Special Years

Chapter 40 - punished

Not long after, Zhang Yan came back.

Everyone noticed that his grenade bag was full of four grenades.

He ran to Dedeham, his head still lowered: “Report to the platoon commander, the grenade… picked up…”

The sound was very small, almost obscured by the sound of rain.

Deadham stared at him, suddenly burst out, and shouted at him: “Do you know what equipment is?! On the battlefield, you have to rely on equipment to fight the enemy! What is equipment, that’s your second life! Understand? It’s the life of a soldier!”

Zhang Yan’s head lowered.

“Head up!” Deadham said, “Enter!”

He put his hands behind his back and said to Yin Xiancong, “Take them to run another five kilometers! Don’t give me a rest at night, double the physical training!”


The cold rain hit his face, as cold as the hearts of all the recruits in the second row.

Ten minutes ago, everyone was still excited about the reward they were going to get at night, but now, they not only have to endure double physical training, but also endure the shame of cheating!

No one in the team spoke, and they were all running with their heads lowered. This time, the stipulated time was 23 minutes. If the required time could not be met, then they would face another five-kilometer cross-country.

The team ran silently in the rain.

The atmosphere of silence remained for a long time, and then suddenly someone scolded: “Damn!”

Who scolded it? have no idea.

Who to scold? do not know either.

Adai did not run with the team, but waited at the finish line.

The recruits were both nervous and frustrated. The rain was getting heavier and heavier. A kind of resentment permeated the implicated team.

Although everyone has worked very hard, even though Zhuang Yan has not run slowly, although Xu Xingguo has always tried his best to help Guo Xiangyang, who is usually the slowest runner, but because the previous race had exhausted his physical strength, when he reached the finish line, The overall result is still not up to the requirements.

The last place is still Zhang Yan.

“Prepare the whole row. After a ten-minute rest, run again. This time, the time requirement is 23 minutes and 30 seconds. If you can’t reach it, continue to run!”

The rain dripped down the brim of Dedham’s hat, his face was cold, and his tone was even colder.

Ten minutes later, the team moved forward again on the yellow dirt road that had already been run twice.

This is already the third five-kilometer cross-country trip.

Majesty is on the verge of collapse.

Almost everyone is.

The sound of heavy and rapid breathing around was clearly audible. Except for the rain, the sweat on everyone’s face was mixed together and could not be distinguished for a long time.

The weather forecast is only 8 degrees today, and the cold wind blows on my face with a painful feeling.

Not far away, on the balcony of a three-storey private house, a young boy about four or five years old stared at the recruits running downstairs.

After watching for a while, he turned his head and shouted at his own house, “Mom, mom! There are still people running under such heavy rain…”

Soon a woman ran out of the balcony, glanced down, and said, “Those are soldiers…”

After he was done, he hugged the child, turned around and went back to the room.

Zhuang Yan felt a sense of grievance and injustice mixed with some sadness instantly flooding into his heart, and the corners of his eyes immediately turned red.

He had never suffered such hardships before.

He felt that he really didn’t need to come here to suffer this kind of hardship.

Why are you coming?

Suddenly, someone in the team pinched their nose and asked loudly, “Do you smell it!? Everything smells so bad?! Why is it so smelly!?”

“Yeah! I smelled it too!”

“It stinks!”

In the icy air, Zhuang Yan also smelled the stench.

It’s a stench similar to that of a toilet, straight through the nostrils.

Everyone temporarily forgot the fear and exhaustion of being punished. Your words, my words, began to discuss the source of the odor.


Zhang Yan in the team finally burst into tears.

Xu Xingguo, who had been pulling him forward, covered his nose with seriousness.

Someone said: “Zhang Yan has diarrhea…”

This time, the time is still not up to the requirement.

When I returned to the starting point, the time was already 25 minutes and 32 seconds, which was a full 2 ​​minutes slower than the last time.

The rain has picked up, and the wind has hurried.

The platoon leader, Adai, was no longer at the starting point. It is said that he went to the battalion headquarters to conduct a review with the battalion commander. Only three squad leaders were still there.

All the recruits couldn’t hold it anymore. They were cold, tired and hungry. The other platoons had already finished their dinner, and now they were sitting in the platoon to hold shift meetings or read books and newspapers.

“Take a ten-minute break, then run again, this time for 26 minutes! If the time is not met, I will continue to come again!”

Niu vigorously took off his camouflage hat, walked around in front of the team, covered the stopwatch with his camouflage hat, and adjusted the time.

When they heard the squad leader announce that the time did not meet the requirements, everyone’s eyes showed a kind of despair.

“Stop running! I’m exhausted!”

He threw his backpack on the ground solemnly and sat down on the backpack.

“Fuck it!”

The physical overdraft and the depression in the heart made Zhuang Yan go out of his way.

Do whatever you like! he thinks.

The solemn words shouted to everyone’s heart, and then the situation became chaotic, and almost all the recruits responded to his actions.

“I really can’t run anymore, squad leader.”

“I’m too tired, let’s take a break…”

Everyone started throwing backpacks and equipment…

The sixth squad leader Chen Qingming, who had been silent all the time, cracked his mouth and said with a smile: “Since you can’t run, then don’t force it. I want to know that you will definitely not be able to run…”

Having said that, he paused.

When all the recruits heard this sentence, their hearts suddenly lit up, and they all saw the hope of being exempted from punishment.

But soon, the flame of hope that had just risen was ruthlessly extinguished by the heavy rain.

The smile on Chen Qingming’s face quickly solidified, and he gave the order loudly: “Listen to the command of the entire platoon, and carry your equipment.”

Everyone subconsciously picked up the equipment and carried it on their backs.

Chen Qingming shouted again: “Lie down!”

Although they didn’t understand the meaning of the order, the recruits mechanically fell to the ground one after another.

“Target, 500 meters ahead, crawling forward in a low position!”

The recruit lying on the ground was stunned for a moment.

Chen Qingming roared, “Climb for me!”

The entire platoon began to move slowly across the ground.

The rain is heavier~www.mtlnovel.com~ The yellow mud floor is full of puddles, the raindrops hit it, and the splashed water hit the solemn face.

Everyone crawled silently, the eyebrows and eyelashes were full of yellow-orange mud beads.

Zhuang Yan felt that he was starting to get cold. After climbing over some puddles, he clearly felt that cold water had seeped into his originally warm crotch, and it was very cold and unbearable.

After climbing 500 meters, Chen Qingming ordered: “Stand up! Turn back! Lie down! 500 meters in front of the target, crawl forward!”

Lying down again, the recruits crawled back along the way they had climbed over.

Despite wearing thick winter training clothes, there were still piercing pains in the elbows and knees.

Everyone’s psychology is quite complicated, humiliation, anger, fear, nervousness, exhaustion, despair, all kinds of emotions are mixed, mixed with those yellow muddy water, seeping into the hearts of the recruits.

“Squad leader! If you want to punish me, punish me! It’s all my fault! I was afraid of delaying the results of the whole platoon, so I lost the grenade! It’s because I’m not feeling well today that I emptied the water in the kettle…”

Finally, unable to bear the psychological torture, Zhang Yan stood up abruptly in the crowd of new recruits who were crawling forward.

Everyone stopped, and time seemed to stand still.

After a long time, Zhuang Yan also stood up: “Squad leader, I don’t accept this time! It’s not our fault! Why punish us!?”

The recruits were startled.

Zhuang Yan has always been the most reckless soldier in the platoon, and the recruit who dares to negotiate with the squad leader.

Everyone knows that disobeying orders is no joke.

This is the army.

Soldiers are bound to obey orders!

The serious man lying on the ground stretched out his hand and pulled the solemn trouser legs.

“Get down quickly, are you crazy?”

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