Special Years

Chapter 38 - Run it! Recruits!

Zhang Yan’s usual training performance has always been in the middle of the platoon, neither good nor bad, but today unexpectedly fell to the end, and actually pulled down a distance of 100 or 200 meters.

“Platoon leader, my stomach hurts.” Zhang Yan’s face turned blue.

“This is not the time to apply for sick leave,” Deadham said anxiously, “Run! Hold me tight and rush forward!”

Then he shouted to the team in front: “Yin Xiancong! Xu Xingguo! Come back!”

Yin Xiancong and Xu Xingguo didn’t seem to hear, they were too far away.

On the other hand, Zhuang Yan, who had been wandering around in the queue, heard it and ran back to ask Dadehan, “Platoon leader, I’ll help Zhang Yan carry the gun!”

“Can you do it!?”

Deadham obviously didn’t believe the overexcited solemnity in front of him.

In the past, Zhuang Yan’s training performance was too good. On weekdays, Zhuang Yan needed someone to carry a gun for himself and Xu Xingguo to help him run. How could he still help others carry a gun today?

Isn’t this lighting the lamp in the kennel – looking for **** (death)?

Seeing Dadeham’s extremely distrustful expression, it was solemn’s turn to be unhappy this time.

But today, my state is indeed surprisingly good, even though I don’t even know why.

In fact, the reason why Zhuang Yan didn’t know is very simple. He himself took a big advantage – during these few days of pretending to be sick, he was the only one in the entire platoon to rest for three whole days!

Physical strength, this is the most important thing.

Before Adai could recover, Zhuang Yan grabbed Zhang Yan’s gun behind him and ran to the front of the team.

Yin Xiancong ran over, saw the solemn passing by, and couldn’t help asking Dedham: “Platoon commander, I saw that boy carrying two guns?”

Dedeham was quite happy: “I think that kid is crazy today!”

Thinking of the guarantee made by Zhuang Yan and himself in the morning, even Yin Xiancong had to admit that he was wrong.

Solemnly decided to turn the serf into a master today.

He deliberately ran to Xu Xingguo who was pulling Guo Xiangyang, and then deliberately shook his two 81-1 automatic rifles a few times, intentionally or unintentionally.

Then “Humph!” and ran away.

The meaning was already obvious. He carried two guns and Xu Xingguo pulled Guo Xiangyang. Zhuang Yan felt that even though this was not taking advantage of Xu Xingguo.

The two of them were completely on each other’s side.

How could Xu Xingguo let Zhuang Yan run ahead of him?

This guy who needs to pull his own dog on weekdays actually ran ahead of him today! ?

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

With more strength on his feet, he tugged on the backpack strap and dragged Guo Xiangyang quickly. In front of an excellent sports school student, Guo Xiangyang felt like a little teddy with no resistance, unable to resist at all.

Soon, he surpassed solemnity.

Looking solemnly, that stubborn energy jumped up again, gritted his teeth and ran wildly, surpassing Xu Xingguo again.

Xu Xingguo hated his teeth so much that he turned back and shouted at Guo Xiangyang, “Old Guo, can you hurry up!”

After all, it was another frantic dragging of the dog, pulling Guo Xiangyang as if the wind was blowing from the soles of his feet.

Getting closer to the finish line.

Zhuang Yan and Xu Xingguo have completely surpassed the entire team in the second row, and the lead is at least 200 meters away.

They even caught up with the last few recruits in a platoon of another company who had started two minutes earlier than them, and they ended up running into someone else’s team.

The recruits from the other companies watched in amazement at the two recruits who didn’t know where to get out.

One of them was carrying two guns, and one actually dragged a person.


The same thought flashed through every recruit.

Zhuang Yan knew that he was not crazy.

He was just trying his best.

Having lived for nearly 18 years, this is the first time in Zhuang Yan’s life that he feels that he is fighting with others.

Now, his lungs are like an engine that has stepped on the accelerator to the extreme. It has reached its limit, and if it goes on like this, it will explode.

Since all the blood is supplied to the respiratory and muscular systems, there is some ischemia in the brain, and the skin feels numb.

None of this matters.

The most important thing is not to lose!

For the first time, he has such a persistent enthusiasm for the word “win”.

Because I lost this time, I couldn’t pick up my face.

He will never allow Xu Xingguo a second chance to despise him.

Aren’t you smarter than me?

I’ll let you see today, old self, what is brute force!

Today is to explain Xiaoming here, and I can’t let you, Xu Typical, win!

Thinking of this, Zhuang Yan’s small universe began to explode again in an instant, with endless power pouring out of his body, running as fast as a crazy motor, running like a meteor galloping.

I feel solemnly.

Desperate feeling…

It’s so cool!

Xu Xingguo came from a sports school after all.

In terms of physical strength and stamina, he would never lose to Zhuang Yan.

However, he pulled a Guo Xiangyang.

Poor Guo Xiangyang turned out to be the most unlucky of the three.

This kind of speed is not something he can bear at all. As the assassin, he was already panting like a cow, and his face was as white as milk.

“Old Guo! Run faster! Be more aggressive!”

Xu Xingguo roared like a whining locomotive, and kept dragging him no matter what was hanging behind him.

“Xu…Xu…I…No…OK…I beg…you…”

Guo Xiangyang stuck his tongue out, and it looked like he was about to faint.

The finish line appeared in the sight of Zhuang Yan and Xu Xingguo.

There are still about two hundred meters away.

Zhuang Yan felt that the two 81-1 automatic rifles on his body were as heavy as two mountains.

Xu Xingguo actually caught up while dragging one person!

Zhuang Yan felt that he was going crazy.

This guy is really an out-and-out African bison, and his physical strength is terrifying to the point of frightening.

He didn’t dare to speak, so he could only grow his mouth, enlarge his nostrils, and breathe the air frantically.

In less than two seconds, he surpassed Xu Xingguo again.

Xu Xingguo’s eyes were about to fall to the ground. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Even though he was dragging Guo Xiangyang, who weighed more than 160 pounds, he still gritted his teeth and chased after him.

The two of them started to run wildly in the last 200 meters.

Now there is no need to save any physical strength. Whoever crosses the line first will win!

Whether it’s Zhuang Yan or Xu Xingguo, he’s already forgotten about the collective, and there is only one thought in his mind – don’t let the **** next to him surpass him!

The officers and veterans in the distance also seemed to notice these two competing recruits.

“come on!”

“Not bad! Run! Recruit!”

“Okay! Damn it! The grades are very good!”

What the veterans along the way said, in fact, the two of them don’t know at all.

The heavy rain suddenly fell, and the cold weather combined with the icy rain poured the two of them all at once.

Almost at the same time, Xu Xingguo and Zhuang Yan crossed the finish line together.

Guo Xiangyang fell headfirst to the ground, and the hygienist rushed over with a few veterans, pinching people and checking leg muscles for cramps.

Half of Zhuang Yan’s vision was dark, which was caused by the lack of oxygen in his brain.

He sucked in a big mouthful, his open mouth began to taste sweet, and his saliva secreted rapidly, like a dog in three or nine days, dripping saliva.

Turning around, he saw Xu Xingguo, who was also full of blood, with his hands on his knees and bent over, panting.

Zhuang Yansheng took a deep breath, walked to Xu Xingguo, and raised his middle finger.

He wanted to ridicule the most powerful recruit of the Eighth Company.

As a result, he opened his mouth, spit it out, and sprayed Xu Xingguo all over…

“I-I fuck!”

Xu Xingguo screamed loudly.

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