zhuang Yan heard the sound of someone sobbing, softly, depressedly, for a while…

Zhuang Yan looked in the direction from which the voice came. It was so dark in the trench that he couldn’t see anything.

Yin Xiancong pressed his throat and asked, “Who? Who is crying?”

He looked around solemnly, but unfortunately he couldn’t see clearly, and he didn’t know who was crying.

Zhuang Yan then heard the sound of equipment colliding, and it was obvious that Yin Xiancong was coming this way.

“Why are you crying!”

Sure enough, it was Yin Xiancong’s voice.

“Monitor…I…I miss home so much…”

This voice is a bit hoarse~www.mtlnovel.com~ seems to be trying his best to control his emotions.

When Zhuang Yan heard this, he suddenly felt a little sore in his nose.

Who doesn’t want home?

He elbowed Guo Xiangyang next to him and asked in a low voice, “Old Guo, who is crying?”

In the darkness, Guo Xiangyang moved towards this side, trying to keep his voice as low as possible and said, “Xiaoheng is crying…”

“Ah…” Zhuang Yan sighed softly.

The Zuo Xiaoheng that Lao Guo said was also a recruit of the fourth class. He was the youngest in the platoon, only 16 years old.

At first, everyone thought that his short stature, baby face, and tender flesh were natural, until one day when he was taking a bath, someone finally discovered the secret of Xiao Zuo’s body.

“Fuck! Look! Look! Zuo Xiaoheng’s **** has few hairs!”

At that time, the only natural bathing place in the recruit camp was the large open-air well.

When taking a bath, the sky is the cover, the tree is the wall, and there is nothing to hide.

No matter how cold the weather is and how bitter the north wind is, the recruits will also go there to take a bath.

Under the low temperature of four or five degrees below zero in the south, you have a bucket, I have a bucket, and you pour water from a well on your head. It’s so cold that you can’t stand it and sing.

The desolate wilderness, the cold well water, the bare muscles of the soldiers and the homesick songs reveal a man’s unique sexiness in the wildness.

Zuo Xiaoheng’s age was completely exposed under the moonlight of that night bath. The situation at that time can only be described as a sensation. Everyone seemed to have discovered a modern version of Mulan.

Under the helpless situation that everyone threatened to pluck off the few hairs, Zuo Xiaoheng confessed for the first time that he was only 16 years old, and also explained that his hometown received a few hardcover white sand cigarettes from him. Minister of Arms.

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