Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 75: Divinity

It didn't take long before the Demigod was cornered, it had lost one of its arms so its offensive and defensive was way weaker than before.

The incarnation of Sun God decided to finish the giant Yeti as it was wide open and given the chance the God also on his wit's end, his body was fractured all over as he needs to fight with only a fraction of his original strength.

Seeing the God about to finish the job, Sol decisively conjures a bow and shot the bow toward the God as the time of someone about to land the killing blow was the point where they were the most open.

The arrow always reaches its target so Sol did not to be afraid that he would miss, as long as he targeted something, it guaranteed to hit.

The arrow being weaker than the actual arrow actually helped Sol as it allows him to use the arrow easily as he did not need to use limit break to lift the arrow.

Sol actually thinks of using the technique to strengthen his shot but he decides against it in the end as it would attract the incarnation of Apollo's attention and it would probably ruin his plan instead.

The God's incarnation aimed his bow at the Demigod's head when the arrow Sol had shot pierced his chest and heart, it staggered him which the Demigod saw as an opening.

The giant Yesti used all his remaining power to reach out and grabbed the man with its giant hand and it clenched its fingers as strong as it could while sending its freezing power to the man, the Demigod wanted to use the chance to kill the God's incarnation.

Sol was not going to let the Incarnation or the Demigod die by each other hand as he was sure that they would absorb the loser's power and come back at him stronger than before.

He gathered all his strength and break through a wall in himself as he activates limit break, purple thunder started to spark around himself as Sol zoomed toward the restricted God.

Sol raised his knife which was encased by the purple lightning, with one swing of an arm, Sol beheaded the powerless God with it, severing his head and body which started to disintegrate into motes of light.

"One down, one to go!" Sol looked toward the downed Demigod, he used the remaining momentum he has to roll in the air as fast as lightning and arrived on top of its body.

Sol was facing down toward the Demigod's body when he generates an explosion behind him which pushed him toward the Demigod's neck.

He comes down with his knife on the giant's neck, beheading it while he went down with a boom, and then land on his two feet, lighting spark everywhere and then flicker out as Sol had used all his juice on his recent stunt.

The giant body also disintegrated into a mote of light, it leaves behind a fist-size ice blue crystal that glows like the giant star.

Sol was heaving and sweating as the limit break had drained his energy worse than conjuring the Hydrogen bomb.

He turned toward the position where the incarnation of Apollo was and he found a heart-shaped medallion as big as his fist, its shape was like an actual heart not the symbol of love and it was glowing yellow like the giant star was.

After a few seconds of catching his breath, Sol took both items in his hand and inspect them, "If my intuition was not wrong then the ice blue crystal is the Demigod's divinity and the medallion was a core part of Apollo's divinity" he speculated.

Apollo had a lot of domain as he was a powerful Major God, Each domain had its own core in the God's divinity and the one in Sol's hand was a small part of one of this domain core.

"Now is the abstract part," Sol lamented as Minerva had told him to follow his instinct.

Sol drew out each shard he had absorbed out of his imaginary body, they flow out into a ball of translucent liquid.

He felt that he could mold the liquid to any form he wanted and fuse them with the three-item in his possession.

On the other hand, all the three-item in his hand could hardly be forged, he could only change them a bit if he doesn't add any of the liquid in them.

From all the core items he had, the ice blue crystal was the strongest, even if he left it be, it could make him become a Demigod on the same level as the Yeti.

The Medalion on the other hand, it's only half as strong as a normal Lesser Demigod Divinity, but its complexity was way more than the ice blue crystal, it would surely give him a strong ability and potential.

His knife was not as strong as the two of the core but it was no less special, it was not a real core as far as Sol instinct told him, it was the armament's accumulated shard that gains from because it was forged by the divine punishment.

Sol's body was tempered by the divine punishment, his knife was in his hand when that happened and it's accumulated shard formed a pseudo core.

Sol was contemplating whether to fuse everything into one divinity or not, but his instinct told him that he could not do that as they have different properties.

In the end, he decided to make three separate divinity, the question is how should he distribute the translucent liquid, in essence, it would enhance the performance of the divinity and made them stronger.

Sol could add everything to the medallion and effectively have two Divinity, which was amazing as normally a Demigod only have one divinity, only a Major God has more than one divinity.

After much contemplating, Sol was in torn, he did not want to waste the knife but he wanted to be strong as well.

In the end, he decided to enhance the ice blue crystal a bit, Sol only glazes the crystal a bit and change its shape into a Sun shaped ice blue crystal, it changes the essence of divinity from ice rock into an ice sun divinity.

It was stronger than normal Lesser Demigod Divinity but not that much stronger that it becomes overpowering, it just gave him enough edge in a fight.

As for the medallion, Sol was not able to understand its real essence but he guesses it was something about regeneration or healing, as it was to complex for him to modify, Sol choose to give it the liquid without modifying it, he gave enough that it becomes a weak Lesser Demigod Divinity, it was barely in the realm of Demigod but it was enough.

The knife, on the other hand, got a lot more liquid to enhance it to an acceptable level, its essence was about sharpness and growth, in another word was a growing sharpness, if Sol could develop this divinity then he believes it would be a strong force equal the other two core.

His knife also reacts really well with the limit break ability so Sol wanted to forge the divinity to strengthen the limit break ability, it was not easy as the knife's essence already complex in its own way.

In the end, Sol just engraves the knife with symbols of lightning which change its essence from growing sharpness into growing sharpness and swiftness, it was also elevated into a weak Lesser Demigod Divinity.

Sol felt all the three divinity and they felt like his own, his belonging, before the forging, all the three divinity felt only like a possession that not really his but now it's different, if others want to take it from him then they need to kill him.

He flexes his body as he tried to exert his newfound power, he absorbs all the three core into his imaginary body and he could instinctively know what he could do.

Sol conjured a fist-size ice crystal, it absorbs heat from anywhere around him and made the environment grew colder while it grew hotter, it like a reverse sun, if a sun radiates heat everywhere, it absorbs heat everywhere.

Sadly there was no creature left in the imaginary realm in Sol's inner world so Sol could not try out its effect on a living being.

"Hmm this is quite stronger than I expect" he mused as the reverse Sun disappears when he will it.

The Medalion power that he understands was simpler, it especially made him into the best doctor as he could heal anyone near him, he generates a healing field which hastens regeneration, he felt that it could do more but he did not know what, he would need to experiment with it.

As for the knife, it essentially burned Sol's stamina over time to give him a growing speed and sharpness to his weapon, "Now I can Sharpen my weapon without needing to hit the enemy a thousand time" He cheered.

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