Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 80: Even you guys believe his crazy theory!

"The next move…"

The advisors behind the scenes each had their own opinion and stood by it.

After arguing for a while, they finally reached an agreement:

"Right now, Ermin is only a Fifth Level Witch, and shouldn’t be able to protect you until you reach the vault… You have to help her reach the Legendary Sixth Level first, and become one of the strongest beings in the world, before she’ll have the ability to protect you.

Don't you still have your signature technology, “Grantham”—the exoskeleton that increases mana? Make one for her. After she wears it, her Level will increase from Level Five to Level Six.

After all, you are the Emperor of Alchemy’s pet and have inherited much of his knowledge. It wouldn’t be odd for you to be able to make such a thing. Ermin will believe you even more, and she’ll be sure to protect you. "

Grantham was taken aback. This was a good idea. While his intellect was beyond doubt, he was but a single individual and couldn’t match the collected wisdom of many.

"Good idea."

This time, Grantham disappeared for three minutes.

The people online kept a close eye on the thread while constantly refreshing the page. They stared the whole time without blinking.

Finally, Future Skywhale reappeared:

"Whew! It’s done! It took me over a month to make all the components and buy the alchemical ingredients required for the magical formations… Fortunately, Ermin has the backing of an entire Magic Academy and is quite wealthy. It took quite a lot of resources, but I'm finally done with the new model."




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These detailed screenshots were beautiful enough to be used as fantasy wallpapers. They depicted a 3 meters tall humanoid construct that looked just like a real person. With her exquisitely beautiful figure and dark blue staff in hand, she looked strangely familiar and seemed to be from the same race of giants as Grantham.

"What a beautiful alchemical construct."

Countless people began to comment. Only a few minutes passed outside, but a month has gone by inside.

Future Skywhale scoffed. "This is nothing. A man’s romance should be giant constructs the size of mountains. It’s my alchemical Wonders of the World, “Adolphus” and “The Hanging Gardens of Babylon” that are beautiful and worthy of praise."

He silently uploaded more screenshot (1041 total)

These were the screenshots Grantham had held in reserve from before.


"So amazing!"

The people were thrown into a frenzy.

The surface of Adolphus’ gigantic body was covered with intricate patterns. He towered over mountains and held a massive shovel in hand. It made for a majestic scene.

The giant alchemical airplane "The Hanging Gardens of Babylon" soared through the sky. On the back of the plane was a miniature continent with green grass, lush mountains, and grand palace complexes. It was an inspiring and magical scene.

"You can see how much the boss loves these things by the number of photos he’s taken."

"Akina’s Speedster previously said that he’s left an indelible mark in the history of the Magic World with his Evil Eyes, Pallbearer Chickens, and the Beastmen Kingdom… But I disagree. Only the bossman can make this claim! The glory of the Emperor of Alchemy will live on in history for tens of thousands of years!"

"Indeed, these are the Magic World’s equivalent of the Pyramids and the Great Wall, and the bossman is equivalent to the historical figures who built them. Future generations will remember his name."

Everyone marveled at the degree of freedom in this game.

You could do whatever you wanted, and Grantham has truly made unbelievable accomplishments as a builder.

If you can’t live forever, then who doesn’t want to leave their name in history after they die? Who doesn’t want to be immortalized in mankind’s long and glorious history, and live on in the hearts of the people?

“Future Skywhale” has accomplished this, and left his mark in the history of the Magic World. Tens of thousand years later, countless mages will still sing of his greatness. While everyone was naturally envious, they also felt elated.

That’s right!

Even if they couldn’t play, they still felt elated by being able to witness the Emperor of Alchemy’s life.

This hard-core game was too realistic, and the satisfaction you felt couldn’t be compared to any other game. In this game, you could change the course of history, and be immortalized in historical records!

Everyone online sighed.

“I’ve been thinking this before: Technology is so advanced, and changing with each passing day; I must live long enough to be able to play games with VR helmets. Who knows, maybe they’ll appear in another 50 or 60 years… I didn’t think that they would appear now, and come packaged with such an incomparably amazing game. I am glad to be born in this era."

"Indeed, I’ve also dreamed of that, but talk is cheap! In the following fourth beta test, I’ll be sure to free up enough time to enter. No matter how hard I’ll have to work or what kind of price I’ll have to pay, I want to be able to experience this game!"

Countless people got really emotional as they helped "Future Skywhale" in the game and influenced an entire other world in real-time.


Meanwhile, in the research center.

While the netizens were deeply moved, they didn’t know how truly amazing this game was.

After looking through Grantham’s thousands of pictures and diagrams of the two Wonders of the World, all the experts were extremely excited.

"Preliminary inspection shows that these structures are completely in line with existing theories of mechanics. After all, they were built by a modern person!"

"They must be preserved as valuable reference materials. We might be able to learn more after further study, and perhaps even gain inspiration for new types of weapons."

In the research center, countless experts from various fields hurriedly began to move.

They’ve already contacted the player “Future Skywhale" and asked him to help them gather data in the other world, but he refused.

However, they still had other cards to play.

Based on his actions so far, he should be some scientific big-shot, and they’ve already begun to investigate his real-world identity. It’s just that they had too little time to work with. It’s only been two days since the Emperor of Alchemy entered, and they only started their investigation last night. There really wasn’t enough time.

"Mobilize everyone! This is an extremely rare opportunity to communicate with him. Our experts can mix in among the netizens and do their best to help this Emperor of Alchemy. We’ll be able to retrieve more data this way."

"The thousand-something pictures he posted is also a big discovery! For now, quickly contact about a dozen experts in mechanical engineering and weapons development, and get them to join our group."

"But, their projects are also very important…" Some people hesitated.

"No buts! Also, we have a dozen linguists studying the previously released ‘Dictionary of the Magic World’s Language'. Are they done yet?"

"They're done with their study. It is not a fictional language. The pronunciation of various vowels, words, syllables, phonetics, and personal pronouns are fully consistent with the laws of Earth's languages. Our preliminary conclusion is that this is a sophisticated real language that has evolved over a long period of time."

"What! It’s a real language??! Then wouldn’t the historical text, "Genesis", that we’ve translated using this dictionary also be true? Could it be that everything recorded in the Magic World’s long history has actually happened? But the descriptions of the Creator are too unbelievable. Especially those seven days of creation:

On the first day God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light. And God separated the light from the darkness, calling the light Day and the darkness Night.

On the second day, God said, ‘Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters’, and there was Heaven.

On the third day, God said, ‘Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.’ and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas.

On the fourth day, God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night.’ And so there was an alternating cycle of sun and moon, with fifty years of Day and fifty years of Night…"

That kind of power was too terrifying!

But since the world inside was so real, then maybe the God inside was also…

Countless renowned experts were starting to become more and more horrified as they sat before their computer screen.

—This is no longer simply a game, and is likely to be a vast other world!

—This great moment will be recorded in history. Earth has taken its first step into the outer universe and made first contact with an alien civilization!


Xu Zhi: ? ? ? ?

He had naturally noticed their investigation through the Hive Mind, and for a while, he didn't know what to do.

    What vast other world? Outer space? Aliens? Earth has entered the space age? History will remember this great moment? This is just a small sandbox in an orchard in the Dongcheng countryside, okay? Your data is like that because I built the sandbox on Earth.

    Hey! Stop it with your crazy theories!

    It’s fine if the netizens believe Akina’s Speester’s nonsense, but why are you joining them?

    Stop scaring yourself!

Xu Zhi had a dumbfounded expression.

In the Sumerian era, the historian Akad had made this all up while sitting on Noah’s Ark. That terrifying history, along with the Creator’s peerless might, were nothing more than fiction… Xu Zhi didn’t think that they would now cause such a commotion at the top!

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