Shadow Monarch: Heroines Could Hear My Thoughts?!

Chapter 72 72- Ruthless Boogeyman

Chapter 72- Ruthless Boogeyman

Rin's grasp on the guy's hand was so tight that the latter frowned from pain and tried to release himself quickly. However, Rin's strength stat had already evolved beyond recognition ever since he came here. A mere commoner couldn't compare to him at all.

"L-Let go!!" He shouted as he pulled as hard as he could.

However, Rin merely shook his head and increased the strength of the grip before he started twisting his hand to the left. The bully's whole body seemingly moved along with his hand from the sheer pain.

"I said let go! What the fuck are all of you doing watching him like that?! Do something!"

The leader's shouts woke his lackeys from their trance and made them charge toward Rin. The latter simply ignored them and instead extended his other arm and grabbed the bully by the head. The latter tried to resist and even tried to kick him with his free leg but with a swift side-step, Rin was able to dodge his futile attacks as if they were nothing.

"You really made a grave mistake, man. You could've just listened to my warnings and walked away. But no, you have an itch for trouble. Now, you fell in the wrong hands and I won't let you run away." Rin said with a sigh.

After grabbing the guy by the head roughly, he made a low grunt and then lifted him up in the air.

"Woaaaah!!! No! Hurry up and get me down! Ahhh!!!" The man struggled for freedom. He felt his skull getting crushed from the pressure and his brain was swinging left and right as if it was put on a swinger.

"Ok, have a safe trip."

Looking at the group approaching him, he simply smiled and threw the leader at them. The last thing they expected was for the rich boy to do such a thing.

"Be caref- woahhhh!!!!"


Landing on them, the whole 4 people lay there motionless. The hit was strong but Rin was sure that it wasn't enough to harm them or knock them out.

But, Rin wasn't over with them. He had one strong belief and that is 'to either finish your job properly or never do it in the first place'. So, he will only stop when these scumbags will never think about bullying or abusing someone ever again in their miserable lives.

It may sound vicious but it was the right thing to do just so he can avoid any possible troubles in the future. One had to be cruel sometimes so that people won't be even crueler than him.

So, with light strolls, he approached them all the while, he was flipping the hems of his shirt.

"W-Wait!! P-Please… We weren't going to do anything."


"We are extremely sorry! Please, spare us!!"

Seeing the cold aura around Rin and his intimidating presence as he get closer and closer, fear crept into their hearts so they did what typical bullies will do… beg for forgiveness. They porstrated themselves in front of him while shaking fearfully.

However, Rin didn't respond and continued walking toward them.

"S-Save us!! He's going to beat us up!!" The leader found no other way but to look for help from the other people around them.

However, no matter where he looked, everyone would avert their eyes as if they didn't see anything. They had seen how cruel these guys were to the poor boy before so they didn't want to help them at all.

"See? No one will save your sorry asses. That's what you get for being a bunch of trash bags. It was only a matter of time before you mess with the wrong person and get taught a good lesson. I just happen to be that person, so don't take it to heart."


With a flash, he sent a punch to one of the guys. The latter wasn't able to even see the punch coming at all. The only thing he registered was his jaw twisting along with the pain that follows it. His body swung along with it and fell a few meters away. One punch and the boy was knocked out cold.

"Yaaaaaahhhh!!!" They all screamed in fear and tried to run away.

"No, no. There is no running away. Everyone will get their fair share of beating."

Taking two steps, Rin grabbed one of them and pulled him. Then, he twisted him around and kneed him in the stomach.

"Bluurgh!" The latter spat out a mouthful of saliva along with all the air in his lungs then fell down unconscious too just like his peer.

Rin then threw him away as if he was getting rid of some garbage before he chased after the two left. The leader and his last conscious friend ran for their lives. They tried to hide between the people. However, everyone will just scurry away from them.

Rin was like a boogeyman for them, a nightmare they want to run away from. They forgot about their dignity and their cocky attitudes. In front of deep fear, they just lost whatever they valued and merely ran away.

But, even that didn't help them as Rin quickly closed the distance.

"No! Fuck! Let's try to gang up on him!!" The leader said with a whisper.

"Are you mad? He will kill us!"

"We have no other choice, moron. We have to use our abilities."


After that, they turned around and faced Rin.

"You gave up running?" He asked as he tilted his head.

"Let's do this!!"

"Yes!! I will follow you till death, leader!!"

Suddenly, the leader's hands ignited in flames. The fire was bright and very hot. At least twice the normal heat emitting from normal flames. In a moment, his whole arm was consumed by it.

"Fire fist!!"

He then punched the air using his full strength. The fire in his hand distorted and formed what seemed to be a ball of fire in the shape of a fist. The fist then flew toward Rin at an alarming rate.

'I used my strongest attack from the start! He can't dodge this! Hehehehe! Burn, you bastard!!' Snickering maniacally, he waited for the sight of Rin's body getting caught on fire and his loud screams of agony and pain.

'That's something.' Rin thought with a lazy look as he fought the urge to yawn.

[Are you bored, host?]

'Out of my mind.'

[Then I suggest you try to learn new techniques with Shadow Manipulation. It's still stuck in level 2. Learning how to use it and inventing a few tricks can also benefit you greatly, host.]

'That sounds like a great idea! Well, let's see…. Oh! I got it.'

Rin then extended his arm and waited for the fire punch to hit him. Meanwhile, everyone just looked at him as if he was crazy. Even though he did show great strength before, that didn't mean that he can face literal fire with his bare fists. That's just lunacy.

"Be careful!!" One of them screamed worriedly but Rin totally ignored them.


The flames burst in a huge explosion and covered Rin. Everyone closed their eyes to not watch the horrible sight that will happen in a few seconds. Everyone except the two bullies, that is.

"Hahahahah! You get what you fucking deserve!! Burn in flames, you monster!!" The leader shouted at the top of his lungs. The fear he felt at that time scarred his ego and so he wanted to restore whatever was left of it.

However, seconds passed and the screams didn't erupt. In fact, except for the sound of the flames flickering eerily, there was nothing coming from Rin.

Then, in a split second, all the flames were swept away and Rin appeared again, completely intact. There was not even a single burn mark on his body or clothes as if he was never even touched by them in the first place.

"That was warm."



Then, he swiftly blinked from his place and appeared behind them. The two couldn't react from the sheer shock.

Rin casually grabbed them by the neck and then smashed their heads together. The crispy sound of bones cracking echoes in the place.

"AAAAAAAAAAGGHHH!!!" The leader screeched from pain as he held his head. His body twisted and turned from the hellish pain. As for the other bully, he was unconscious from the hit as he couldn't handle the pain at all.

"You are still awake, huh?"

Rin then grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and intended to punch him again, just to send him to dreamlands.

But, as his fist swung in the air, a hand extended and grabbed it swiftly. Rin was at first shocked but when he smelled the familiar and extremely addictive smell of this certain person, he relaxed and looked around with a soft smile. All of his scary aura and cold demeanor were gone in a moment as if they were never there in the first place.

"Hey, Elise."

Elise looked at him calmly and then at the boy he was holding and then back at him again.

"Care to explain?"


Sighing, Rin threw the bully away and then dusted his hands.

"It's a long story."

"I'm all ears."

(A//N: He is ruthless.)


Thanks for reading. Any support you give me is always appreciated no matter how small it was. Let's all keep it up :)

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