SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 298: Nicknames and Titles!

Back at the tournament, things were heating up for the Qi Consolidators as their portion in the tournament was nearing its end. The prodigies and geniuses were finally being pitted against one another. Disciples who were raking in the money-making and placing bets made it to the point where they had no clue which genius would win or lose. Strength wasn’t the defining factor of a fight in this tournament like it usually is everywhere else. No, what mattered was how well the geniuses were able to work with their teammates.  

Something that most geniuses never bothered to do. If anything, their innate nature predisposed them into categorizing their teammates as leeches or deadweight. Only Jie had anything pleasant to say about her teammates from those of Heaven's Angels. Xiucai’s teammates hated his guts. Out of Ying’s teammates, one wanted to slowly flail her alive with her graceful sword techniques while the other seemed exhausted just by her existence. 

“It looks like I'm going up first.” Ying grinned with her greatsword held over her shoulder. 

“I know that blue-haired girl is annoying but try not to kill her no matter what she says...” Bing tried giving Ying advice. He didn’t actually know if she was annoying or not but decided not to argue against Ying’s description of her. 

“We’ll see.” Ying didn’t give any promises. Even now she was still debating how to horribly kill her with little Hao Gang. Little Gang didn’t mind being showered in her blood and making Ying satisfied. 

“You could always deal with her after the tournament.” Bing tried to give a reasonable alternative for Ying. 

“Bing. Why are you so concerned about this girl, you haven’t even spoken to?” Ying suddenly asked, staring him in the eyes. 

Despite the shiver Bing felt in his bones at such a question, he didn’t hold back his response. “I don’t see what was the point of you making it this far in the tournament if you’re just going to throw it away. Didn’t you want to test yourself and see how you compared to the rest of the sect?” Bing questioned. “By giving in to her taunts, you won’t do what you set out to do in the first place.”  

“I guess when you put it like that...” Ying was irritated but at the same time satisfied. 

Bing wasn’t interested in that small-chested bitch but was just concerned about her instead. A faint blush appeared on Ying’s cheeks as she walked to the ring with a smile on her face. Ying had a feeling it wouldn’t be long until they were married with ten kids if he kept this behavior up. She could only control herself so much! 

Ying’s teammates made it up on the ring at the same time as her. Shen Su, the talented sword user glared at her when she arrived while Kuai, the spellmaster gifted in movement spells, simply sighed at the sight of the two. Ying was still picturing the future life for her and Bing and their many many children, so she took no notice of either Su or Kuai. Su simply threw backhanded insults at the daydreaming Ying before their match began. 

“I think the Earth-Cleaving Blazing Sword Maiden will win this one.”  

“Is that really what they’re calling her?” 

“I think Blazing Sword Maiden is good enough.” 

“But look at that thing! It has to be mentioned in the name somewhere!” 

“It is. The sword part.” They rolled their eyes. 

“But it's not just a sword!” 

“Fine, how about Blazing Demonic Sword Maiden?”  

Multiple nods agreed on this nickname for Heaven’s Angels only swordsman. Several disciples and sometimes elders were thinking of suitable monikers for Heaven’s Angels before they were released into the wider world. Bing was called Man-Eating Abomination. Wan Qing’s nickname was The Reversed Heavenly Butterfly. Lei Zhi was known as the Blind Savior.  

Bing was at first horrified by the title he was known by. Then he thought on it some more and realized, it was actually quite fitting. While the name, Man-Eating Abomination, pictured him as a blood-thirsty cannibalistic monster, at the same time it’ll prove as quite the deterrent for anyone wanting to cause trouble with him. Who would want to mess with the person known to eat other human beings? He knows he definitely wouldn’t. 

Wan Qing was more than pleased with her known title. It was graceful, beautiful, feminine, and accurate. While she would be fine with just the Heavenly Butterfly part, the Reversed part didn’t bother her at all. After all, her yang was reversed into yin entirely. Not to mention, her connection with the strange butterfly species that somehow have taken root in her dantian and created a hive inside her. Qing hoped this didn’t have an effect on the future children she planned on having. She didn’t know if she was part human part butterfly at this point and if her children would be the same. Nor if that would be a good thing or a bad thing in the long run. 

Lei Zhi only smiled at his given title. While he would have preferred The Blind Healer or Doctor, savior is fine too. It’s just that to him savior seems fitting for a righteous cultivator. Since he was a part of the Golden Serpent Sect, he was just a little surprised that they would use such a word for him. But then again, which part of him seemed at all anything like the typical wicked cultivator? Lei wouldn’t define himself as either righteous or wicked. In his goal of reforming the world’s youths, such useless ways of identifying someone would only be counterproductive. He also thought that ultimately there was no real difference between righteous cultivators and wicked cultivators at heart. Two sides of the same coin... That was how Jing described it. Quite fitting now that he thought about it. 

Su Jie’s moniker was still undecided after her quick match from before. The women of the sect disliked the men’s nickname for her: Fighting Maniac’s Woman. She should have something that suited her and until they found that out, they should hold off on giving her a title. The men couldn’t disagree with this, especially when Su Jie glared at anyone that argued against the women. 

Runt had a similar title to Lei Zhi. He was known as Little Doctor and with Qin Jue’s fierce attachment to him, she was given one that was related to his. Jue’s being Little Doctor’s Nurse. She adored the title and had no problem with it whatsoever. Overall, Runt didn’t mind being known as Little Doctor. He did plan to eventually gain money traveling as a doctor if he couldn’t figure out anything else he wanted to do in the future. 

Lin Shu, He Wenqing, and Xiucai shared one title: Blind Savior’s Apprentices. Lin Shu and He Wenqing were immediately not impressed with this title. There were several reasons for it but the main reason was that it did nothing to make them stand out from one another. Sure, they were all Lei Zhi’s disciples but that didn’t mean they were all the same!  

Lin Shu was planning to declare herself as the Beautiful Peerless Doctor. He Wenqing wanted something a little less daunting from Lin’s title. He wanted something like The Common Doctor. In the future, he planned to travel across the world and treat mortals too poor to receive proper treatment from actual doctors. Back in his village, receiving medical treatment was mostly a dream due to the greedy doctor in their village. 

Xiucai told Lin and He that he didn’t care what his title would be. He’ll simply do what he wants to do. After he gets strong enough to deal with his clan, maybe he could make a living as a wandering doctor. If others wanted to give him a name or title for what he’ll do, that’s their business. All he cares about is gaining the freedom to have the choice to do whatever he pleased. 

Li Li was given the title, Peerless Demonic Owl while Jing was called The Peerless Angel or Little Monster. Most disciples started to refer to her as Little Monster thanks to the elders calling her that. Very few still call her The Peerless Angel because only one part of it seemed to fit. As far as they knew, angels weren’t brown! Hell, her pet owl was better off being called Peerless Angelic Owl than Demonic but his behavior in the matches firmly suited that of someone demonic. Little Monster was much more fitting of a title for her in the disciples' eyes.  

There was her small height, unusual skin color, and inconceivable talent. The first matching with little and the latter fitting monster. Jing didn’t mind the title. Out of her several lives, she’s had probably millions of titles thus far. Some good, some bad, and some just strange. It didn’t matter that much what she would be referred to as. In the end, when things go according to plan, history will be written the way she wants it. After all, history is written by the winners. 

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