Solo Max-Level Newbie

Chapter 287

“Please help me.”

A phrase commonly exchanged among ordinary people.

But that was a story for ordinary people.

It was certainly not a phrase that should come from Jinhyuk’s mouth.

He had always planned alone and shaken the board alone.

The rest were just help.

And yet.

“This guy is asking for help.”

Cheon Yuseong bit his lip hard.

He could guess how serious the situation was.

It was clear that Jinhyuk was about to bring up a story that was different from what they had dealt with before.

“What exactly has happened in the Heavenly Demon Sect?”

“The explanation would be long, but a troublesome creature has caught the scent. I’ll tell you all about it slowly over a meal. We should at least enjoy some good food during our rare break, right?”

“Damn it. After creating such a serious atmosphere, now you expect me to be able to swallow down food?”

“Yeah. I think it’ll go down just fine.”


“They say a ghost that dies after eating is well-colored. Let’s eat well first. Right?”

Jinhyuk glanced at the others.

“My stomach is growling. Even if the world ends tomorrow, I’ll still miss the meat and dessert I didn’t eat today.”

“I owe my life to you, Mr. Jinhyuk, since I’ve already died once. Hehe. Above all, I think there will always be a way when I’m with Mr. Jinhyuk?”

“If that’s what you wish, I will follow.”

“I’ve been missing Korean food, so this is perfect. Please treat me with Korean beef ribs.”

Positive responses.

“Of course, I’ll treat you. Now, Yuseong, they say they want to eat Korean beef ribs.”

“No. Why should I pay for the meal?”


“It’s obvious because you’re the oldest here.”

If you wear scholar’s clothes, you should naturally follow the venerable laws of Confucianism.

Filial piety is the fundamental root of the Three Bonds and Five Constants.

In face of the divine laws of heaven, you shouldn’t try to leech off your juniors.

“Stop joking! If it’s about age, then Elise or Andrea should…”

Cheon Yuseong was cut off midway by Jinhyuk.

“Foreigners are excluded. They don’t even know what Confucianism or filial piety is.”

“Confucianism, is that something to eat? I’d prefer something sweet.”

“I’m hearing about it for the first time too!”

Elise and Andrea shrugged their shoulders.


“I’ll eat well. ‘Brother’.”

For the first time, Jinhyuk used honorifics as well.

The expression on his face oozed respect for his elders, and that was just a bonus.


Cheon Yuseong’s face twisted as if he had chewed on dung.

He had been completely outmaneuvered.

But with everyone already expressing gratitude and ready to enjoy the meal, he didn’t have the room to back out anymore.

And so, they arrived at the Grand Walkerhill Hotel in Gwangjin-gu.

A high-class restaurant where a meal course cost 500,000 won per person.

Then various special cuts with 50% marbling began to come out one after another.

“Ohh! What flavor is this?”


Exclamations popped out of everyone’s mouths.

Elise and Andrea, in particular, chewed mouthfuls of the expensive beef as if they couldn’t get enough.

“Can we… maybe file for bankruptcy?”

Cheon Yuseong’s voice quivered thinly.

With the addition of Yu Yeonhwa and Lee Taemin, the price had skyrocketed beyond affordability.


After they had filled their stomachs, the serious conversation began.

The existence of the upper stratum, the Left Protect Law, and all the possible events that could happen were discussed, along with a variety of other topics.

Of course, Jinhyuk glossed over the existence of the hidden quest and several important pieces of information.

He packaged the fact that the beings from the top would come down as something he had heard from his master.

“……So that happened in the Heavenly Demon Sect. Does that mean, the guys from the upper stratum will come down soon?”

“Probably. Exactly which floor they’ll come down to, or whether they’ll jump out of the Tower, we can’t avoid hell wherever it happens.”

“It’s not about winning a fight, but…”

“It means to think only of surviving.”

It was a regrettable reality, but at this level, there was no way to fight them.

Even the Jin Tribe or the Demon Kings, and even the Deities, couldn’t win against the beings from the 50th floor.

‘Even if I have grown to a blindingly solitary level, my current state is still likely to be too much.’

It took over three years just to break through a single layer of the 50th floor in the past. So, with just over level 100, it wouldn’t be easy to even inflict a scratch.

Therefore, the best option is not an option; a second best option must be considered.

“It would be great if the orthodox factions could support us a bit… Those masters might be able to take on at least the lowest soldiers. What do you think? Can you persuade them?”

“It’s impossible. The martial alliance is preparing for a war with the empire.”

To contend for the middle stratum domain that was not settled in a previous conflict, the martial alliance is exerting all its efforts.

Now that the Heavenly Demon Sect might become involved, utter chaos lay just beyond sight.

This aspect couldn’t be neglected either.

The Left Protect Law… no, that slippery snake Sama Ja was also involved with the vampire clan and the Hast family.

‘We may account for the inside of the Tower, but there must be preparation for outside the Tower. At least, we must prevent the deaths of ordinary citizens.’

Noticing Jinhyuk’s concerns, Cheon Yuseong added another word.

“If you’re truly worried, how about talking to the major guilds? They’ll be able to help.”

“Hmm. It’s not like I haven’t considered it, but if I suddenly appeared and told them the world might end so they must believe me unconditionally… they might not believe me since I’ve stripped the major guilds several times before.”

“True, your image isn’t exactly the best. Even I would have doubted first.”

With no hint of hesitation, Cheon Yuseong nodded.

Hey, if you agree that quickly, it hurts.

I’ve given plenty of help, you know.

“How about Ms. Teresa then? Unlike you, she has a good image and high recognition?”

“Ms. Teresa… is.”

Teresa had good recognition, but since she left the union of the seven major guilds, she had no real voice.

Asking for help would only be a hassle.

Elder Yu Cheonyoung was also largely uninvolved with climbing the Tower.

We need someone who can broadcast this event significantly, someone with a certain level of influence and credibility to make preparations.

Such a person is necessary.

“First, let’s start with what each of us can do. Taemin, I’ll give you some key points, so use the Machine Lord to prepare for defensive positions. Yeonhwa, gather as many people as you can to support Taemin.”

“Okay, hyung.”

“Yep, oppa. I’ll even talk to Grandfather about it.”

“For the rest, I will give you a list of things I need you to do. Finish them within a week. If each of you has a better plan in mind, feel free to take initiative and change the priorities.”

All preparations must be finished during the remaining period.

To raise our chances of survival by even 1%.


At the same time.

At the Samurai Guild headquarters in Japan.

“Ha! Ha, ha…”

Takeshi suddenly bolted upright from his bed.

His whole body was drenched in sweat, and his breathing was wildly erratic.

As if he had suffered a long and terrifying nightmare, his whole body shivered uncontrollably.

“This can’t be…”

Though he hadn’t used it, his ‘Half-Seer Vision’ activated on its own.

This was the first time it happened since he got his unique talent.

Given the vividness of the images burned into his brain, there was no doubt about the truth.

It meant an improvement in his ability.

But there was no joy or exultation on Takeshi’s face.

Ashes, fire, and death.

The collapsing buildings and mountains of corpses were the last scenes boding apocalypse.

He had to alert someone immediately.

Whether to the Japanese government, to the World Awakeners Association, the Samurai Guild, or the heads of other major guilds.

Somehow, this truth had to be communicated.


“Even if I let everyone know, what would change?”

Who could possibly stop that?

‘It’s impossible. Even if the entire world came together, it couldn’t be stopped.’

This is beyond that level.

Like a natural disaster, one can only bow one’s head and pray to avoid it personally.

Right then.

Someone crossed Takeshi’s mind.

The deity ‘Kang Jinhyuk’.

An absolute being who had shown overwhelming majesty while assuming the form of a player.

If it were him…

‘Perhaps he could resolve this matter. It’s possible. With him, for sure.’

The problem was that it’s presumptuous to ask him for help with a difficult problem for humanity without offering the least bit of courtesy. Demanding one-sided aid could provoke another disaster.

‘I should tell the guild to collect everything valuable. What did we have? There must be a few things that would please him.’

Relics, coins, magic stones.

Nothing was too precious to hold back.


A combat squadron must be assembled from across the world to back him up.

If so, perhaps his mistake could be forgiven.

Takeshi did not take long to decide.

He immediately took out his cell phone.


After a few rings,


“What is it?”

Samurai Guild Master Yoshio answered the call.

“I need all the guild rankers and… set up a video conference with the chairman of the Japan Awakeners Association right now.”

“Could it be…”

“Yes. I’ve seen something in my Future Vision. There is no time to waste.”

“Understood. I’ll start making calls immediately.”

The conversation moved swiftly forward.


The prophecy from a ranker able to see the future.

At the news that an unimaginable catastrophe was approaching, the entire world was turned upside down.

-Kkomanee: There they go, overreacting again. Why is everyone freaking out over some soothsayer’s dream?

-jsh3: Really though. Are they all hooked by a single statement meant to instigate panic to make money?

-white: No way. That ranker Takeshi, I know him and he’s gotten quite a few predictions right.

-kc27: Yeah, remember? Three months ago, during the Japan-US joint raid, his prophecy saved the whole team from total annihilation. It was almost uncanny.

-Emperor of Shurima: Considering the governments and major guilds are all stirred up, it doesn’t seem to be empty talk.

-Kringnya: So, does this mean we might all actually die?

-Yerumina: Surely, there must be some way.

-Haenaeng: Don’t worry too much, everyone. There are so many players, it’ll be enough. Probably.

Concerns grew slightly louder.

On the surface, there were comforting words to each other, but anxiety was growing in their hearts.


A familiar name popped out of Takeshi’s mouth during the broadcast announcement.

“We have agreed to mobilize all resources and personnel to support the S-class player Mr. Kang Jinhyuk. With his permission, we are ready to act immediately.”

-ksb: Kang Jinhyuk? The Kang Jinhyuk I know?

-BsIam: Wow. That’s right, there’s Kang Jinhyuk!

-Mujin: ^^

-JustTrustMe: And if all the top rankers from around the world come together, it might be worth a try?

-fore: Gathering around Kang Jinhyuk, huh.

-YJH: It’s heartwarming.

-Mystery: [Breaking News] The masters and vice masters of the major guilds soon to introduce everyone on Vytube and announce an interview.

-Richa: It’s real. Unbelievable. This might be the biggest raid ever, right?

-FilialHand: Not only the rankers but also that number of players. It seems thrilling. Shouldn’t the Unknown join in too? I haven’t seen much activity recently, but he’ll surely come, right?

-JeLuce: Nordics are also preparing top-grade mystical artifacts, I’ve heard. This really might be worth getting excited over.

‘I did well to save him back then.’

Jinhyuk nodded slightly as he watched Takeshi’s actions and the Tower of Trials community.

He had thought that the ‘Half-Seer Vision’ would be helpful someday, but it proved its worth even more splendidly than expected.

Now, the rush of support pledges from various guilds threatened to overwhelm his personal messages.

Just then.

“Master, I have exchanged the Yacha item set that you asked for. You can check the items in your personal spatial inventory. But are you really okay with that? That weapon is…”

Rick asked incredulously.

He had observed Jinhyuk’s battles to date, but he had never seen him use this kind of weapon.

“Once upon a time… It was my most beloved weapon. Anyway, thank you.”

“I should thank you for the great deal. There was someone who really wanted items related to Yacha. Oh! And…”

Ahem! Ahem!

Rick cleared his throat.

He was about to address the most sensitive part of the deal – the fees.

“How much will it be?”

“Include the cost of the transaction and labor, and it will be 2.5 million coins.”


2.5 million coins…

Though he appreciated the exchange for the necessary items, it seemed too much to give that many coins for services.

“Instead of that, why don’t you have a simple bet with me?”

Jinhyuk smiled lightly.

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