Son of the Hero King

Chapter 583-Chapter 585: Second Day

God called the expanse "sky." And there was evening, and there was morning and so went the second day.

With the sound of the second trumpet, something described as "a great mountain burning with fire" plunges into the sea and turns a third of the ocean to blood. Soon after, a third of all sea life and a third of all ships will be destroyed.

Words of a scripture

A new day came for Sol as he entered the Church. The world may have been in war but this place was still one of the few oases for him as he knew that he could rest in all certainty that he would have no one bothering him.

In such a moment where everything new was nothing more than a source of headache, it was important to know that he could come here.

Sadly, his goal this time was not to rest or even to enjoy a moment with Camelia. No. He was here for something much more important.

Reaching the small chapel, Sol stopped. He did not have to wait for long as a gentle voice came from the other side,

“You know you can enter at any time right? Not like I can stop you from doing so.” Aurora’s voice was as beautiful as she was. It had a clear tenderness showing her age but at the same time a certain maturity that went beyond the experience she should have.

“I know that you cannot stop me. But I believe that one should be polite to his allies.” He chuckled.

Entering the chapel, Sol was reminded of the first time he discussed with Aurorar in this place and how it changed everything. Sol knew that one of the reasons he had managed to get the goddesses off his back was Luxuria. Without her, the so-called rules meant absolutely nothing and Invidia would not hesitate to attack.

But here down in the mortal world, the one who had been most essential to his plan was none other than her.

Aurora Castitas. A woman full of mysteries and power that defied all understanding. Power so high that she could even hide from the goddesses without any fear and could hide even more people.

This power alone, while not much usage in combat, was such a game changer that Sol could only have doubts about what kind of person this woman might have been in her past life.

At first, he thought she might have been a false god.

Only such things would make sense. False gods were all entities who, for all purpose and intent were equal and sometimes, superior to the goddesses themselves. But they all lacked something and that something stopped them from taking the final step.

The fact that a false god would die and reincarnate was not impossible. Very unlikely, sure but definitely not impossible. Sekhmet was the proof of this as while she had not reached the level of False god she definitely was a very powerful demigod.

Now though…Sol realized that he had been ignoring one other possibility. One so outlandish that he had not even thought it was possible.

“Aurora…Can I count on you for the war?”

Aurora showed a puzzled expression. “Have I not shown enough by now? Or were all my efforts for naught?”

“You did and I am thankful for your work. But I believe that soon. Something will happen and by then you will have to make a choice. Will you stand with me or against me? I do not know the answer to this question.”

Sol advanced toward her. His gait was slow but menacing and the world seemed to change even as he walked, “The cold rational side of me is telling me that I should kill you now. That I am no different than my father in letting someone who can obviously stab me in the back walk so free and that I may regret it if I do not end you now.”

His hand approached her throat as if it was ready to crush it at any moment.

“Yet you do not crush my throat. What is stopping you?”

Despite having his hand around her neck and knowing full well that Sol could kill her in a flash, Aurora showed no fear, only interest and curiosity.

Slowly taking his hand away, Sol shook his head, “Why? I do not know myself. I cannot answer this question. Is it guilt? Gratitude? The false belief that I am charismatic enough to change a possible enemy into an ally?”

She raised an eyebrow, “Do you not believe in the restriction you put on me?”

“I do believe in them but not so much that I will let my guard down. You are a woman who can fool even the gods and you are an entity so old I am sure my current experience is nothing but a grain of dust compared to yours. It would be nothing but hubris on my part to think I can completely control you through threat alone.”

Sol was not naive. Against powerhouse, threats could only go so far. There was a limit to what he could go and force her to do and Sol knew that when shit truly hit the fan, having a willing ally would be far better than an unwilling one.

This was one of the reasons why he had changed his approach to Echidna. Threatening someone as mentally unstable as her could only be a temporary solution. Only by giving her what she wished for was she sure that she would give 120% for what he needed her to do.

“So. What do you propose?”

“I thought deeply about this. One of my ideas was to make you my woman but for some reason, this idea seemed very repulsive to me, and from your current expression it seems like you feel the same.” He smiled at the small expression of disgust she showed.

It should have bothered him more but Sol found that he simply did not care. What he cared about was knowing if the woman with the greatest assassin-type skill he knew would betray him.

“I decided to make things simple. Once this war ends. You can choose for yourself. Leave Lustburg or stay. If you leave, I will consider my debt to you paid by not going after your life. Of course, I will keep my restraints on you but I will ask nothing of you and you can do anything you want. Of course, if you come later as an enemy I will be without pity on the other hand. Once this war ends, you can stay. The restraints will be weakened and I will consider you as one of my allies in the truest sense. But you will have to show your soul to Isis and tell me the truth about everything.”


“Everything. Who you are. What you are. Where you come from and most importantly…If there are more who are like you and where they might be.”

Sol observed Aurora as he uttered those words but her expression did not even twitch at those words. One might have been fooled by this but Sol could feel how her aura wavered for a short moment and thanks to that, he knew that he had hit bullseyes.

“Why make things so complicated?” Aurora sighed and massaged her forehead.

“I wish to give you a chance. What I am doing is honestly stupid and reckless and I might even regret it in the future. But I feel like I would regret more not giving you this chance.”

When he finished, Sol turned and started walking away. A bitter smile formed on his face. Lilith once decided that he should be more intimate with women because she wished for him to learn how to not fall for their tricks so that he would not end like his father.

But here he was making contracts with crazy or mysterious women who could backstab him at any moment.

He wondered what Lilith would think if she learned about this. Even if she was now more carefree than ever, this would be more than enough for her to become very angry.

Well, I will cross that bridge when necessary.

She would perhaps understand since letting Aurora alive wasn’t just because of his feelings.

His eyes became cold as he remembered Lucifer’s prophecy.

The End of the world is coming. A new Era is approaching. Doomsday will soon be upon us and at the end of all of this, ‘They’ will finally arrive.”

“He did not know who ‘They’ were but what he did know was that he needed to be ready to welcome them. Whether they were enemies or allies.


When Sol finished his discussion and gave his warning to Aurora, he immediately left the Chapelle and started going towards Camelia’s office.

Since he decided to reforge his relationship with Camelia, it was important to have some good time with her from time to time. Camelia may have manipulated him but all of this had been for his own good.

They said the way to hell was paved with good intentions and Sol could see this firsthand from the events that happened. He could not entirely fault Camelia for the reason she did what she did was simply because he was unable to inspire her with confidence back then.

He stopped short in the hallways when he saw Camelia holding her hand near the open window for a small and cute red bird to sit on.

A small breeze made her golden hair float while a sun ray shone on her hair, giving her a halo and a holy aura beyond compare. When looking at her in such a setting, it was hard to see her as some super pervert woman who enjoyed taking it in a place where the sun didn’t shine.

Stolen novel; please report.

“I can feel very rude thoughts coming from you.” Camelia arranged a strand of hair and the bird, startled, immediately flew away. There was a regretful expression on her face but it vanished soon as she turned to pout at Sol.

“Heh.” Sol smiled and approached her before hugging Camelia. A hug that was reciprocated as she settled in his large and muscular arms.

“I always feel strange when I realize that you are now taller than me.” This was not the first time she had noticed this but every time she did she always marveled at this reality.

This was also a constant reminder to her that Sol was now a man and that he did not need cuddling from her.

“So. Have you decided what you will do with Aurora?”

“I did.”

Camelia looked in the direction where Aurora should be and frowned, “I understand that you want to believe in her but I believe it would be better to end her.”

It was quite the drastic measure even for Camelia but after all, once bitten, twice shy. Lilith was not the only one who had been traumatized by what happened all those years ago. In fact, Camelia might have been hurting even more if in a different way.

“Even to this day. My deepest regret was not listening to my instinct and leaving Ibuki to join our team at the insistence of Mars.”

The fight against Echidna may have been gruesome but they had everything handled and were about to seal Echidna. If only Ibuki had not stabbed them in the back then history would have been very different today.

If only she had been assertive. If only she had been more careful. If only she had believed in her guts and done what she thought was right.

Myriads of regrets that would exist forever in her heart as she continued to wonder. What if…What if…Again and again.

Thinking about this, Camelia soon took a decision but,

“Don’t even think about going behind my back.”

She was startled and looked up only to be met with a calm confident look. As if he could see all her thoughts.

“I know what you are thinking. It truly isn’t hard to do so and here I will tell you again. Don’t. Do not act without my explicit order in this matter. Otherwise, all you will accomplish is messing with my plans. Understood?”


Sol wished to tell her that there were no buts. That there was nothing to discuss. But he knew that such actions would only result in the opposite of what he wished to happen.

He scratched his hair a little before finally sighing. “I guess I have no choice but to tell you what I believe I have found out. But I will do so after the war. By then I should be able to confirm my theories. This is why it’s imperative that you listen to me. Do not hurt her. Do not even try. Leave her alone.”


“Don’t you trust me?”

Sol asked while cringing inwardly when he saw her hurt expression. This sentence was like a prebuilt sentence for wannabe manipulators and the first step toward pure gaslighting in most cases. What was the person supposed to answer in such a situation? Say ‘No I don’t trust you.’?

Sol knew very well that he could corner Camelia easily in the current situation. But this was not his goal. An acceptance born from coercion and manipulation would always be filled with doubts and hesitation and at the most decisive moment, it would crumble like a sand castle.

This is why. He changed his words,

“Please. Trust me on this case. I am not blind to the situation. I know what and why I am doing so. So, all I can ask you is…Believe in me and my judgment.”

Camelia bit her lip strongly. So much that one could wonder if blood may even be drawn out.

This was a very important decision but looking at his pleading expression she knew that Sol would not relent.

Was she about to make a mistake again? Would history repeat itself? Camelia wished in moments like this that she could read the future. She did not know what could be the best decision in this situation.

In the end, though…She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking at Sol with resolution.

“I believe you. Even though this is eating at me. I promise you that I will not act behind your back.”

“Thank yo—” “But!”

Camelia interrupted him. This was something rare for her but she was fighting her inner demons, “I have a few conditions and I beg you to accept them.”

She knew she could not force her so-called condition on him. But this was the only way she would accept keeping a potential traitor. If he refused then she would kill her no matter what.

Even if it would tear her apart to see him hate her. Sol needed to be alive in order to hate her and a live Sol was better than a dead Sol.

“Go on.”

“In fact. I only have two conditions. One she needs to be bound by a curse that will end her if she makes a mistake.”

“Already done. I told you I knew what I was doing.”

Camelia nodded, “Two. I want her to leave the Church and go live in Babel.”

If there was one secure place in this entire world. Then it was Babel. As long as Ambrosia had her gaze on this woman then she had nothing to fear.

There was nothing much Sol could say about the conditions Camelia proposed as they were quite sound and logical. If there was one little problem though,

“Ambrosia is going to think I am using her as a jail guardian.” He believed he was the only mortal in the universe who could keep ordering a demigod around and use her as some kind of glorified keeper and supervisor.

Another problem was that Aurora was more dangerous than one could imagine, “If it was in a normal situation I would agree with you. Keeping her in Babel would be the smartest move but not with her.”

Babel was filled with many people he cared about and was his center of power. Aurora was dangerous. Extremely so and if she could hide from the goddesses, then unless Ambrosia had something similar to his Eye of Akasha there was absolutely nothing she could do to stop Aurora from acting.

Moving Aurora to the tower would make it clear that he did not believe in her and might break any chances he had of pulling her on his side. They had managed to build some modicum of trust between them and it would be stupid to lose this for a false sense of security.

He could have forced Camelia to listen to him but he wanted her to be able to understand his reasoning.

Trust was something that went both ways and he could not expect her to believe in him if he didn’t believe in her. Reciprocating was always the best.

“Then… Do you truly believe we should leave her alone and unsupervised? Is this the best way?”

“I cannot tell you for sure. What I can tell you though is that Aurora will be an invaluable ally.”

Sol spoke no more. Lustburg was Luxuria and Castitas’s territory and he knew that as long as he was there, Invidia had no means of spying on them as long as Luxuria didn’t allow her to. But, it was still better to be prudent about this.

At the same time, it was also a reminder of how important Aurora would be to his plans. Her ability was simply a game changer and it was important for him to control such a trump card.

“Also. Camelia. Do you remember how I was able to induce an evolution for Setsuna and Lilin’s growth?”

“You mean how you made them enter some deadly fight against their nemesis?” Camelia raised an eyebrow. She was still surprised how Sol had managed to know that this would be the best way to act. From what she understood, the divine weapon Theresa created was simply a cheat in many ways and helped Sol make decisions with great implications.

But Camelia understood that believing in prophecy and the future was the surest way of falling into a deep pit. The future was never settled. If it was, then the goddesses would not be so helpless.

“What is this about?” She asked carefully and took his hand as the two started walking toward her office. It wasn’t as if she was expecting something to happen. She knew that now was not the time for such a thing. But still, a girl could dream, right?

Sol smiled at Camelia. It wasn’t as if he could see the kind of thought she had and he indeed hadn’t been giving her much love lately. But now wasn’t the time. Not yet. “I believe that a similar event will happen to you soon. My form of foresight cannot tell me who or what kind of thing you will face but, it’s pretty easy to deduce with the hints I have on hand.”

He ignored the curious look Camelia was giving him. She was quite cute when she was clueless rather than having her perpetual know-it-small smile at the corner of her mouth.

It may not be not so novel anymore but it was a feeling that he was relishing. “I feel like I am being insulted.”

“Heh. I just find you cute.” He tapped her forehead gently. Causing Camelia to blush a little, “Your sweet tongue will not be enough to get out of this mess young man.”

“Are you sure? I believe my sweet tongue can do way more than just help me speak.”

“Oh…” This time she was positively crimson, which caused Sol to explode in laughter, “I am surprised. Where is the woman who proposed to me some kinky love making on our first time together?”

Sol raised an eyebrow. One had to remember that on their first night together Camelia literally offered her ass to him before showing him that she was also into soft BDSM. Compared to this, the teasing he was giving her was not worth mentioning.

“Well…I was more or less putting on a facade, you know? It wasn’t like I had any experience in the first place.” She pouted quietly. An action that would have looked ridiculous on almost anyone but on Camelia, he could only say that it made her seem even more charming.

Camelia shook her head. She had indeed been a little too bold back then. However, she would not hesitate to repeat this as it was one of the best memories she had. Even if it was slightly unconventional, the first time she had with him would stay forever in her mind as a fond and precious memory.

It was the day their relationship changed forever and while it may not have been the best thing she could have done. It was something she would never regret. No matter how shameful it might have been.

Like this, both Sol and Camelia started to settle into a calm discussion. They did not talk about the war, about the sad past nor about the troubled future. They simply jokes, smiled, teased, and overall enjoyed each other presence.

The beauty of love and life was sometimes in the most mundane moments of everyday life and it was important to remember that this simple life was won after many sacrifices.

“I didn’t forget about Aurora, you know?”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” and so the two walked away.

It was hard to say what tomorrow held in store for them. But right here, right now, they were simply happy and were enjoying life.

The rest of the day went in a rather tame way and while what Camelia expected did not happen, Sol made sure she understood how valuable his tongue could be and all she could do to stop the deluge of pleasure was to beg him to stop.

The day ended with them cuddling together in the bed before Camelia finally drifted into sleep, her lust partially taken care of.

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