Son of the Hero King

Chapter 586: 3rd Day

And He said, “Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear, Let the earth put forth grass, herb yielding seed, and fruit-tree bearing fruit after its kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon the earth.”

With the sounding of the third trumpet, a great star called Wormwood falls to the Earth, poisoning a third of the planet's freshwater sources, such as rivers and springs. Many will die from the bitterness of its taste

Words of a Scripture

When the third day started, Sol found himself looking at the rain falling in his dimension.

This was something new. Because this now was actually not happening in the real world. In the actual world, only snow was falling.

This might seem extremely minor compared to some of the craziest thing he did with his dimension but this was truly the first that out of his own will be was able to manipulate the weather outside of when he inverted Lucifer’s dimension.

Smiling, he went ahead and lied down on the grass and let the rainwater bath him. He knew that Camelia and Clara would have a fit if they ever saw him completely drenched as he was now but he didn't care.

He simply wished to enjoy. Perhaps even sleep a little but he knew he couldn't. He needed to spend a little more time with Nuwa but he was starting to realize that she did not fit his plan.

His relationship with her was simply too shallow and while he wished to sign a Gluttony contract with her, they still needed a certain level of relationship.

The way things were going, he would fail and even if he didn’t fail, the link between them was too weak to satisfy what he wished to accomplish. Failing now was not such a big deal but it would destroy most of his plan and slow him down considerably.

The more his mood changed the more turbulent the rain became and soon, the winds started picking up as well, changing the peaceful atmosphere to a dangerous one filled with thunder.

“You seem to be agitated.”

A feminine voice reached him, causing him to break out of the negative spiral of thoughts he had inadvertently entered. Lately, his emotions had been harder to control. His mind was stressed because of everything he had to take into account and the way the appearance of the real world seemed to slowly crumble around him.

This content has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

Even the way he was looking at people slowly started changing the more he interacted with the threads of destiny. The more he used his power the more he realized how much power things such as destiny had and how powerless most mortals were.

“Sol?” This time Sol focused on the person speaking to him, doing his best to gather back all his stray thoughts.

“Lilith. How have you been?” Lilith was one of the rare individuals who seemed to truly love staying in his dimension. For the Witches, even though they were not affected by the inverted emotion, they did admit that they did not feel at ease while in this place.

Something about feeling like they were constantly attacked or in enemy territory. Lilith though, suffered no such thing. In fact, she was more akin to a fish in the water in this place.

“I think I am the one who should be asking this,” Lilith spoke as she fought a rebellious strand of hair that refused to settle down.

She was as beautiful as always and her elegance was not diminished by her younger face. She was wearing a youthful flowing white robe and had a black sword at her hips. The form of the sword was enough to not understand that this was no great sword as Lilith had been used to.

“Well, I guess you could say I am doing good.” Sol shrugged, unwilling to let them worry now about the problems he was facing. This was his cross to bear so to speak and while he was sure that they would be able to give him somewhat valuable advice, he had to admit that the macho in him refused to ask for help.

“Sol…” He grimaced as Lilith used a tone of voice he knew was impossible to fight against. It was the kind of voice parents used to scold their children in such a way that the children would be traumatized for life.

In the end, Sol decided that fighting against this just wasn’t suitable for him. There was also the fact that he was giving so much grief to Camelia about hiding the truth from him because it was for ‘his own good’ would always be bullshit. “I am worried I guess.”

“Oh. Speak to me. I might have quite a problematic family life but I believe my years of experience can give you better insights.”

Lilith smiled at the rain that had vanished suddenly from the surroundings and was replaced by a small sun floating on the horizon.

Becoming a full demigod was not easy and since she had managed to do so in a way, now would be the perfect occasion to explore the world and try to find the best place for her territory.

This was a step all demigods had to go through if they wished to be stronger. The territory may not be movable but it was extremely useful for the Demigod.

Lilith though did not have to go deep into dangerous places to find herself becoming stronger and creating her territory. She had just to create her in his.

Thinking about it, a sudden thought joined him, “You know, I think I have never asked this. Mars was a true demigod right?”

“Yes and one very strong at that.”

“I see then — Where is his Territory?”

The answer he received was sadly immediate. “I don’t know. I am serious. I don't even know how Mars managed to get the space necessary for his territory.”

Sol pinched his brows. He should have kept his mouth shut. Now he had another problem on his plate.

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