Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 55 - Backstab

Chapter 55 – Backstab
Heart Connecting Talisman?

Not long after he was born, Yang Tiangang had also planted a Heart Consecutive Talisman in him, and not only him, his two younger brothers and sisters had also planted a Heart Consecutive Talisman in him when he was born.

This kind of talisman was used to sense the connection between bloodlines. In a short distance, they could even use the connection between talismans to communicate with each other. In a longer distance, they could also use talismans to determine whether or not the person using this type of talisman was safe.

Then, there was definitely a direct ancestor that was a cultivator of martial arts realm. Furthermore, from the conversation between Senior Brother Ma and Junior Brother Niu, Yang Junshan could roughly guess that this young man had probably been used to force his own clan’s elders to agree to some matters after he had been kidnapped.

Looking at the three grain carriages that were filled with spiritual valley, Yang Junshan naturally thought of the matter of Wangshan Town buying the spiritual valley, and then a thought popped up in his mind: Could it be that the young man’s senior, the cultivator called Ning Ji, was the guard of Wangshan Town, and because this youth was kidnapped, the guard of Wangshan Town had no choice but to agree to them buying the spiritual valley s aigh price in the town?

Along with the Zhang County and the Yuxian, these people were clearly from the Zhang County. They were purchasing the spiritual valley without restraint at this critical juncture, could it be that they had already known beforehand that the locust plague was coming, and that they were certain that it was heading towards the Yuxian?

No matter what, he had to follow and take a look!

Yang Junshan’s entire person was like a leopard cat as he carefully but agilely traveled through the forest. Borrowing the cover of the trees, he hung behind the two cultivators, and from afar, he could only see that the two of them were talking non-stop.

At this time, Yang Junshan did not use his Spiritual Sense to probe the duo’s cultivations, but at the same time, he was able to confirm that the two of them were not Martial Realm Cultivator. Thus, the brazen Yang Junshan simply circled around to hide in front of the two of them, and when the two of them passed by, he eavesdropped from their conversation to confirm his guess.

“Senior brother, what do you think Senior brother Zhao and the rest are doing, staying in this forest for one or two months?”

“Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, but you’ll know when you get there!”

“Senior brother, do you think we can really let this brat go when the time comes? We have already been seen by him, his father has matters to attend to at the Martial Realm Cultivator, what if he finds trouble with us when the time comes?”

“Hehe, I’m not sure if his father will be able to live by then. If this old man is going to fall asleep because of this kid, then I won’t have to worry too much. If Ning Ji is shrewd, then we might just have to chop off his son’s head and send him back, haha!”

“Oh, oh, oh …”

Their conversation came to a complete stop in the young man’s ears. The young man immediately began to struggle violently, and the two of them unexpectedly ran away from the two of them.

Behind him, Senior Martial Brother Ma jokingly scolded, “Damn it, your upper body is tied up. Where else could you have escaped to? You should have already let Senior Martial Brother Yao seal your cultivation, so as to save yourself the trouble!”

Junior brother Cheng also smiled as he picked uock from the ground and suddenly threw it towards the young man who had escaped into the depths of the forest. He even shouted, “Yes!”

The stone flew more than a hundred feet and accurately smashed into the youth’s heels. The youth immediately fell forward and fell down like a dog gnawing on mud. Senior Martial Brother Ma and Junior Martial Brother Cheng laughed heartily from afar.

However, what they couldn’t see was that when the youth fell to the ground, half of his body was sent flying intatch of grass. As the grass collapsed, a pair of eyes and half of a face suddenly came close to meet his gaze.

The youth was obviously shocked by the scene in front of him. He opened his mouth to shout, but unexpectedly, a pair of eyes on the other side of his face suddenly froze. A faint voice reached the youth’s ears, “Don’t yell!”

The youth was stunned for a moment before hearing the voice, “Don’t cry out if you want to be saved!”

Only now did he realize that the face in front of him was buried in a layer of dirt. His body was completely covered in weeds, and if he had not run into the grass himself, it would have been difficult for him to have discovered that there was someone hiding in the grass.

“Turn around and sit up!”

This time, the youth did as the voice said. His body, which was originally lying flat on the ground, suddenly turned around and struggled to half sit up, just in time to see Senior Martial Brother Ma and Junior Martial Brother Cheng walking towards him with cold smiles on their faces.

At this moment, the boy who was sitting up coincidentally revealed his bound hands, and a long object was placed between his hands. The boy hurriedly used his hands to cover the object in his hands, and felt that it was like a broken arrow. At this moment, he heard the indiscernible voice ring next to his ear: “Wait, wait for the opportunity to move!”

Junior brother Cheng walked in front of the youth and grabbed him from the ground, cursing: “Little bastard, can’t you be a bit more calm, if you keep running, I’ll break your dog legs!”

The youth’s mouth was stuffed with linen, but he still continued to shout at the two of them. Senior Martial Brother Ma slapped his head and cursed, “If you don’t behave, I’ll send you on your way right now!”

The two of them dragged the young man and stumbled deeper into the forest. The young man took the opportunity to look behind him and saw a patch of grass moving with the wind. There was no one hiding there!

From afar, the voices of Senior Martial Brother Ma and Junior Martial Brother Cheng, who were escorting the youth, sounded, “Senior Martial Brother, where should we go next?”

“Let’s head west first. There is a mountain stream there. Let’s go there to rest for a while …”

At this time, Yang Junshan was quickly travelling through the miasma. Because he did not need to fear being noticed anymore, his speed had increased again, and the direction he wanted to go was the small stream in his memory that was not too far away from the Tuo Wu Shan’s path.

Senior Martial Brother Ma took the two of them for about an hour before he heard the sound of water flowing in the forest. The heat and humidity of the forest had already made the two of them impatient, so when they heard the sound of water flowing, they immediately became alert and their footsteps became lighter.

When they arrived at the stream, the gurgling clear water flowed through the forest like a dark green jade belt. The cool water vapor gave off a refreshing feeling.

Junior Brother Cheng licked his lips and bent his leg. The youth fell to the ground and said, “Senior Brother, you go and cool off first. I’ll watch this boy.”

Senior Martial Brother Ma smiled and said, “Junior Martial Brother is being too cautious. Could it be that there will be people here to save him? Alright, I’ll go and quench my thirst first!”

Squatting beside the stream, Senior Martial Brother Ma first gulped down two mouthfuls of water, then fiercely washed his two faces. At this moment, a gentle breeze also rose up in the mountain forest, causing the leaves and trees to rustle. With the sound of the flowing water, it combined with the sound of the stream, creating a quiet and serene atmosphere in the mountain forest.

Just as Senior Martial Brother Ma was immersed in the tranquil atmosphere around him, the sound of a heavy object falling suddenly came from behind him. Senior Martial Brother Ma was startled, and abruptly moved five feet to the right before turning around. A beast skin talisman emitted black smoke from his palm, and black dust fell from the rising black smoke, turning into a black curtain of dust that covered his body.

“Xiu!” The instant the black smoke descended, a rune arrow broke through the air and struck the black smoke barrier, causing it to cave inwards. The moment the black smoke barrier collapsed, Senior Martial Brother Ma was forced to retreat seven or eight steps, all the way to the center of the small stream before he finally came to a stop. Although the black smoke barrier in front of him had become much thinner, it was still protecting him.

It was only at this moment that the sound of a bowstring falling could be heard from the depths of the forest. It was obvious that the speed of the arrow was much faster than the sound.

At this time, Senior Martial Brother Ma finally had the time to see what had happened. He saw that under a large tree, Junior Martial Brother Cheng had already fallen on the ground, and a rune arrow had pierced through his back. Blood was still flowing out of the wound, and he had already died an instant after being shot.

Beside Junior Brother Cheng, the youth was still tied up on the ground. He looked at Junior Brother Cheng’s junior brother with a dull gaze and a face full of surprise. It was obvious that even he did not know what had happened.

“Who is it? Come out, it doesn’t matter what kind of skills you’re hiding. If you have the guts, come out and fight me one on one!”

Since it was a sneak attack, the opponent would definitely not be Martial Realm Cultivator, and the opponent’s arrow was even faster than the sound. It was obvious that he was using an extremely strong bow, according to the power of the arrow that was shot at him previously, the opponent would most likely be a cultivator with a Mortal Realm of at least level 4.

However, with the smoke talisman protecting him, not only would he not be afraid of the opponent’s strong bow talisman swords, but with the smoke, Senior Brother Zhao and the others would immediately rush over once they received the signal. The key thing right now was to not let the attacker save Ning Ji’s son.

With that thought in mind, Senior Martial Brother Ma used the protective black fog to turn in the direction where the arrows had come from. At the same time, he walked fearlessly towards the youth who was sitting on the ground.

However, just when Senior Martial Brother Ma walked up to the youth, “Xiu!” Swoosh! This caused Senior Martial Brother Ma to not dare to be careless for a moment as he quickly turned around to face the direction the arrow was coming from. His fingertip gradually formed a small flame, and he pointed it in front of him, causing two of the flying arrows to explode in front of him. However, the third arrow did not manage to hit him in time, colliding with the smoke screen and causing Senior Martial Brother Ma to be knocked back once again.

Yet the moment senior brother Ma took two steps back, his expression suddenly froze. His eyes shot out, and when he lowered his head to look, he saw a hint of captivating red spreading out from the clothes in front of his chest.

When he fell to the ground, he finally saw the teenager who was previously tied up and sitting blankly on the ground. Now, he was standing behind him with a broken rune sword in his hand.

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