Second World Book

Chapter 19 - Inexplicable familiarity, cooperate with [for collection]

Town highway!

Congestion at the moment, the police and soldiers set up a warning zone-roadblocks, used to investigate vehicles, which makes the already slow speed, almost stopped.

Youdao Dudao did not expect to encounter this kind of pit father situation, she could only wait helplessly, hoping that the speed of the inspection could be increased a little bit, otherwise, before dawn, I am afraid I will not be able to pass here.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of gunfire, and he turned his head to look out of the window. On this road, a dead body had been mixed in, and was killed by the soldiers who had been waiting for a long time.

“Ah–!” The girls in the car cried out in shock, covering their ears and looking frightened. Now they are like birds of fright. A little wind and grass will panic.

“It’s okay, it’s very safe here! No problem, don’t worry!” Zitang (translation problem) hugged the two frightened girls, comforted, said, and touched the girl’s smooth and soft back.

“Teacher–!” The two pretty girls blushed, excited, and their fears faded!

Gao Cheng looked at Zitang, who also took advantage of the show, and said: “The most problematic is you!”

Seeing Zitang’s ugly performance, Duo Island’s eyes showed a cold light. Compared with Lin Mo, this Zitang is simply garbage in the scum, except for confusing the girls and boys who are not right.

Bloodstains can be seen everywhere in the streets and all over the buildings, but at the same time, the quiet and terrible, even the dead body seems to disappear.

“Fleeing death, this place is completely empty!” Lin Mo stopped his motorcycle and looked around. The originally lively neighborhood was now only dead!

“Shouldn’t it be that kind of thing if you died?” Miyamoto said strangely, and she didn’t see the dead body along the way.

“Go chase a living person!” Lin Mo explained!

“Huh–! Look over there!” Miyamoto pointed to a police car with lights on, and rejoiced.

“Don’t expect anything! Even if there is a policeman, it should be dead!” Lin Mo didn’t think that there would be policemen staying in the car, although the lights were on.

“Lin Mo, you don’t have to be discouraged every time! Let’s hurry over and see!” Miyamoto saw the police car, an unprecedented sense of intimacy, hurriedly urged.

Turn on the motorcycle and drive to the vicinity of the police car. I saw that the police car has been deformed and the door is wide open. The police inside have been burping!

“Sure enough! But this is also good, look for something useful!” Lin Mo’s eyes lit up, the policeman naturally had a gun, if there was a gun, he would be more confident, after all, there are some cases, the gun is more than the knife Deterrent.

Lin Mo searched with real eyes and found no danger. He stepped forward and dragged out their bodies, and searched the guns by the way. Unfortunately, one of them was damaged, and the other was only installed inside. Revolver with five bullets.

“Will you shoot?” Miyamoto asked.

After Lin Mo took the gun into his hands, an unprecedented sense of familiarity could not help but frown.

“What’s wrong?” Miyamoto looked at Lin Mo’s expression and asked strangely.

“No, just want to verify!”

Lin Mo said, according to his subconscious, quickly open the bullet slot, take out the bullet, and then close his eyes, the finger quickly loaded all the bullets, all in one go, and easily played all kinds of difficult movements with his fingers. Lido Miyamoto was stunned, playing a gun master! ?

Miyamoto was surprised, Lin Mo felt even more incredible!

“Impossible—!” Lin Mo said strangely. He never touched the gun in his memory, nor had he had the opportunity to touch the gun. Why is he so familiar, and he has a strange feeling, as long as the gun is in his hand , Anyone can shoot easily!

“Lin Mo, have you ever touched a gun?” Miyamoto didn’t dare to channel.

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s me and the gun! That’s fine, our security has been strengthened!” Lin Mo suppressed the confusion in his heart and smiled and shifted the conversation.

“By the way, there are five bullets here, you put them away!” Miyamoto took out the bullets of the gun with the barrel broken off and gave them to Lin Mo.

“Thanks!” Lin Mo thanked, and then put the gun in his pocket, and then started the motorcycle to the nearest gas station.

Seeking flowers evaluation ticket dividing line

Gas station, silence!

After stopping the motorcycle, Lin Mo and Rei Miyamoto entered the gas station.

“This is self-refueling, no money!” Lin Mo touched his pocket, only to find that there was only one steel jump, this money is not enough for a spoonful of oil!

“I have no money, my money is in the bag!” Miyamoto looked down.

“Hush—!” Lin Mo made a mute, suddenly remembering some pictures in his mind. It seemed that there was a scum hidden in the gas station, which seemed to attack Miyamoto Rei.

“What’s wrong?” Miyamoto asked nervously what Lin Mo had found, and asked nervously.

Lin Mo suddenly shot, hugged Miyamoto Rei, and before consciously struggling, she whispered in her ear: “There may be someone nearby!”

“Someone? Isn’t that great?” Miyamoto rejoiced on his face, almost a day, and hadn’t seen a living person yet!

“What’s the good? Li, people are sometimes more dangerous than dead bodies, especially when order breaks down!” Lin Mo whispered, listening carefully to all the movements around him with his ears.

The real eye has a deficiency, that is, it must see the talent line. If it is hidden and cannot be seen, it will not show the love of the blood bar.

“Danger?” Miyamoto said unexpectedly, apparently did not think of a deeper place!

“Cooperate with me!” Lin Mo said, turning around, the two changed a seat angle, and then they pressed the other side of the zai oiler, except for the convenience store can see them, other places are dead ends .

It is revealed that this book will have blood-sweeping raids, magic bans (gun sisters), and rebellious Lelouch… For the collection of flowers, it seems that the water is part of the bottom! I hope everyone can collect and support! ..

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